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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. You asked for answers not explanations and I gave them to you. And once again, you broad brushed a question so I said it depends. On a number of variables. In general, I agree with your assertion regarding the private markets assuming a number of variables which I did not have time to get into. As I stated, I will be happy to give you my thoughts on what reforms are needed when I get the time. And I will do it in this thread. Patience is a virtue Nash. As for Google, I have noticed you asking people to google a particular term or query numerous times on this board. I would agree with you that it is a good search engine. If you are assuming that is what I rely on for my information, once again heed the old saying about assuming. I assure you that you probably don't want to get into a comparison of educations with me. ;)
  2. Nash - yes, no, and depends. Smitty - I think you think you know ;)
  3. As am I. Particularly with this question. And I am pretty confident that my answer will be different than yours. But I am more than willing to be educated. :) As for the ills of the economy, you more than most knows there is no absolute blue print to a robust economy (much like the stock markets - as you well know). However, many of us have our opinions as to what is the best strategy to fostering a strong economy. I will be happy to share my opinion later when I have a little more time. As for who is to blame for the ills, the correct answer is there is plenty of blame to go around.
  4. By the way, your assumption why I haven't answered is off base. (See what I mean about assuming?). I really wanted you and/or Smitty to provide your answer(s). I can't decide if you know the correct answer or not. From one of smitty's comments, I lean toward he doesn't (but could easily be wrong). Then again, I guess there could be multiple correct answers to ambiguous questions; hence, the ambiguity.
  5. You know what they say about "assuming." And come on Nash! You are a pro at avoiding answering questions when the answer doesn't suit your cause! You deflect like you're at the net with a 100 mph forehand coming at your head.
  6. I will provide you with this answer. Epic thread title fail 😂
  7. Since a President has no authority to "raid," "invade," or borrow from the social security trust, perhaps you guys are still asking poorly worded question? Or maybe just failing to make whatever point you are jointly trying to make?
  8. It WAS the debt which tripled under Reagan...since we're talking numbers....
  9. When attempting to educate, it is helpful when the question you ask isn't premised on a term such as "raid," which is ambiguous as best. If you rephrase the question with more specificity, I will be glad to take a shot at the answer. For instance, had you asked under which president was social security created, I would have answered FDR. If you had asked under which president did social security annuities begin being taxed, I would have answered Reagan.
  10. Trust me when I tell you the Democrats are praying it's not ;)
  11. Pressure squarely on heat. Game 4 is now win or die.
  12. Do you know what the price tag on the war in the Middle East is? Last I read was somewhere in the $4-$6 Trillion range. Seems a little in excess of the $100 to $200 Billion estimated by W's NEC Director....
  13. It appears you don't want to answer the question.  Which tells me you already know the answer.  ;)
  14.   No doubt the debt has skyrocketed.  To what would you attribute that rise?  Or better yet, what has been the biggest consumer of our federal expenditures?
  15.   You are correct.  I misspoke.   The debt tripled during his presidency...
  16. Oh, and the deficit also tripled during his presidency.
  17. And yet the economy flourished. As it did with a subsequent president who was a democrat and was able to work with a republican congress. One was more liberal than the neoconservatives want to believe; the other was more conservative than the far left liberals want to believe. And despite being from different parties, may be the best two presidents of my lifetime.
  18. I raised taxes 11 times during my presidency. I raised taxes 7 out of my 8 years in office, including 4 times in a 2 year period. I granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants which helped millions more family members achieve American residency. Who am I?
  19. 3 out of 8 teams in Omaha from the great State. Awesome.
  20. 4-4 headed to bottom of 8th. Out of curiosity: if tcu is the host and higher seed, why are they the visiting team today??
  21. He stayin'. Best part of link was first comment below it: Samuel James People who want nothing to do with Cleveland 1) LeBron 2) Calipari 3) Quarterbacks 4) God 5) Cleveland natives
  22. Not often to teams make the perfect hire but I really think KK was a home run. He was a no brainer hire really given his success under Sumlin combined with being a star player for Tech. The added benefit is he is unlikely to be looking to leave at the first moderate upgrade (see Mike Leach). If he makes it a career destination, I can see Tech being a force for years to come. He obviously is an offensive whiz and the kids/recruits love him. Tech is the school to beat for a 5* receiver out of Louisiana right now.
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