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Everything posted by JCfan

  1. Sounds like Kountze better put that on the win builders list instead of quality wins list. Of course you HJ guys would look for chances to find weaknesses in Kountzes schedules.  LOL    :) 
  2. Kids and adults need to layoff Chase Franklin. I do not know him personally, but have seen him play. He is a kid. He is in a unique and awkward situation with a dad that coaches in Chester and a mom that teaches elsewhere. Either way, he is a teenager that should be allowed to play without being ostracized on some website. He has played hard and will help any team. That said, Chester is a team with talent and should go play hard and him being gone should not break there season. Sturrock, Neal, Barnes(if he can play past his injury), Hubert, Johnson and others are good enough to keep them in the hunt if they play well. On the question, Evadale will make the playoffs. They are good and their district is not very good. They are realistically very talented 1A team.      Good luck to both teams. Remember, love the game for the game and don't play to spite others, but to enjoy the game.
  3. Jasper is in one of the better districts with three very good teams. Carthage and Hudson, along with Jasper are good. However, Jasper looks to be solid one to nine. Leadership from a Coach of the Year in Mixon, a couple of years ago, and the seniors they have make it look like they could go deep in the playoffs again. They have good assistant coaches and fan support as well. Yes, Parker,Phillips, Alvis, Burleson, Hart, and Earnest will be there. Mixon will make sure they are solid with all starting nine. I think Parker has signed with Texarkana JC already and the others are sure to get their looks. Hope they have the kind of season they are capable of.
  4. Does Goodrich just not have any talent this year? Most years Good rich's Jr. High could beat most 1A schools. Nothing against Chester, but they usually aren't that good at basketball.
  5. A witness says it is so. Wow, what's up with Goodrich?
  6. Just heard this. 48-46 Chester. Can anyone confirm this?
  7. Two great coaches, but WO-S will probably outman kville. WO-S 35-14
  8. Not to say we told you so, but many of us that watched Jasper play Gilmer said this could happen. They play hard. Good job!
  9. With all do respect, K-ville would have been outnumbered, outsized, and outplayed by Gilmer. If Jasper plays like they played Friday night without the turnovers, then this will be a good game and a close game. K-ville is a very good 2a team and no doubt would compete in 3a, but would not have beaten Gilmer.
  10. I would be careful saying that K-ville has a lot more speed than Gilmer. K-ville is good, I am sure, but if they have more speed than Gilmer on offense then they are going to win state in 2-A, no excuses or questions. Last week was my first time to see Jasper in person over the last several years and I have only heard about K-ville and know that their coaches are good, but I think it will be a close one. Jasper was impressive and the score was not really indicative of the game. I think Jasper will cut out the turnovers by their young players and the game will be within a touchdown either way. Good game to both! Keep it clean and stay safe.
  11. Jasper will be the team to beat IF they can hold Kirbyville to 17 points (seriously doubt it). Kirbyville wins BIG!!! If Jasper holds Kirbyville to 17 points and loses, is Jasper still the team to beat? Yes, Kirbyville has alot more speed on offense than Gilmer this year. Have you seen Gilmer? They ran a spread offense and had a fast couple of backs as well as recievers.
  12. Lovelady 5-0 in second game and 12-4 in the fourth of the last game. Not sure what happened with Chester
  13. Chester 8-2. Chester scored 4 runs in the 4th inning primarily on bunts. Sturrock worked hard on the mound and coaches gutsy calls opened the game up. He sent a kid to steal home on a fake bunt! Good game all in all. Most of the guys wound up helping from the plate.
  14. Look, if any 1A team is gonna be in here, Chester has got to be in there. They may very well be the best team in 1A in our area, although I know some will want to debate it. Spurger and High Island ahead of them? Come on now, be fair and balanced. I haven't seen Evadale, but their results against common opponents have been real similar. I bet there the youngest team in 1A as well.
  15. Wow!!!!!!!!! Great job guys! I think they are almost through the first half of district undefeated.
  16. Wish I knew who pitched and some stats. Good job!
  17. Reinstated? Is this true? Man, if they were going to reassign him in the middle of district play, you would think they would have something so concrete that they wouldn't reinstate him. If they didn't have something concrete, you wouldn't think they would have reassigned in the first place. Sounds funny, but not in a comical way. A coaches reputaion and a teams season on the line? If he did something to get reassigned then do it and if not , talk to him and get on with it. Not from there by the way and even root for another team in that district, but Will used to be a good guy when I knew of Him.
  18. Man, you are ugly. Ooops, I mean your profile pic is ugly! Just jokin'
  19. Chester 10 runned Burkville in 6 today to move to 3-0 in district. They beat West Sabine earlier in the week in a nail biter. Burkville's starting pitcher deseves credit. He had a good fastball, curveball combo and may be the best pitcher in the district, but has no help. Three good teams in this district with a couple of dark horses in the mix.
  20. Looks like Chester and West Sabine out of that district! If they both play the way they should. Evadale and Big Sandy out of that district.
  21. Is the district the same as it was last year as far as teams? Chester did well in the district and the playoffs and they have a lot of return starters.
  22. I think Chester will be very sound on the diamond this year. Pitching is the concern. The Sturrock kid is back, but who else is on the mound? As pitching goes, so go the Jackets this year! The Neal and Franklin boys offensive production will be the next important thing.
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