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Posts posted by 2throwrundown

  1. We had our meeting with the school superintendent this week. He agreed to present the idea to the school board; then it's up to the school board to hear our plea. BCISD currently has a policy in place that prevents landmarks from being named for living contributors, only the deceased. As backwards as the policy may seem, it remains an obstacle.

    Please keep up the support.

    If this is really going to be left totally to the school board then hopefully many people will show up in support of the effort.  Schedulling permitting i will be there in a show of support.  When is this board meeting when the idea will be presented?

  2. Sitting in the stands one friday evening watching a local team trying to qualify for the playoffs.  They hadn't had the best of games up to that point and fans were letting the coach know they weren't pleased.  They had just scored to take the lead.  On the insuing kickoff, the kicker misstepped and barely kicked the top of the ball and the ball went a total of 2 yards maybe.  Someone sitting above me started screamin "come on COACH[what was that?" ::)  To this day i am sure the coach told his kicker to give the opposing team the ball at the 50, Im sure of it! ;D

  3. A fitting end with his final AB.  A routine ground out to 3rd and the throw only beat him by a step at best.  How many "established" big leaguers do you see running down the line like that on a routine ball these days?  He was a great example of how to approach the game.  Im happy i got to spend a large part of my life watching this man play the game.  Thanks Craig, you were definetly fun to watch.

  4. Not a big fan of Pee Wee football, that is one reason. Let the kids mature and learn through Flag until they get to Jr High. I would like to know what most coaches think about it. The ones I have talked to agree.

    I cant say that i am the biggest fan of pee wee football either, but that would not be one of the reasons.  Getting hurt is part of any activity that you get involved in.  That same injury could happen to that child in his back yard playing tackle football with his neighbors.

  5. !!!!!!STOP THE PRESS..SIT DOWN FOR THIS.  TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS FOR PREVENTING SHOCK, A BC QUARTERBACK LEADS HIS RESPECTIVE DISTRICT IN PASSING!!  anyone know the last time this has happened...i know its only week one but still i'd be willing to say this has NEVER happened....ever, and yes i realize he has the lead in ints too but give him a break  :)

    coach stump ...hats off to you, wish you were here earlier

    Im not 100% positive about this but the last time that a BC qb was a district leading passer had to have been back in 93 or 94 when Mike McGee was the redbirds signal caller.

  6. I have been saying since feb that 2 teams from this district would be playing for the right to go to Round Rock.  Man i love it when im right ;D  Great year by both teams congrats to both clubs.  But gotta pull for the ole home town.  Maybe the cards can finally get that gold medal this year.  Also a big shoutout to my old coach Coach Young for advancing to the Region Finals again. 

  7. Yeah, Kirby Puckett also won multiple Gold Glove awards and I think that helped his case. I like Bagwell, but he struck out way too much and was only a mediocre defensive player.

    Mediocre defensive player?  For the better part of a decade of baseball Jeff Bagwell was the premier 1bagger in the game along with Big Hurt.  Always near the top in BB's, Runs, RBI, and OPS.  Don't know if he will be a first ballot or not, but IMO deserves and will get inducted into the Hall of Fame.  I don't understand how anyone can try and discredit his contributions to not only the Astros but the game of baseball.  Just my 2 cents worth.

  8. I have seen some poor umpiring cost a team a game a few times.  Not any reason to come on a public forum and bash them however.  Even in games where a questionable call may "cost you the game" you can always look back earlier in that same game at a situation that your team could have performed better, or gotten a run in rather than strike out , not made the error, and the game would have turned out in your favor.  So to come on a public forum like this one and bash a group of umpires is completley unwaranted. 

    How many times have you come on to setxsports.com and read a thread that was praising an umpire for a great game called ???  Not once have I.  So until that starts happening I think maybe Coop and the other Mods should maybe come down a little more harshly on those who constantly bash our officials. 

    And just for those wondering, no i am not apart of the umpire chapter, just a fan of the game.  Thank you for your time blues, keep up your hard work and effort.

  9. I personally think spikes are better than rubber cleats, but then it can be a persoanl choice.  I have known pitchers that rathered throw in plastic cleats.  I don't think there are really any serious safety issues, as long as the kids aren't imulating the great Ty Cobb and filing their spikes down  :D.  Besides that they make a cool sound when you walk on concreate 8)

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