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Posts posted by 2throwrundown

  1. Dont get me wrong, I want the game cleaned up just as much as anyone else, but our Congress people are really getting into this "lets bust some ball players" theme.  Just think of how much could actually be accomplished if our elected officials put forth the same amount of effort in to solving some pressing issues that face the country like balancing a budget, securing borders, GAS PRICES, things of that nature.  Seems to me they are focusing on the wrong things. 

  2. 1. Bourne

    2. Matsui

    3. Tajeda

    4. Berkman

    5. Lee

    6. Pence

    7. Wiggiton

    8. Tolls

    I expect Ausmus to catch maybe twice a week, and Quentario once a week.

    I don't think we will be seeing too much of Quentario but i could be wrong there.  Im having a hard time believing that Berkman will not be hitting in the 3 hole.  I know all the projected lineups have him in the 4 hole, but why don't you want the best hitter on the club to hit 3 hole?  Me personally i think i would drop Tejada to the 5 hole.  Maybe im way off, i just see it being better with Berkman in the 3 spot.  There sure is ALOT more speed at the top of the order now and thats great to see

  3. It looks as though they are using the system they used for the world series tickets.  Put your name in a hat and if your drawn then you get your option to buy a ticket for these games.  There is no doubt the games will sell out, so i think they are doing this to keep some from buying up abundant seating and then resaling them at higher marks.  This obviously will not pretain to season ticket holders as they will still have their seats for the games.
  4. Hey and you know what?  My cousin's bestfriend's mother's sister on her father's sides second neighbor also said that Jonny come Lately used steroids, HGH, and doped his blood with oxygen.  All this he said she said crap is getting old.  The mitchell report by my estimation is going to turn out to be slightly inaccurate, and honestly how can you totally believe ANYONE who has anything to say on this issue?

  5. The majority of the blame should fall squarely on the shoulders of the players who took STEROIDS.  Steroids have been illegal long before MLB finally decided to put them on a banned substance list.  As for other performance enhancing substances such as Andro and HGH that is the primary fault of MLB.  They dragged their feet on implementing a testing process, and on banning substances such as these.  If a substance can help me, is not illegal, and is not banned by the governing body of my sport why would I not take it? 

    The problem of perfermance enhancing drugs in baseball is not a new thing.  It has been prevelant for many many years.  Do not fool yourself into thinking that players in the past were not taking things to help them through the seasons.  I have heard on more than one occaision past players speaking on amphetamiens (SP?).  Those seemed to be readily available to players in the locker rooms in the past, and if i am not mistaken are now banned by MLB.  Everything has to be put into perspective when looking at this situation.

  6. Im suprised to see Bagwell on there. I know he had bulked up but I wouldnt have ever imagined he would do something illegal though.

    Bagwell wouldn't really be a surprise for me honestly.  Looking at the end of his career when he was playing with a very painful shoulder,  there is no way he wan't on something to help with the pain and loss of strength.  That however doesn't mean what he did was illegal.  Very possibly wasn't even against the rules of baseball depending on when he used or if he even really used.  That is my biggest problem with this report.  I mean who really cares who did it now.  Everyone knows a vast majority probably did.  The thing that needs to be done is to keep the game as clean as possible now and in the future.

  7. Here is a rumored list I read this morning:

    Brady Anderson, Manny Alexander, Rick Ankiel, Jeff Bagwell, Barry Bonds, Aaron Boone, Rafaeil Bettancourt, Bret Boone, Milton Bradley, David Bell, Dante Bichette, Albert Belle, Paul Byrd, Wil Cordero, Ken Caminiti, Mike Cameron, Ramon Castro, Jose and Ozzie Canseco, Roger Clemens, Paxton Crawford, Wilson Delgado, Lenn y Dykstra, Johnny Damon, Carl Everett, Kyle Farnsoworth, Ryan Franklin, Troy Glaus, Rich Garces, Jason Grimsley, Eric Gagne, Nomar Garciaparra, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi,  Jose Guillen, Jay Gibbons, Juan Gonzalez, Clay Hensley, Jerry Hairston, Felix Heredia, Jr., Darren Holmes, Wally Joyner, Darryl Kile, Matt Lawton, Raul Mondesi, Mark McGwire, Guillermo Mota, Robert Machado, Damian Moss, Abraham Nunez, Trot Nixon, Jose Offerman, Andy Pettitte, Mark Prior, Neifi Perez, Rafael Palmiero, Albert Pujols, Brian Roberts, Juan Rincon, John Rocker, Pudge Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Scott Schoenweiis, David Segui, Alex Sanchez, Gary Sheffield, Miguel Tejada, Julian Tavarez,Fernando Tatis, Maurice Vaughn, Jason Varitek, Ismael Valdez, Matt Williams and Kerry Wood

    Read the same list on the same forum you did.  As for all the names listed I really would not be surprised, but i take anything coming from that forum with a grain of salt. 

  8. I really didn't want them to include Patton in a deal either but if im not mistaken Tejada is locked up for at least 3 years.  Im assuming he will move to third now?  At least if it were my call he would be, cannot take everett off of short.  As much as this will help the offensive output this coming season they do still need to address the pitching situation.  Somehow, somewhere they have to come up with at least 1 more quality starter, or I fear we are looking at another .500 or worse season

  9. Im not saying Matsui is the best thing out there.  I am saying that  he is a far cry better than Chris Burke.  Matsui hit .288 last season double digit steals and carries a stout glove.  Burke on the other hand hit a whopping .229 i think, if it was even that high.  Burke has had his opportunity to show what he is capable of.  No doubt that he has great potential, Ive seen that much in him, but seems he does not want to accept his a gap to gap hitter and not a power man.

  10. While this is definetly a good signing by the stros, keeps Burke's worthless rearend off the field, i would warn everyone from getting TOO excited about next season.  They still have not sufficently addressed their pitching woes.  As for the Ichi-Rolls, i doubt that happens.  Drayton will just put one of those Japanese returants in the luxury boxes, you know the ones they throw food at you  ;D

  11. This sounds like it is going to be another bash Coach Bryant topic. I really doubt he has said that 2 freshmen would certainly be on varsity, so get over yourselves till you see it.

    Considering you have yet to have an official practice, and it is still NOVEMBER i am sure that coach bryant said nothing of the sorts.  THUMP THUMP THUMP, listen do you hear it?  Its the sounds of basketballs in the gym ;D

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