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Posts posted by EnlightenedChosenOne

  1. Such is capitalism

    The answer should be simple, but it is not. I work for a company that has reduced my pension and eliminated it for new hires. While I understand this from a business perspective, you also have to look at this from a retirees point of view. Many of these employees spent the better part of a lifetime earning this pension. To give them anything less than what was promised is criminal.

  2. It's actually pretty easy, but politics (as usual) gets in the way.

    While "tactically shifting a portfolio " sounds very good, it is much easier said than done. Often, the "tacticians" are no better than the non tacticians when it comes to managing money. Most of the time, the markets recognize the shifting economic environment well ahead of the tacticians who, as a result, are unable to take advantage of the shifts. One need look no further than at the number of sophisticated hedge funds that have gone bust - they were supposedly armed with the most brilliant of tacticians. Additionally, in years such as 2007-2009, it didnt matter where you shifted the money, because, other than cash, there was no place to hide. All sectors got hammered.

  3. I never said ghetto black people

    Ok, I will bite. Politically incorrect? That is an ignorant and racist statement from someone claiming to be "enlightened." Given the events of the past couple of weeks, it also insensitive. Like all of us, these are God's children worthy of His (and our) love. But I do agree with your claim that many on this board probably do agree with you.
    However, it does raise an issue in my mind. Bigger than the instances where young African Americans are killed by white men in authority, are the countless that do die at the hands of each other. Black on black murder happens across this country daily. It is epidemic. And in my opinion, it deserves as much, if not more attention as incidents such as Ferguson. Until we get a handle on that, the places where such violence occurs regularly will continue to be hopeless centers of existence. And few things are sadder in this life than a child growing up without hope. It becomes (and has become) a vicious cycle.

  4. Skimmed through it.

    Here's my thoughts - Wealth inequality is a very serious issue, and it's current at levels last seen before the Great Depression. No, I'm not saying give free money to the poor. I repeat, I am not saying give free money to the poor. Again, I am not saying give free money to the poor. I know plenty of poor people and they all make extremely terrible financial decisions. Throwing them more money would be an absolute waste.

    The real issue in this country is a shrinking MIDDLE CLASS. All the income growth goes to the very top (0.1%) while Bob Smith hasn't got a raise in 3 years (not even for COLA), his benefits cut, less vacation days and is now doing the workload of 2 people. All in the name of maximizing shareholder profits while fat cat CEO is laughing to the bank.

    Fat cat CEO knows his employees are underpaid and overworked but doesn't care because the supply of labor is in his favor. Bob Smith doesn't like his compensation? There's 1000 more qualified applicants ready to take over, even at a paycut.

    The economy needs a strong middle class to function properly, and the middle class has been steadily shrinking for decades now. We're on borrowed time.
  5. I believe otherwise. Those police officers will follow their orders just like the nazis did, until the tide is at a clear turning point.

    The threat of being tried for treason will be enough to deter them from deserting.

    I honestly believe that if citizens ever have to take up arms and overthrow the government, most police officers will be with them, not against them, and likely using the "toys" that some are concerned about them having.

  6. True, I'm not trying to convince anyone just wanted to hear opinions.

    In my opinion, Women tend to base their decisions and actions based off their feeeeeeelingsss while men tend to be more rational. Therefore, you'll never convince women no matter what, even if absolute valid proof was found.

    Of course we're different. I don't think you can use the CEO or president as a president.
    I do know that any man who tries to convince a woman he is smarter is definitely not smarter. :)

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