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new tobie

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Everything posted by new tobie

  1. im talking about mr grab women by the .....anytime he wants
  2. So you think you know how i would have voted, but I can't assume the type of person you are by what you write on this board
  3. You do know the shape were in after the last republican presidency!
  4. President grab um is trying to set us back to those days......Make america great again
  5. Passed a house with about 20 cats outside the other day and thought about you
  6. President Grab um must be black
  7. Michael Vick was a great rookie quarterback
  8. Kneeling during the national anthem is much worse than slavery
  9. wrong, maybe you are a racist to label all muslims and blacks as you do, maybe you are ........
  10. So blacks are the most racist bunch going. What gives you the right to be the judge and jury? I guess you have the right to your opinion.
  11. [Hidden Content] 100 times just since his inauguration. Im sure everyone else is wrong
  12. In fact Obama was the first black president I have ever voted for
  13. Colin probably voted for Obama for the same reason he voted for George Jr. I voted for Obama for the same reason I voted for President William Jefferson Clinton
  14. If Obama said the things that Trump has said, you guys would be in an uproar about it. If he would have said that he would date on e of his daughters if it wasn't his daughter or if his wife had posed butt naked with two fingers on her privates, If he would have given his daughter and son-in-law jobs at the white house. Not showed his taxes..........
  15. You have been insulting a president since 2008. One thats been married to the same women and hasn't commented about dating his daughter
  16. you are one of the top authors of racist nonsense
  17. Tell me how some liked Colin Powell during the Bush era and turned on the same man when he voted for Obama. A political party shouldn't make a diffrence on whether someone is a good person or not. I think George W is a good person, he just had a snake for VP. Trump made me realize that GW wasn't so bad afterall.
  18. People on this board only compliment blacks that are conservative and think like they do (see Colin Powell). Truth is I have many white friends, some that think differently than myself about politics also. This board is all Conservative and anti Obama. I would love to have George Bush back now.
  19. I didn't see any boats brought into Port Arthur by blacks to help the people of Port Arthur either. Port Arthur emplyees white school teachers. Can a black teacher be hired in vidor? They harrassed and threatened the black residents that the government tried to relocate there. When I say they, It was a small percentage of a-holes. Just like the small percentage of black ones that yall lump us all into.
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