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Posts posted by OneChance


    PNG (7-5) @ Ozen (8-4) Varsity plays at 4:30 today (Ozen Homecoming)

    GCM (12-0) @ Lumberton (7-5)

    Standings as of now

    GCM (12-0)

    Nederland (10-2)

    Ozen (8-4) games left PNG and Nederland

    PNG (7-5) games left Ozen and GCM

    Lumberton (7-5) games left GCM and Central

    so this is why tonight's game is HUGE!

    PNG beats Ozen tonight and lose to GCM they end up (8-6)

    If Ozen loses to PNG and Nederland they end up (8-6)

    If Lumberton loses to GCM and defeats Central they end up (8-6)


    If Ozen beats PNG the district most likely ends up

    GCM (14-0)

    Ned (12-2)

    Ozen (9-5)

    Lumberton (8-6)

    PNG (7-7) and out of playoffs for the first time in 32 years!

    Now obviously Tuesday nights game could have some crazy outcomes and change things too.

    If all three teams end up (8-6), my understanding is there will be a three team tourney to decide the last two teams.


  2. Mine had aspirations of play softball in college and was starting to get interest from colleges in the 8th grade then decided her love for volleyball was greater so now has aspirations of playing volleyball in college. We have made the commitment as a Sophomore to drive to Houston twice a week for club volleyball practice to help her try and achieve her goals!

  3. You will get the local commuter university's (Lamar, McNeese) and LSCPA (if they had VB) types from your local area. If you live in Nac area you might have SFA stop in and watch girls, but here in SETX you aren't going to have the large Div 1 schools just pop in. It is up to the parents of the players to make sure it happens. I wouldn't goes as far as say any large club that plays in large tournaments. You have to be able to play in the prime court locals, with the opportunity to go to Nationals in the summer, because that is where every coach in the Nation will be all at one time. Then email email email the coaches so that they know times and court locations where you will be playing at and your entire team has to be commited to email email email, so that you get as many coaches as possible at that court when your team is playing.

  4. College coaches do not show up to High School Volleyball games due to the fact that they are playing at the same time and do not have time to attend High School games. Do not depend on your high school coach to help you get that scholarship. If you are a phenom you might get a college coach show up. You almost have to be a part of a large club volleyball out of a large metro area that plays in major tournaments. You have to attend camps of schools you are interested in. Then you have to email, email, email. If coaches don't know about you then you can't just expect them to find out about you. There are 1000's of girls that play on so many courts every weekend. 

  5. I think people are reading way to much into my statements. I have never once said their actions are defendable. Their actions are unwarranted and uncalled for in any aspect of life. The only time anybody should ever hit another person is in defense of themselves or family. 

    What these two kids did was wrong in every way possible and should never be allowed to happen or be allowed to get away with it.

    I am actually and eye for eye type of guy, but I also realize that is not how our society works. 

    I guess my biggest problem is that people are really quick to bury these two unknowns because it is easy to do, but when it comes to people in power or are well known (popular) we allow them the benefit of the doubt more often than not.

  6. Plus one I stated the same thing at the beginning of this post and got crucified for stating the same thing.

     I never said I condoned the actions of the kids, but until you are placed in the same exact situation as the two boys were placed in (Which we don't know what exactly led to this and probably never will, because there are always two sides of a story and popular opinion automatically takes refs side) you don't know how you would react. You can hope that you would react differently and you can say what you would do in any moment until thrust into that situation you just really and truly don't know.

    The heat of the moment could possibly lead to after the game if your frustration levels and adrenaline are through the roof, again you just don't know until in that situation.

    I have not seen anywhere in a news article that says this is the first time for this to ever happen. It just got captured on video, same thing as Ray Rice. He would still be playing in the NFL if it wasn't on video, just like all the other idiots (Adrian Peterson) are.

    What if it was your child that did this? Would you want the legal system to get involved and lock them up? If you can honestly say you would want the book thrown at them then you have other issues.

    Hopefully for these boys they have a strong family support system and it is a life lesson for the both of them. I stated previously that we don't know anything about these boys. They maybe model citizens that have never gotten in any trouble, but I see where people automatically profile them because they are from the West Side of San Antonio, so they must be of low character.

  7. I think you guys are mis reading what I am saying. I'm not saying give them a second chance just because the NFL does, I am saying they need to be disciplined, but the severity of that punishment suggested by some is a little extreme. What I am saying is everybody is up in arms about these two kids that outside of that school nobody knows anything about them, where as when a professional athlete does something, people are ok with giving them a second chance because they have served their "debt to society." I can't stand the fact that Adrian Peterson is allowed to play in the NFL ever again and never spent a day in jail, but people are suggesting these two boys need to be put in jail.

  8. What does the NFL have to do with it? 

    Nothing.... BUT, if a player from the NFL assaults someone, I want him arrested. If you haven't noticed, many of them have been. 

    As far as the "coming back", they are paid millions by millionaires and are under contract. There is a huge different between a person that you contract and a student that plays a voluntary sport with strict rules on behavior. The comparison with pro sports is just plain silly. A millionaire might be able to hire a great defense team and beat a murder rap. Does that mean we should do away with penalties for murder? 

    A mistake is forgetting to do your homework and claiming the dog ate it. Committing what might be an intentional felony assault is not a "mistake". If any of the players is 17, he is already an adult and can face the maximum criminal sentence. I am not suggesting that they should get 20 years in prison but they shouldn't get away with it because, "the NFL doesn't get punished enough" or it was just "a mistake". 

    The NFL has a lot to do with this, kids in HS are influenced by the actions of professionals that are displayed on Sunday afternoons. 

    The NFL should be a privalege to be a part of, not I'm am a talented person and can do what I want to do type of place. 

    The only difference between a NFL player and a HS player is the talent level and money an NFL player makes. The NFL or any job for the matter of this conversation is "Voluntary". An NFL player can quit at anytime he chooses or can be released at anytime an owner wants a player released. 

    A mistake is a mistake no matter how small or large of a mistake it is. Do you think these two boys would do it all over again if they knew what they know now? Sure some mistakes bear a heavier penalty than others. I by no means am saying these two boys are in the right and I am not saying these boys shouldn't be punished, but I find it silly that people mention 20 years in prison for them.

    People are silly viewing a sports star on their favorite team as a stand up guy no matter how long their rap sheet is from the past. Just because they are talented and can help their team win they are allowed to get away with more. 

    Just because you have millions of dollars and can afford a better defense is bull you know what. So if two players in the NFL or college  do this how long do they get suspended for and how long before their millions of dollars buy them back in the league?

  9. So everybody wants these kids to get arrested and thrown in jail, suspended from school and never have the chance of playing football again, but when NFL players beat their wives/girlfriends, abuse their children, get DUI's, kill's dogs, uses drugs etc, etc they receive a suspension and are allowed the opportunity of having a second chance to come back in the league and make millions of dollars. SMDH, they are kids that made a mistake don't you think they deserve a second chance?

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