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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. [Hidden Content] Corker better get ready to be attacked by this bully prez.
  2. [Hidden Content] I would be happy with George W. Minus Vp Dick
  3. do you think rosa parks only sat at the back of the bus the week that she refused to do it again
  4. I have had the bad cop experience myself.
  5. I didn't vote in 2016 because I coudn't vote for hillary or trump
  6. Im glad for the muslim community that the shooter wasn't muslim. The divider in chief would have had a twitter field day and republicans would have went batshit crazy, harassing muslims that haven't done a thing. When Dylan Roof killed blacks the cops took him out to burger king to reward him
  7. Im gonna go online and see if prices may have dropped
  8. Kasich would have been a good prez compared to the village idiot
  9. this is a message board, you probably do nothing for society
  10. He probably has a job bert. Not a full time setxsports like you and the other five conservatives on this board
  11. I bet I could out debate you any day of the week.
  12. Trump was fighting with Steph Curry when Puerto Rico needed help. He didn't know Puerto Rico was part of the United Staes though
  13. More players got involved when trump opened his little big mouth
  14. [Hidden Content] add Nick to your hate list now
  15. the ragedy, bum arse crooked prez thinks he can dictate the nfl players, he is wrong.
  16. You call wanting equality, hatred of white people. You are seriously out of touch with life.
  17. [Hidden Content] Ivanka has a nice figure, if she was'nt my daughter.........pervert
  18. The president of the united states called nfl players sob"s and their mothers b's. Bring on the excuses.............
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