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Everything posted by Coach85

  1. So, now you are asking what these other coaches are doing for their kids. Well I have been coaching for 25 years and yes I coached at Groves American when you played there before you moved to Bridge City. You were stuck on yourself then and even more now. I did not have a kid when you played but coached because I loved giving back to the kids what I learned through my travels. If you knew what you were doing you would know that actions and results speak for theirselves and not coming on here and dogging other legit organizations then you would not have a problem getting kids to join you organization. These other organizations have proven they have what it takes by developing kids and getting them signed. Just ask some of the kids who have signed because of their programs. These organizations have guys that were drafted or were major players at their colleges. You have a couple that only played high school ball. You have shown me nothing as far as coaching when my son played against you and a lot of you 12 year olds from last year have left. That's why you have to come on here to beg for kids to come. I have left you enough to figure out who I am. And no I am not Allen's Dad.
  2. Here again he had a man wide open and chose to run. All he reads is first progression and then takes off. In this instance he never even thought about throwing the ball. He saw he had an opening and all he thought about was himself. Him scoring a touchdown. He is selfish and arrogant and it will catch up with him in this league. I just hope I am watching the that it does.
  3. I am not Allen. I don't even have a kid that has played for you. My son is in a different age group then what you have coached. My BEEF with you is you come on here and act like you are Gods gift to baseball and are better then the rest of those who have proven track records. These guys don't have to promote themselves and brag about what they can do. Their results speak for them. Even when they first opened there respectable facilities they never bragged about themselves like you do. Maybe you could be a decent coach but you are going about it the wrong way and making a bad rep for yourself by the way you are trying to promote yourself and trying to put down these other respectable organizations. They have proven coaches and have the the respect of a lot of people in this area because of the product they have put out and don't bash other organizations as you have. If you want your little team to succeed I suggest you take notes from these other organizations and learn from them how to operate rather then come on here and compare yourself to them when you have nothing to stand on as for as a proven record.
  4. I just want to know what makes him think he is the all mighty guru of baseball. We have guys in this area that have gone way farther in their careers then this guy and have giving back to the community way more then him. Look at the facilities that have opened up with the great instructors they have. You have Morgan and Jason opened up SETXBA and Brian who opened up Athelete''s. Plus there is the Sundevils organization and Sam Moore. All of these guys have proven track records for their careers. This guy has not proven anything except that he knows how to play chess and the way he conducts hisself on here says a lot for his immaturity. I would much rather my son play for someone who is proven and conducts theirselves in a mature manor such as Prospects, Gladiators or Sundevils.
  5. Dallas Baptist and SHSU are not just pushovers. They are both pretty salty teams.
  6. He has coached at the 12u premier level and has not done very well at it.
  7. When you are toeing the rubber you can only throw to a base that is occupied to try to pick off a runner. In order to throw to any other unoccupied base the pitcher must step off the back of the rubber.
  8. Because he is technically throwing to an unoccupied bag which is considered a balk unless he steps off the back of the rubber. When he steps off the back of the rubber he is then considered an infielder and can throw to which ever base he chooses.
  9. Noooooow we know how A&M has been getting all those 4 and 5 star athletes. Those stars don't represent the talent level of the kids they have been getting. The stars represent how many times they have been in trouble with the law since entering high school.
  10. Not if you give them a meal card that is only redeemable at the dorms cafeteria. That is the logical way.
  11. He does not have to throw to first, he can tag him if close enough.
  12. He is looking for the right players that fit his system regardless of it being a 3star or 5star athlete. He wants kids that will come in and work hard not a kid that is highly decorated and expects to play right away just because he is a 4 or 5 star player. Primadonna's are not what he is looking for. Look at what Briles has done with 2 and 3 star athletes with a couple of 4's mixed in. It is all about knowing what players fit your system and how bad they want it. Look back and see how many 5 star highly decorated high school players bombed out once they got to college. I would much rather a kid with heart, drive and determination to get better and work his arse off to do it instead of the Primadonna that comes in and thinks just because he has 5 stars by his name he is automatically the stud star of the team. Not saying all 5stars are like that but I have watched plenty of them fall flat on their face and not live up to that 5star much less a 2star athlete.
  13. Sorry GCM your post hit as I was posting mine.
  14. Has anyone thought there might be a legit reason that the media has not gotten a hold of yet that Strong has fond out through back ground checks is the reason this kid is being reevaluated? He may be a 4 star commit but may have some issues of some sort. I don't think Strong would just pull an offer from a 4 star recruit just to pull it. He has some sort of reason.
  15. Manziel looked great today. Now let's see what he is like with a 260-280 lb. DE that runs a 4.5 is barrelling down on him and a 250-260 lb. LB that runs a 4.4 is coming after him. All he proved today is he can throw a football. Tebow did the same thing but when it came to nut cutting time he went back to his old ways. If he last more the three years in the league I will be surprised. Plus, now he will have more freedom then he had after Sumlin put the clamps on him. Let's see just how mature he has become.
  16. I am a huge college fan but this ruling is ridiculous. I say if they want to be considered employees of the college then they need to see what it is like to be in the work force. Go ahead and pay these kids but, cut back on the scholarship percentage and let them see what it's like to be a working man and pay for what you want......I believe an athlete that gets his tuition paid for and stays in the athlete's dorms with meals is enough for these kids. If they want spending money then let them work in the offseason and learn to save......receiving a scholarship to a college is an honor not a priveledge. Some kids now days are so spoiled they don't appreciate what is given to them, all they want is more. This is going to hurt college sports a whole lot more then help it. Big schools will even suffer in the long run. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Look what happened to the NFL since the union came in. It created a lot of greedy men who are basically playing for the money and not for the passion of the game like it should be. Same will happen in college....Just wait.
  17. That for sure just killed a lot of brackets.
  18. Are any other words that refer to other races.
  19. What about when they throw the words cracker, honkey are words that refer to whites? They going to penalize that too?
  20. Let them keep begging for him. When he turns out to be another highly praised overrated first round flop it will be the David Carr show all over again. J.J. Watt and A. Johnson will not put up with his immaturity.
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