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Everything posted by UKCats

  1. You bring the air pump and I'll use the needle to deflate your heads
  2. Congratulations 21-AAA on your pre district season victory over 22-AAA. Because of all your hard work the UIL would like to present to you your new championship rings and a shoe deal for each player on your. . .wait a minute you haven't even had a playoff game yet WHAT! Big as your heads are we thought you had won the superbowl already. I sure hope your jaybird butt can back up your alligator mouth!!! GO GET EM 22-AAA. Remind em it's been a long time since pre-district!
  3. Bet they don't!!! Tubby stepped into an already great program and won a national championship. Other than that he didn't have much. I am glad Gillispie is a Kat now and I know he's gonna surprise some folks.
  4. Yeah and MSU got beat by Grand Valley, and your wife probably turned ya down the first time you asked her out. It's still early. . .they're gonna get theirs. When you see me start a "GO KATS" post at the end of the season when they are in the final 4 don't be afraid to come eat some crow!
  5. And I completely understand LHS's line of thinking, but I can remember the teams Liberty had back in 2000 and 2001 when they would score 100 on people. So in the last 5 years they have gone from the top of the district to the bottom. It just seems a little surprising. So yes they may have been slightly competitive, but not anywhere near the team they once were.
  6. Yeah I was curious about who was coming up. Their freshman group a couple of years ago was pretty good and I didn't know who had stayed around and who had left the program.
  7. So apparently close losses are as good as a win now?!?
  8. AHA Point taken. . .Kansas has slipped my mind. I would agree with you on that one. They definitely have a chance at it depending on th year. They still normally get edged out in the end, but you are correct on the legitimacy of their chances.
  9. Ha Ha Ha. . .I am an aggie supporter and I think the Big 12 is extremely competitive. But no Big 12 team will ever win a basketball national championship as long as the ACC and the SEC are in existence. Those divisions have a monopoly on mens college basketball.
  10. It will be for you guys. . .unless you have somebody coming up that I don't know about. I watched about 5 Liberty basketball games last year and aside from the close one you guys played at home against Coldspring it was a pretty rough season.
  11. Well that's odd considering Tarkington is recorded for the win last year?!? Must have been a bad coaching decision or something :-\
  12. Well that's odd considering Tarkington is recorded for the win last year?!? Must have been a bad coaching decision or something :-\
  13. You think they'll miss thomas??? What about Durant? Not too many people had an opportunity to shine with him on the floor.
  14. I saw Turgeon speak at TABC last May and was not impressed with many of the changes he is making and besides that he seems rather bland in comparison to the fiery Gillispie. Hopefully he is just a bad public speaker.
  15. I feel sorry for MSU but for the first game I have seen this year it was definitely a good one to catch!
  16. And with Brad Pitt as his mom's cousin this kid has some superstars in his life!
  17. The key to this game is gonna be Splendoras offense. There is no way Splendora shuts down the Coldspring running game, but if they put their fair share of points on the board it could be a close one. Trojans by 10. Let me change that to 12 their field goal kicker is TERRIBLE!!
  18. Can Tarkington pull out their first win against a much improved Indian team late in the season?
  19. Oh how bout you QUIT...Liberty beat Tarkington last year in Football, Golf, and Tennis...split with yall in Volleyball but should have beaten yall in the 3rd game...and what do you mean "Oh Scholar"
  20. This is a great point. If they want to play they will keep working hard. If they don't want to work to earn a spot then what makes you think they will work to win a game?
  21. well it kind of made me wonder when the home team started running a sweep to the side without an official, even if it was the short side of the field. And there was also one point in the game when a player on the side line pushed the ball carrier back onto the field (I am assuming he was out of bounds) and no official was there to see if he was actually out of bounds!!!
  22. Should every car be released to the public just because it was assembled or should every pound of hamburger meat (good or diseased) be sold just because an animal gave its life to make it? Of course not. You wouldn't sell a bad hamburger if you thought it might put you out of business, so why would you be expected to play a less than average player when your job is on the line. Someone has to eventually tell these kids what they are capable of. And if sitting the bench doesn't make them want to work harder then they need to find something else to do. JMO
  23. Saw a game last week where there was a 3 man officiating crew and I had a question about the mechanics. One was on the visiting team sideline, one in the backfield, and one in the secondary. NO OFFICIAL on the home team sideline. Is this correct? cause it seems a little fishy to me.
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