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BS Wildcats

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Everything posted by BS Wildcats

  1. They saw what they wanted to see, absolutely nothing. Don't see how you miss it. Wait a minute, that would have been Wisconsin's ball. Nope didn't see it.
  2. No particular reason, just have never liked them.
  3. Wisconsin gonna go whole half without being in bonus, Duke bias coming out.
  4. Bad call, refs gonna will Duke to a victory
  5. What a turnaround on foul count this half.
  6. Yes, but don't feel Fluke getting "screwed".
  7. Wow! Duke not in bonus 3:00 left in half
  8. You're right, but that is a rare occurrence.
  9. Career Pitino 2 champs Cal one champ By your own account Pitino has done it without #1 recruiting classes
  10. Could be debatable. Cal definitely better recruiter.
  11. #1 recruit class every year=1 championship Good coaching? Hated rival Pitino has one champ last 3-4 years without all those recruiting classes. Who is the better coach?
  12. Stephen A is a jerk. Like I said, if Harrison were white this is a bigger story. The word is still the same irregardless what ethnicity uses it. Bs to you Stephen A.
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