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Posts posted by longball24

  1. I would never tell a kid he could not throw 90.  most could accomplish this with the proper workout and proper mechanics. years ago everyone thought you had to have good genes to throw 90 now it is mainly heart and desire. saw a kid a few years back that had something wrong with his arm could not stretch his arm out . walked around with his arm at a 45 degree angle. He threw 93 at perfect game showcase in Tomball.

  2. Just because you play select baseball does not make you a baseball player. Anyone can play select, the academys  are full of kids that have average skills but big dreams. This does give parents the impression or illusion their child is better than they are. I agree. But for the parents that recognize the skill set and encourage their youngster to do better they are not the problem, They are a asset. Most all parents that have a kid that is interested in playing at the next level have done their homework and know what it takes to play  for instance you better run a 7.0  60 or less 6.7 for major D1  RH pitcher 88-90 infield 88+ outfield 90+ Hitters must have above average power. Not all baseball players or equal. Everything listed above has to be worked on from a early age. You cant just say I am  16 years old and I will work on throwing 90 now. To late should have started when you first picked up a glove.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Tigers2010 said:

    It does not matter how many years your kid plays select balll. There is only one way a PARENT should have any say whatsoever in regards to what happens with coaching. Get on the school board. The school board is people, elected by the people. Good for the parents getting their kid in select ball. However, to think that somehow gives you any say so whatsoever as to what goes on at the school is comical. If little johnny and his parent are that frustrated with the program there, this is america, and you have a right to move wherever you want.

    Lets please put to rest that select ball dads and moms should have any input on a baseball schools program. Get real.

    You think they don't. and yes it happens even in Silsbee.

  4. 15 hours ago, jv_coach said:

    Thanks for proving my point. 
    Daddy payed a lot of money to get his way for his son growing up, so why stop now, right mac?   Last time I checked at a small school the coach better be able to coach multiple sports.  Also maybe your little johnny is not as talented as you think he is. All kids matter but your kid matters most.

    JV check the rosters on ALL varsity teams. Jasper, Bridge City,  Hudson, Evadale, Woodville ETC. Big Sandy ALL rosters Starting positions are filled with select players that have had professional lessons to make these kids the best. The Benches are filled with kids that were not fortunate enough to get the instruction they needed. Some parents are more helpful than others. TRY asking any of the coaches if any of their teams would be as successful as they are without the parents. All kids matter but some work harder than others and some have more resourses spent on them than others. and this is the reason 1 child out performs another.

  5. The parents in woodville do not tell the coaches how to coach never have. As I stated very supportive of the former coaches. This group is very young they have a chance to make a run at state in a couple years don't ruin it is all thes parents are saying maybe coach Wilroy or mixon will take over

  6. TRY coaching where nobody cares, Try coaching where there is no money, Try making something out of nothing. Without the support of parents and the community there is nothing but a dead end coach with a .500 record if he is lucky and nothing to show for it. 

  7. as usual someone always misses the point. It takes everyone to have a successful athletic program. why let 1 person be a hard a and ruin something that many parents and kids have worked for since they were 4 yrs old. yes there are some that have spent more time money and energy in their children than others, they should have more say so than little johnnys parents that have done nothing. are you a giver  or a Taker. These parents have given more than their fair share. The coaches would have nothing if not for the encouragement of the parents  and for their children to work for something and be the best.

  8. Woodville will have 3 test remaining to determine the success of the 2015 season. We have failed the first test only Kirbyville, East Chambers, and Kountze remain. Again defense was ok, poor pass defense. Again offense with the exception of Martin poor. Martin must be hurt did not play much, when he did, he would shine. We will see Friday Night. 6 and 4 not acceptable.  

  9. Since when is Corrigan rebuilding? From what I seen Friday they will be just fine again this year. May not be state champ caliper but we will make the playoffs.

    Corrigan is not the Corrigan of old, They are solid at running back. They will struggle to make 3rd place. Crockett will win district followed by Newton and a toss up between Corrigan and Garrison. Most in Corrigan are expecting a down year.

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