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Posts posted by westend1

  1. 5 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Are you trying to imply that we have somehow ran other posters off? I've asked this question directly to you before, and you refused to answer. Now it seems you are trying to return with the same accusations you ran from. I'll ask again. Do you think we have ran off the posters that no longer post in this forum? And if so, how do you think we accomplished this feat?

    You tell me.  Why are there 6 posters left when we used to have several?   Why did they all leave?    Where is Hippy?  Bandkid?  Bullets?   

  2. 30 minutes ago, baddog said:

    You are joking, right?

    You're all in on the queers. Those are real men? Lmao.

    Queers    You are sounding like a 12 year old, just like Trump.  You are no real man for sure.  Are you defending Trump for his remarks against a women's physical features?   It wouldn't surprise me.

  3. I keep seeing that the people wanted a "fighter".  Real men don't go to the "ugly" card on women.  I doesn't bother me that he calls her low IQ or fake news, but how anybody can defend a personal attack like that, on a woman, is beyond me. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Englebert said:

    I expected more from a mature person to defend their postulations instead of throwing out childish memes. I see clearly now who I am dealing with, and I see I have been completely accurate in my assessment of a typical Liberal. (And I'm pretty sure you have no comprehension of how much of an insult that is.)

    Seems condescending.  I guess we are all guilty of that.  At least I admit it

  5. 2 hours ago, tvc184 said:

    Let's see, many on the left don't think Trump should be the president because he has no experience in running any government program. He has no clue what he is doing. He should leave it to the career politicians that know how things work. 

    Okay, so Trump wants people that know how to spur growth in charge of the economy... but now the left is saying, hey, experience is not needed. Middle class Americans need to be in charge of what is good economically. 

    I don't know if Trump is correct but I understand his concept. I don't want a college dropout that is organizing anti-military peace rallies to be in charge of the Department of Defense. 

    But do they all have to be super rich?   He hires donors.  Drain the swamp my rear.

  6. 6 hours ago, jv_coach said:

    To be for the rule of law one has to believe in moral absolutes....to be for civil liberties one has to believe that rights come with responsibilities and that taking from one person to give to another so that you can have a moral feeling of superiority is not an exercise in civility....and you claim to be a capitalist....maybe I missed your sarcasm, but either way a modern American liberal has more in common with King George III and Karl Marx then anything having to do with freedom.

    Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalismwhich advocates civil liberties under the rule of law, and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalismwhich is also called free market capitalism.

    Conservatives and Libertarians are classic liberals 

    So liberals aren't liberal, but conservatives are. Got it

  7. 17 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    I make a distinction between Progressive Liberals and Democrats. What I call Democrats fit more in line with that Classical Liberalism definition. I hate Liberals because of their holier than thou attitudes, intolerance, hatred, exclusiveness, childishness, lawlessness, blatant hypocrisy, but most of all, their "ends justify the means" mantra.

    So you think the definition is incorrect 

  8. 7 minutes ago, jv_coach said:

    Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalismwhich advocates civil liberties under the rule of law, and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalismwhich is also called free market capitalism.

    There you go.  You define me.  Why do you guys hate liberals?   Do you think this definition is incorrect?

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