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Posts posted by westend1

  1. 53 minutes ago, REBgp said:

    As BS Wildcats stated, Trump is not beloved.  I'd be surprised if 3 conservative posters on here voted for Trump in the primary (I durn sure didn't).  It's not that we love Trump, it's the fact that his "game plan" success so far, highlights the failed policies of the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, these job numbers are the result of Trump rescinding the stifling regulations Obama had placed on American businesses.  If you haven't noticed, the fake news media is doing everything in their power to make Trump look bad.  CNN for instance, runs 93% negative stories on Trump. Can you imagine the outrage from the Left had 93% of the stories on Obama been negative?

    This is the hidden content, please

    What are you talking about?  These numbers look just like Obama's.   Too funny    

  2. 15 hours ago, baddog said:

    Ok, give me a list. Funny how ALL politicians lie but we hold Trump accountable, especially when some can be mum for eight freakin years. Therein lies the whole problem with throwing darts at Trump for lying.

    Here are a few.   Biggest(bigly) inauguration speech ever.  Disproved

    Boys scouts said best speech ever.  They say he was lying

    Mexico says they love his immigration policies.  Mexico says the conversation never happened

    He will give us better health care by repealing and replacing obama care on day one.   Not technically a lie, because he has tried, but if you want to say that obama lied about premiums going down, and being wrong is a lie, then I guess this counts.

    None of his staff had contact with the Russians.  Lie or he was deceived by his own family.

    Mexico will pay for a wall.  Why are we asking for money in the budget to build one?

    He would never play golf or go on vacations if elected.  He has spent more time away from the job at his golf resorts than any other president.   That was a lie.

    He would support the LGBT community better than Hillary.   Recent actions show that to be a lie.

    More presidential than any president except lincoln.   LOL

    He won the popular vote.  Yeah.  OK

    5 million illegal voters.   Right

    Obama tapped his phones.   Anybody with a lick of sense knows that didn't happen.   

    We need a transparent wall so people don't get hit with drugs thrown over the wall.  What?  LOL

    Anyone remember what he said about Rubio's family?   Ha ha.


    You can say all politicians lie at times and I won't disagree, but to defend Trump on this stuff is ignorant at best, dishonest at worst.

  3. 17 minutes ago, baddog said:

    Seriously, you like Hillary? Seriously, Obama never lied? Lmao

    My reference was too the list I keep hearing about.

    Don't deflect.  I asked if you had seen any Trump lies?  I thought you said you had not.   Did I read it wrong?

  4. So the matrix is affordability, health care and Quality of life(whatever that is).     Taxes might affect affordability, but it would be a long stretch to say that it had any impact on the other two.  Meaning?   You can draw whatever conclusions fit your narrative.  Facts are a mutha.

  5. 13 hours ago, stevenash said:

    You may be right.  Think taxes play a part in it?

    Maybe some small part.  Most likely due to population density  Pretty dang cheap to find a place to live in South Dakota.  DC?  Not so much

  6. On 7/30/2017 at 11:32 AM, baddog said:

    Nothing could make me happier than to watch the news and not see anything Russian. 

    Practically everything socialist or liberal seems to fit the communist doctrine. Since you are a liberal, I wondered why your socialist beliefs are attractive. I think it was a fair question.

    What socialist beliefs?   Pro choice?  Belief that gays etc should have equal rights?   My belief that immigrants who have been here for years and paid their own way should be able to stay?   What are you talking about?  Maybe that I disagree that we should let arrested people bang their heads on the roof of a police car because..they got arrested?  You support that?   I thought you guys were all about due process.   Maybe it's because I think humans evolved from bacteria. Is that it?   What exactly are you wanting to ask me?   I will tell you.

  7. 14 hours ago, REBgp said:

    You know who doesn't want the Russian investigation completed, the democrats.  The longer they keep everyone focused on this make believe collusion, no one is investigating all the democratic shenanigans during their primary.  Did Wasserman and the DNC rig things for Hillary so Bernie couldn't win?  Of course.  Now Wasserman's (and many other Dems) IT guy is under investigation.  Could he have been the one that gave all the info to Wikileaks?  Of course. Do you hear any of this from the "censored media"?  Of course not.  If you're really concerned about someone censoring the media, you need look no further than the socialist wing of the Democratic Party.  

    This link, from Rush Limbaugh, is very enlightening. You should read it, but you won't.

    This is the hidden content, please

    You are right.....this time

  8. 3 hours ago, baddog said:

    What is it about communism that appeals to you?

    Nothing.  That's why I don't like Trump trying to censor the media.   That's why I don't like him trying to get rid of everyone who might voice disapproval.  Why don't you want to see the Russian investigation completed.  We could easily put it behind us, right?

  9. 1 hour ago, baddog said:

    To me, crooked is something criminal that can bring charges. What has Trump done that is criminal? 

    Nobody knows.  It is possible he agreed to waive sanctions for favorable business deals, like selling real estate to a Russian for far more than it was worth.  Guess we will wait until the tax returns are released.   Maybe it's nothing.  That would be my guess, but why hide his returns?  At least we have the most presidential president since Lincoln, so there's that.   And, he knows lots of words.

  10. 18 hours ago, REBgp said:

    Just an honest question westend, you don't find all the deaths associated with the Clintons strange.  Strange enough to lead one to believe that some of these people are being killed due to the Clintons?

    Of course, I'm assuming you're cognizant with all these deaths.  Some may have occurred before you were born.

    I was born in 61.    Which ones occurred prior to that?    And no.  I don't think the Clinton's are offing people.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Wow. Is that post supposed to have some meaning attached? You might have just answered your own question as to why so many have left. Do you feel like a victim?

    Two possibilities I guess.  We are all snowflakes or we have found sites that have real, adult conversation.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    It sure would be helpful if some on the Left would call out extreme Right wing views espoused here, and additionally post some credible Left wing ideas. Hmmm, is that too much of a challenge, thus causing the Liberals to run? I would love an explanation from you as to why we can't get this.

    Hear that Hippy, Bullets, Bandkid?   You ran because liberal left wing, etc.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Who doesn't like her now? Did you actually just try to profile me right after I just said I have no opinion. Really, what is wrong with you? Even Big Girl could have picked up on that little tidbit.

    Now that you have embarrassed yourself...and got called on it...I'm guessing you will refrain from posting on this forum and somehow blame Right wingers for your embarrassment.

    LOL     Calm down snowflake

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