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Posts posted by westend1

  1. 5 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Hmmm- it seemed to me he asked this"  But let's say it is a fact that Russia hacked the DNC, the released emails were 100% authentic, unedited emails. So the American voter was treated to factual information. Do you have a problem with that? "

    Are you unable/unwilling to answer that question?


    Do you believe this is the only election that Russia has tried to hack servers?

    You sound like a guy that wants to see Trumps tax returns.   America voter/factual information.  Honestly, I have no idea what was in the emails of Podesta.   I am sure you guys know.  What was in there that was so damaging?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    No, it is not. The FBI said it was fact, be recent events have shown the heads of the FBI to be political hacks and not to be trusted. These so-called "facts" might be just that, but I have no reason to believe the FBI on political issues, especially when they refused to show any evidence as to why the reached their conclusion. But let's say it is a fact that Russia hacked the DNC, the released emails were 100% authentic, unedited emails. So the American voter was treated to factual information. Do you have a problem with that?

    Do I have a problem with Russia hacking servers in an attempt to influence elections?  Is that what you are asking?   smh

  3. Politics

    Trump Says He Doesn't Want Poor People In Charge Of The Economy

    710c91c0-4b9c-11e7-8912-374be9390b1b_H-1 Nick Visser,HuffPost 11 hours ago 
    President Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of thousands in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Wednesday. (Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)


    This is the hidden content, please
    , addressing criticism that 
    This is the hidden content, please
     and others in his Cabinet are too rich, said at an Iowa rally Wednesday that he doesn’t want poor people in charge of the economy.

    “These are people that are great, brilliant business minds, and that’s what we need, that’s what we have to have so the world doesn’t take advantages of us,” Trump, told 

    This is the hidden content, please
     in Cedar Rapids. “We can’t have the world taking advantage of us anymore. And I love all people, rich or poor, but in those particular positions I just don’t want a poor person. Does that make sense? Does that make sense?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Russia is being blamed for hacking the DNC, but real evidence has shown that Podesta was the victim of a phishing scheme which could have been pulled off by a kid in high school. But the real story behind this theory is that the emails published on WikiLeaks were 100% authentic, unedited emails. Do you have a problem with people learning factual information? I would not be upset in the least if factual emails from Trump were released. Do you feel the Podesta emails should have been deemed "classified"? (If so, then we could have just gotten them off of Hillary's server.)

    No.  It has been determined that it was Russia.   That is fact.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    So in a previous post when I stated that "I would be in favor of an investigation if we had any shred of evidence" you interpreted that as me being scared of an investigation? Really? That deserves one of your obligatory LOLs.

    And yes I do know how the "interference" affected voters. It didn't. You can't even state what the interference was. Please let your imagination run wild and see if you can dream up some scenarios of how the Russians could have possibly influenced voters. The only theory I've heard so far, and from unnamed sources of course, is that Russia disseminated fake news. And of course no examples were given. But if true, how is this any different than what both sides did, although far more fake news oozed from the Left.

    Russia hacked emails and gave them to wikileaks.   At least that is what has been reported.  Did that not happen?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    And the FBI has offered zero evidence and said that not one vote was changed due to Russian "interference". So the only investigation that needs to be done is to investigate the FBI. The first question I would have is define exactly what was done to be labeled as "interference", and show how all-of-a-sudden this is any different than what they have done in all of the presidential elections in the past 80 years. It's an easy question to answer...fake outrage.

    And this investigation is being conducted only to appease the sheeple that are being led by the Liberal/Socialist party (formerly known as the Democrat party). Shutting it down would in all likelihood, no definitely, spur ridiculous conspiracy theories from every mainstream media outlet, not to mention the crap that would emanate from far Left propaganda sites. The sheeple will predictable fall for it and we very well could see rioting in many major cities across the U.S.

    Nobody knows how the interference affected voters.   Certainly not you.   You sure seem scared of an investigation though.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Why do we need an investigation? You and the Liberals have nothing, nada, not one shred of evidence, but you are in favor of spending millions, possibly billions on a witch hunt. I would be in favor of an investigation if we had something more than just some unnamed sources with secret allegations. And it's absolutely pathetic that we have to spend money on this when we couldn't even get a special prosecutor for Hillary and her email/Benghazi scandals, which had all kinds of real evidence.

    Billions?   I don't think the FBI is an unnamed source.  They are the ones who say Russia tried to influence the elections.  They are the ones who say Russia hacked the servers.     And remember, this "witch hunt"  is being directed by Republicans   They can shut it down any time they want.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Why were you not upset when foreign governments hacked into practically every department of our government, and every branch of our military? Why were you not livid about undisclosed contacts between the Hillary team and Russia? Why were you not upset that the Obama administration meddled in the Israeli elections? This is a whole bunch of fake outrage based on nothing but unnamed sources. So yeah, they have found absolutely nothing. It's funny and quizzical that with all of the leaks coming out the government, not one leak showing any evidence of "collusion" between the Trump team and Russia. But I guess y'all have to hold on to some hope no matter how stupid it makes y'all look.

    I have no outrage, fake or otherwise.     We will see where the investigation leads.   

  9. 1 hour ago, REBgp said:

    What part of it do you not believe?  You, who admitted he was so much smarter than others on this board.  You, the same person that scoffed at the cost of this, comparing it to a Congressional hearing.  I've read, but can't confirm yet, that Mueller himself will make 10 million.  Can't imagine what this high powered team of lawyers will cost us.  To investigate what?  Allegations from unnamed sources, despite the fact the FBI has found nothing.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Found nothing?   Do you not read anything other than conspiracy sites?   Russia hacked the DNC and multiple voting sites.   There were many undisclosed contacts between the Trump team and Russia.  Was there any connection?   Who knows?    The assistant AG(appointed by Trump) thought it needed to be looked at.       I will agree it's a waste of time, because nothing will ever come of it, just like the Benghazi stuff, but why were you not criticizing that waste of time and money?     It's all politics.   Only this time, it's the Republicans who have decided to investigate their own party.

  10. 6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Didnt say anything about the average poster on this site.  Was speaking about the general population.  But you certainly have a right to your opinion.  Is beginning a post with LOL a type of condescension?

    I guess  or maybe I think it's funny that somebody would be excited when Trump gets a 50% approval rating   and they type BOOM!  You don't find that funny?   Same guy thinks the Earth is 6000 years old.  That's not funny?

  11. 10 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    My complaint is not about who is smarter but rather who always has to state, in some way, shape or form, that they are smarter and my experience with the left, in general, is why I make that claim. Smarter is a relative term and there are a gazillion people smarter than me.  I am of average intelligence and am fairly opinionated but I do my best to avoid the condescension route unless I use it to illustrate condescension by a lefty.

    Yeah  ok.   You don't think you are smarter than the average poster on this site.  Excuse me if I don't believe you.

  12. 6 hours ago, stevenash said:

    From  my perspective, one of the larger problems with the left is its sincere belief that they are smarter, more reasonable, more objective, yada yada yada.

    And it defines compassion as whoever will provide the most taxpayer money to the needy regardless of how inefficient those methods are.

    This dismissive condescending attitude, rather than being helpful, has been proven ( at all polls) to be counterproductive.

    LOL  Nash doesn't think he is smarter and more reasonable

  13. 4 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    My bad, I didn't realize my post was beyond your comprehension. Try reading it a few more times, and if you are still having trouble I will try to dumb it down. But you have to make an effort.

    It was stupid. But go on. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    This coming from someone who put stock in polls and now wants to deflect by saying different polls have different results. Just stop. The laughter can't be controlled much longer. You are rapidly sliding into the looney, safe space, Play-doh, coloring book mentality.

    So no response. Figured

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