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Posts posted by 2throwrundown

  1. Baggs probably not a first ballot guy but imo is a hall of famer.  For a stretch of about 7 or so years was considered one of the games if not the games best 1st sacker.  I dont know that playing in Minute Maid his entire career would have scewed his numbers that greatly already pretty dang good.  Good ambasador and consistantly elite performer  he gets my vote.  On a side not brought up by bb25,  Palmerio would get my vote as well.
  2. [quote name="OrangeFBfan" post="889389" timestamp="1288244318"]
    I was at the game in support of my Stangs and never have I felt the “Eye in the Sky” more so than I felt it at BC. Maybe...just maybe the BC Police Dept. was in cahoots with the officials and new something was about to happen that would P.O. us unruly WO-S fans?!  I do know this…the officiating crew received a bit of a WARNING before the second half began, and the phantom penalties stopped. Go figure, right?  ???

    ::) ::) ::)
  3. my money is on a philly - tb remach, philly taking it all again.  They are tough to match up with the 1-3 starters and they can absolutley hit.  Will be interesting as these players age if the phills can keep this dominance going or if they will go through their own "rebuilding" stage.
  4. [quote name="mat" post="806695" timestamp="1275052893"]
    I agree with Blum needing more playing time at third.

    I agree were stuck with Lee but he doesn't have to play. Give Micheals more playing time, can't hurt.

    Not one starter hitting 300.

    I still think it was a major screw up not trading Tejada in the second half of last season.

    It's hard to rate a coach with as little to work with as he has but I haven't seen much from him to be impressed with.

    Blum can't hit lefties,  Michaels hasn't ever hit more than .200 in a season.  What is needed is a big influx of some young talent and that happens through the draft and trades.  The astros haven't drafted very well in recent years and the majority of their trades have been trying to get players to"win now" and that has wired out horribly.  Spending money isn't the problem they have one of the highest payrolls in MLB.  It's how the money is allotted.  Too much is tied up in too few individuals.  Timmy P put the club in a big hole with his inability toanage the front office.
  5. [quote name="Gabe" post="806144" timestamp="1274967799"]
    Dodgers reportedly interested in roy o. I was hoping for pinstripes

    He already wears pinstripes Gabe. ;)  Seriously why shouldn't he want to be traded.  The club went from being competitive every year to being a team that fields 6-7 utility players as starters.  If they can get what he is worth in return in my eyes the Stros would be fools not to deal him, and Berkman for that matter. 
  6. [quote name="MrUmp1" post="793367" timestamp="1271939144"]
    Just a reminder to all those high school players who see this..... that is illegal in high school. No hurdling, diving, or jumping over a fielder. You are out for doing this. Some of you may ask why, it is a safety concern so no one gets spiked in the head. With all that said it was amazing how high the runner leaped over the catcher .

    Really?  I always understood the rule on that to be you had to avoid malicious contact with another player.  Unless a rule had been changed even with malicious contact the runner is not automatically out, though ejected im sure.
  7. Its hard to put a finger on what is keeping them from competing.  A pretty decent pitching staff, a relatively decent lineup, but they cant seem to score?  Its looking like Cecil wasn't the problem after all, though i didn't care much for him as the manager.  They need to seriously start thinking about trading their "big guns" in berkman and roy, and really start to rebuild the underlevels, get some talent back in the farm system.
  8. [quote name="Big Stick" post="764756" timestamp="1266948390"]
    I am just saying most of them knew they would probably be on varsity this season.They have had a year to get ready.I am not saying they are not ready,I am just saying to make the comment that it is their first time on a varsity field just makes no sense to me.It is wats it is. Good luck!

    I am relatively certian that the speed of the game is much different then at the JV level.  Balls are hit harder, thrown harder.  It usually takes kids more than a few innings of Varsity ball to completely adjust to the level of play.  Dont count those cards out just yet.  They are still going to challange that highly touted squad from OF for the district title.
  9. the play of the game was when derek lalonde dropped the infield pop up on purpose the batter was not running down the line so he threw it to second then to first double play..   good job horns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It might be the play of the game too you, But for me it shows a complete disrespect for the game of Baseball !!!!!!!!

    If a team is good, the double plays are made honestly, not by dropping a pop-up on purpose to get a double play..............that's pretty lame for a high school team to do.  And to think someone thinks that's the play of the game?  Wow.

    I played high school baseball for one of the most respected and succesful coaches in the state of Texas.  Coach Vernon Young had us each and every day run through our defensive workouts.  In that daily work out we actually worked on "dropping" a line, or soft pop up in order to turn a double play on a player that was lazy down the line

  10. Runner on 3rd base with two outs.  Batter hits slow roller up the first base line.  The pitcher comes over and fields the ball and elects to tag the batter/runner for the out instead of throwing the ball to first.  The batter/runner stops and retreats a few steps to avoid the tag.  Meanwhile the runner from 3rd scores before the batter/runner is tagged out.  Does the run count or does the batter/runner have to reach first base safely before this rule applies?

    The batter/runner must make it safely to first base for the run to count.  Otherwise it is a force out at first.


    Is this correct on all force situations like that.  Say tagging a runner going from 1st to 2nd?

  11. Someone please correct me if im wrong, but even if they "tag the base" if the run scored before the out at second then it still would have counted.  To my knowlege a player returning to a bag on a cought fly ball is not "forced" so it would still be a timing issue. 

  12. What's the call? The batter is in the back of the box. Pitcher throws a curveball that breaks over the plate and then hits the batter in the leg. Is it a strike, or dead ball and the batter is awarded 1st base?

    You might need to paint a little bigger picture here.  Did the batter intentionally try to hang out over to get hit?  If so then the umpire should not award first base but instead call it a ball or strike if in the zone.

  13. I was digging through my closet and found a binder with some of my old baseball cards in it. They probably aren't worth anything but it would be fun to play around and see what I have anyway. Are there any website where you can put the card info in and it will tell you how much that card is worth? I've never messed with pricing cards so I have no idea how to go about it.

    Can go to the beckett.com website.  I don't know if they still produce the magazine or not but it will give you the "mint" value for the card if i remember correctly.  I had several valuable cards damaged during Ike, apparently these cards do not respond well to salt water :(  My prized Roberto Clemete card was almost falling apart inside the holder it was in >:(

  14. it could very well happen.  Will Dunn help them enough to win the division or wildcard ??? My thinking is no.  While Dunn may hit 40 bombs, he is still going to strike out 200 times, and he doesn't pitch wich is what the Stros really need.  In order for them to have a realistic shot at the postseason they need at the very least another top line starter.

  15. Based on the poll results--its time to let Pete Rose in.

    Pete should have been in a LONG time ago.  The HOF is a musem of the history of baseball, celebrating the greats and great acomplishments of the game.  MLB really has no say of who or what goes into the Hall.  I find it sad that when I take my nephew to cooperstown in a couple of years that there will be no mention of the all time hits leader.  Keep him off the field and out of the dugout, make mention on his plaque that he serves a lifetime ban, but let the history live in the musem.

  16. Great article.

    No respect for High School coaches is a two way street...in today's world there is a lot more knowledge of the sport fundamentals and a lot more of daddy's money spent on professional lessons than ever before. So where does a high school coach hibernate during the summer? Theres is no question that select or tournament baseball, basketball  has evolved and developed  better athletes than "most" high school programs. A lot of high school coaches are stuck in the sixties and will not accept the fact that daddy's money provides them with some of their best talent. Some kids will develop bad habits during the high school season and some stay away from high school sports altogether. Did your high school coach have it right way back then? probably not, how many coaches know how to teach pitching and will you turn your high school coach loose on your boy.....?

    While i understand the point you are trying to make here it seems to me you are upset because a Coach has apparently "wronged" you in some form or fassion.  You ask if your high school coach in the 70s got it right?  What makes you so positive that the man you pay to train your son is any better?  I do not agree with you in the least that this "select" buisness is developing better atheletes.  It is the atheletes choice to put in the effort and work that makes them better.  I am not saying these programs do not help them but it is the desire of the child to get better.  

    How many coaches know how to teach pitching and will you trun your high school coach loose on your boy...?

    I'm not sure what you mean by this.  I mean, if you dont want your child "coached" by the person hired to run the team then dont allow him to participate.

  17. jose is great.

    saw him play in houston, wow he is quick.

    Lol quick doesnt even do him justice, the man is just wow.  Saw him at Shea last summer  Ligtning fast!  Speed isn't utilized at the big league level much anymore, the stolen base has almost become a lost art.  Love watching Pujols swing it.  Most of all i really enjoy seeing, when a team wins a "meaningless" early-midseason game with a walk off and players are ontop of the hitter when he reaches the plate.  Shows that there are still guys in the bigs that do still love to play the game

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