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Posts posted by td

  1. Mother of God, where did that come from? He should have been D1. If only he had played one more year.

    I think what he did is wonderful. I hope there is alot more of it in his future and I also hope that in two years he will be ready for D-1. But let's not go overboard. He didn't do this against a D-1 defense. That being said you have to play against whomever is on defense and I think there is alot more where this came from in this young man's future. He can sling the ball down field that's for sure.

  2. Ok td, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the lcm game because of the rivalry and the field conditions, but what about bay city?  Bay city is giving up about 34 points a game.  Better yet what about what about giddings last year.  You know all the college players that we lost that is the reason we cant score anymore, well last year we had those guys and only managed to score 12 points on giddings who gave up 28 the week after us and 35 two weeks after us.  I just dont think our oc gets the most out of our talent like the oc has done for years.  FYI td, back when I played, we didn't care if lcm was cross town rivals or not, or if the field was muddy, we badly beat the bears year in and year out. 

    I don't proclaim to be a football guy. I enjoy watching and I love any competition. I tseems to me that if each guy takes care of his assignment then the plays will work. I get the part about the Giddings game. I didn't understand it either but continuing to just trash this guy isn't helping the Mustangs at all. Again, do you know if Coach Hooks is changing the plays? Maybe the OC is calling something different and he's being over ruled!!!!!

    Whatever the case, they have to lace 'em up and take care of their assignments on every play.

  3. I also find it humorous that you think because the Bears gave up 30 something to Caney Creek that we should have scored more. I'm not agreeing with the OC or disagreeing with him but if you think that being a cross town rival doesn't make a difference or the fact that the field was wet or that the mindset of the kids were the same doesn't make a difference then I don't think you're looking at the whole picture. Not only that, how do you know Coach Hooks isn't over ruling him and making those calls??

  4. TD, the reason I continue to get on here and state the facts is because this is a football forum for setx, and since wos is in setx they fall under that category.  If you don't like it don't read it.  I have never cursed or called anyone by name.  I have merely stated the facts.  Don't get mad at the truth.

    Oh, I'm not mad at all. I just think once something has been said over and over, what good does it do to continue saying it. Surely you can come up with something else to say.

  5. Texas scored 41 points in the national championship game.  Why would mack brown fire the oc?  Have  they changed there oc since then?  I don't understand the comparison.  Surely you are not comparing UT's oc to the wos oc.  Maybe mack should have fired the dc, he gave up 39 points.  I have got to question your intelligence on this one 071904.  As far as me approaching the coaching staff, what good would that do?  If I thought it would make a difference I would tell any coach my opinion everyday.  Coach Hooks doesn't care what a fan thinks.  I am merely stating facts.  That powerhouse bay city defense that held us to 12 points, is giving up about 35 a game.  That powerhouse defense that dayton has gave up 30 something points to friendswood.  That powerhouse defense of those battlin bears gave up 30 something to caney creek.  I am just stating the facts 071904, dont get your blood pressure up. 

    We finally agreed on something. It wouldn't do any good for you to go talk to Coach Hooks and if it did then I would think less of him. What I don't get is that you understand that it won't do any good to talk to him but you some how think that it will do good to continue and I mean continue to bring that garbage to this board. All you are doing is stirring the pot. Don't you think that the kids read this. Do we really need you to just keep beating this dead horse. It has been said over and over. Let it go, please.

  6. No offense, I dont' think we'll be hearing this whining if WO-S won this game.

    You are the one that keeps trying to make something out of nothing. I don't hear any whining. Do you think decisions such as this come within a week of losing a game. This has been planned for some time now. Unless you know it's always better to let people think you don't than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  7. Some of those students are due to the North Early Learning Center which is a special needs school. Not all though. The school has seen an increase no matter what, which is great news.

    Not necessarily a special needs school. It's Head Start, which is a federally funded program to get the kids started early. All of Orange County can attend this school.

  8. I hope you're refering to Saban.  If you look his statement, he says that the game against LCM was close because, A) WOS was young, and B) it was on a wet field.  These are excuses.  I can guarantee you that Hooks and Thompson won't allow their players to make these excuses because that goes against the mindset that these two coaches have been instilling into their teams for years.

    You have to give credit where credit is due.  The game being close had a lot to do with the tremendous effort of the LCM defense as well as the WOS defense.

    The game is what it was.  An exciting game played by two teams both who played their hearts out.  One team won and one team lost.  Hopefully both teams were able to take away something from the game that they can build upon not only in football but in life.

    I agree those are excuses but they aren't coming from WOS people. Look back and you can see who are WOS fans. I haven't seen anything but credit given. No excuses.

  9. i don't understand all that hype on that "dpg" kid way overrated to get run down by and lcm safety that was a good 30 yards behind him then fumbles the ball, if i had to say and no offense but his brother should be playing over him...

    No one ever said he was a speedster. I think 30 yards behind him may be an overstatement. However, his brother is fun to watch too.

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