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Everything posted by baddog

  1. Every thread some people post on always go to anti-Trump…..which we have heard over and over.
  2. Conceal carry would solve that real quick.
  3. Trump even made Pelosi richer with her insider info but she would die before admitting it. Trump made me comfortable.
  4. AOC heckled in fiery town hall: 'All you care about is illegal aliens' [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  5. Biden attempting to lock up his policies so Trump can’t change them tells me all I need to know.
  6. I agree with all of them except I question why we need an amendment to keep illegals from voting. That should already be in there.
  7. Judge in Trump Georgia case in 'unenviable position' as final arguments loom [Hidden Content] Explore the Fox News apps that are right for you at [Hidden Content].
  8. This case is already falling apart. She knows he is being railroaded but she doesn’t care. Let some DA bring false charges against her and watch her squirm. I know the first thing she will yell too.
  9. Did you see any banks or insurance companies as the plaintiffs in this suit? Nope. This is not big girl.
  10. That’s hearsay right there, and from Cohen the backstabber. You’ll follow anyone won’t you? You let me know when a bank is going to loan money on a property that appraises for less than the loan….. and I’m the idoit. People over value their homes in a daily basis. People sell cars daily for over blue book. Your fake diploma is showing your true colors and your brilliance.
  11. Once again, BG has no explanation whatsoever. She doesn’t even know who Trump supposedly defrauded. Wouldn’t that be the banks? I saw no banks involved in this lawsuit. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
  12. U.S. bobsled team has renamed their sled “Biden” because nothing else has brought the U.S. downhill faster.
  13. Well, I have to get help with some of your verbiage. Other than that, I read better than people with diplomas. I know what Trump was charged with in kangaroo court. I want to hear it from you. Like I said, you can’t put it in your own words. What did Trump do that was considered fraudulent?
  14. No. I need you to tell me what Trump did wrong. Just admit that you can’t.
  15. 76 views an not one single lefty comment. Facts are difficult for liars and thieves……typical.
  16. I asked on another thread what good money is doing to help fight a war. I’m glad someone else noticed.
  17. I’ve read enough on this subject. Trump is accused of fraud. I was hoping you could explain what Trump did that was fraudulent…..but if course, you can’t.
  18. What did Trump do that was wrong? Kangaroo courts have a way of being vague so long as they get the conviction. Thank goodness we have appeals courts just for this problem.
  19. This video is loaded with facts that may not fit your agenda. Please be careful and be sure to comment that it is all hogwash. Thank you.
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