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Everything posted by dawgnut

  1. [quote name="bigdog" post="896267" timestamp="1288875932"] Both are on vacation now.... [/quote] Bigdog can I send you a taco and a coke somewhere?
  2. If we shut down the JV game this week maybe we can put a good solid 11 on the field Friday night.
  3. Yep and a lot different line also. Forney is not going to run 40 yards on you, but he has more positive yards this year than negative. And as Ozen found out last week, he can catch the ball over the middle also.
  4. Now Proud you have just blown my mind! I thought all the MC fans were perfect!
  5. It really doesn't matter how many yards your defense gives up, the only thing that counts is a 'W' or 'L'.
  6. [quote name="smitty" post="892776" timestamp="1288540598"] Hey, dawgnut, did you ever answer my question????  If you did, I missed it.  Let me refresh: Do you write EXTRA checks (taxes) to the NISD to pay for YOUR part in lieu of the bond (tax) not passing????  You sure ranted about how everyone needed to pay more taxes back then by passing that bond issue.  Just wondering if it's all talk or a true believer.  I'll wait for an answer.    ;)  [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=75219.msg892396#msg892396 date=1288490632] Man phunter you sure know how to kill a good rant! [/quote] [/quote] Not so smitty, pay attention, the bond would have lowered taxes! Stay with me now I am in favor of paying less taxes and getting first class schools. What I said about paying more taxes was the fact that I own several pieces of property in Nederland School District and I would be paying more taxes than the average person but I was willing to do that for the good of the kids, how about you smitty?
  7. Only smitty wants a coaches head, and its not the HC, its the DC. I don't know anyone that wants to see Neumann go anywhere except deep into the playoffs ;D
  8. No disrespect for Crouch, but how long has he been at  LCM? When you do it for 10 plus years then you can talk about his time as a head coach. There have been a lot of coaches that have done it for one year at LCM, what happens when the talent graduates and you are left with the less talented, can you win then? Maybe he can, maybe he can't only time will tell.
  9. phunter I wasn't talking about the thread, I was talking about you nailing smitty. He was starting to get warmed up like he usually does. No objectivity, just the same old talking points. If we had 10 shutouts in a row he would still say the DC had to go, we could have done better. And then when someone calls him on it he cops out with a "its not personal, I never use his name" garbage. Well its not personal with me either, I never use his name!
  10. Man phunter you sure know how to kill a good rant!
  11. The defense is playing better every game, but the offense is making adjustments every game also. You don't know what you are going to get. Someone on one of these threads after the PNG game said that the way they would stop Sonnier would be to put 11 in the box and dare him to run. Well Ozen loaded up the line so they went lateral from Forney to Sonnier, Sonnier to Hopkins wide open in the end zone. Sonnier is not one dimensional, the kid can chunk the rock also ;D
  12. The punter was just trying to go down and get a low snap and he did what was natural. If he had stayed up he would probably missed the ball and given the Dogs better field position. It was just a bad break, I wouldn't call it a lack of discipline. Now the coach coming out on the field and screaming at the official was no discipline. He gave the Dogs a big penalty and it cost his team.
  13. Your right 64, I think these young Dogs on defense are starting to get that deer in the headlight look over with and are starting to make some good plays. Our linebackers are starting to make some real noise and the offense is putting together some long drives. Keep focused, crank the intensity up a notch or two and we should be OK.
  14. [quote name="desethion" post="888872" timestamp="1288200636"] i am just simply stating that yall cant take them for playing like an 0-5 team [/quote] I know what you are saying, I don't think you can take anyone in this district light. Plus we are playing better each week but we aren't good enough to mess around. We have to stay focused and play 4 quarters.
  15. [quote name="desethion" post="888207" timestamp="1288121016"] likewise ozen hasnt put together 4 quarters worth of games. they could easily be 4-1, 3-2, 2-3 in district. if david green play the whole four quarter they might beat lcm. he came in the game in the fourth and threw two tds. they had vidor beat 28-17 in the fourth quarter until things imploded. so one or more well excuted plays and that a different game. the png game and it was 42-42 with david green driving the ball until the imfamous play clock encounter. he might score with the down being 3rd-6 but after that 3rd-11. png couldnt stop him. liv- ozen was winning 17-14 in the fourth until the fumble returned for a touchdown started the downard spiral. so the panther just might play four quarters this week. [/quote] Well if you are going on what could have been, the Dogs could easily have two more wins. They could have won at Central and Livingston. They could be setting at 4 and 1.
  16. Ok for all the folks that make predictions every week let's look at it so far. Livingston had too much speed and they would have 40 points by half time - didn't happen. Central again too much speed they were going to kill the Dogs - again didn't happen. The defense gets better every week, the young Dogs are growing up and baddog may have to give up his handle! The offense is starting to get their legs under them. They are starting to make things happen. When they needed a drive at the end of the game last week to close out the game the line opened a huge hole and Sonnier not being one to stand around and wait for a better offer took it 45 yards. It may not look pretty but the Dogs take this one.
  17. [quote name="smitty" post="886820" timestamp="1287986203"] You brought the fact about 10 underclassmen because you were trying prove why the defense was having problems.  Why did you bring up that fact if you weren't trying to prove something.  Geez, does the education never stop on my part.  While others are offering only personal attacks, ol' Smitty just continues to try and educate.  Man, I had to educate ol' dawgnuts earlier about sending in EXTRA taxes since he would have loved the bond (more taxes) to have passed.  Which I DOUBT he does!!    ;) But it doesn't bother me one bit.  Like I have said before, I'll not stop until everyone agrees with me!!  LOL!!!!!!!    ;D    ::)     ;)   [quote author=Roughrider link=topic=74878.msg886776#msg886776 date=1287978884] [quote author=smitty link=topic=74878.msg886756#msg886756 date=1287977500] You do every time you say the problems on defense are because we have "10 underclassmen!"  I say those 10 underclassmen could achieve more with better direction.  I blame 1, you blame 10.   Come on now, don't make a statement and then say "that's not what I said!"  You guys personally attack.  But when I hold ya'll to what ya'll actually say it makes ya'll mad.  WOW!!!!!   Oh wait, you also said; "freedom of speech is garbage!"  WOW again!!!!!!!!!!  I really am trying to take you serious, friend. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ::)    ;D [quote author=Roughrider link=topic=74878.msg886175#msg886175 date=1287929512] Who blamed kids, I stated their are 10 underclassmen playing their butts off and getting better every week. How is that attacking the kids. The only personal attacks on this thread is your personal attack against the DC. If you really knew what you were talking about or indeed went to the games as you say you do then you would see and acknowledge the improvement of the D this year. But all you really know how to do is post about koolaid and bobble heads. [/quote] [/quote] Thats just it, I never said there was a problem on D.....Listen closely one more time.....I said the Defense has 10 underclassmen and are playing their butts off and getting better every week. Now, dont dance around the question this time. I want you to tell me how I attacked the kids. Dont dance...just answer. [/quote] [/quote] Talking about koolaid drinkers, the bond would have lowered taxes. Go get real facts, not just ramblings to support your position!
  18. [quote name="outanup" post="886361" timestamp="1287945587"] This just in....I hear thar Smitty has a Oral commitment to IhateU..... [/quote] ;D
  19. If you are waiting on smitty to answer a logical question you will be waiting a long time. He is just a drum beater, he will never answer a real question. I have been waiting for a long time for him to answer one simple question, and that is even if the DC was the problem the odds of you getting a better one in this economy with the budget that NHS has (they are in the red) is slim to non. What if you get one that is worse? Maybe smitty would be willing to put up the money to get a top ranked one! But I don't think so, all talk with no solution! He should be in Washington.
  20. Better lay off the drill team, the Ladies have nails and they know how to use them.
  21. For a man of facts suddenly you "think!" If you thought then you would answer the statement about it being your fault. You rejected the bond, it's your fault!
  22. [quote name="smitty" post="866889" timestamp="1286336469"] You have my answer. You may not like it but you have it.  Bring in a new DC and you will see an 1,000% improvement.  No doubt in my mind!    ;) [quote author=The-NHS link=topic=73772.msg866862#msg866862 date=1286333935] I still have yet to see your expert review on how we should be a better defensive team. I'm not talking about your typical change the DC answer. I want your expert review on how our defense can be better. Anyone can get on here and post Fire the DC. Lets see a little more substance. [/quote] [/quote] Statistically that is a bogus thought, just because you bring in a new DC doesn't mean that you get better. Jerry Jones got rid of Jimmy Johnson and he has replaced him five times and has not improved his team. To get a DC to change schools other than a HC job would not be likely, you have no money to offer him and he would not leave a successful program for nothing. The only likely scenario would be that you know someone on the staff that you would like in that position.
  23. smitty's only solution is to fire the DC, he will never post a solution other than that because the second he did someone would be able to use his facts against him. And that's not going to happen because he only has questions, not answers.
  24. [quote name="smitty" post="865029" timestamp="1286132650"] So, if we would have passed the bond, then our DC would do a better job?!   This is what I like about this forum: Comedians everywhere!   LOL!!!!    ;D    ::) [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=73772.msg865011#msg865011 date=1286130474] [quote author=smitty link=topic=73772.msg864973#msg864973 date=1286126571] Oh, I'm in charge of the defense that keeps giving up massive yardage?  Funny!  ???   ::) [quote author=dawgnut link=topic=73772.msg864354#msg864354 date=1286061146] Don't try using logic with smitty, if he understood logic then he would be able to see that he's the problem, not the DC. [/quote] [/quote] No smitty you are one of the "don't care" folks that voted against the bond, so that makes it your fault! Think about it, you think you have all the answers! [/quote] [/quote] Your so smart smitty think about it, in a year or two you may figure it out, then again maybe not!
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