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Posts posted by jkbtjc53

  1. 13 hours ago, LC-M said:

    He might be the best right now but I wouldn't say this would be the first time ever. We have had good athletes come through. A lot of them over shadowed by better teams. He's not the best QB LCM has ever had. But he has room to improve.

    I think by his senior year he will be.

  2. 5 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    Wager, based on posts that YOU make?  After the misinformation that you have admitted to?  I guess you think that I am as dumb as I know I believe you are.

    Only thing I admit to was the Craig Williams incident that his mother and me talked about. You can’t fake twitter messages, and I can’t fake time stamps with dates on messages. I didn’t know we’d have this convo today so there would be no way to fake these messages. They are time and date stamped for December and some later then that. Take the bet or bow out like a man.



    if your from Orange ask Deionte Thompson’s dad about me.


    if your from Beaumont ask Deonte Henson’s dad about me.


    if your from Jasper ask trainer Aaron Garret or Jasper legend and former NFL player Malcom Bronson about me. I’m interested in helping kids better their futures, and change their lives. God did it for me and I don’t believe in not helping when you have the ability to help. 


    Lets go Todd time to be a man for once. 

  3. That’s funny I’m texting with a WOS coach now and he’s asking me to help a kid get a scholarship. Let’s make a wager, if I post that exchange you quit posting because you obviously no nothing. We can double it, if I post a text from a Sam houston coach asking me about kids in the 409 they should offer you give me 100$ and apology? Don’t back down you talked the talk now walk the walk. 



    No coach at any school is telling their kids kids to stay away from me. Just the racist on this site named Todd.

  4. He had probably told them something like that because you instructed him to which is a shame because you probably hurt another kids chances at getting a scholarship. You are the lowest of the low, but I won’t stop helping kids. Check my twitter idk how many college coaches follow me and it’s because they know I have the kids best interest at heart. Notice your the only guy with a problem. Put your bigotry aside and help these children. You say self serving and your the one who started this argument. Throw a rock and hide your hand type of coward. It hurts doesn’t it? I’ll pray for u, anyman who’s upset at kids getting scholarships for free is a sad man.

  5. 7 minutes ago, MackLewis said:

    This guy, who claims to working to get kids scholarships, is what’s wrong with high school football.

    You’ve got this guy, who so badly wants to be a coach, but can’t cut it.  Then he wants to take credit for what the coaches are doing.  

    You sir, are nothing but a street pimp, pretending to be more important than what you are.  Never take credit for a kid from Newton getting a sclorship offer!  Curtis Barbay, and WT Johnston have been putting kids in College way before you ever laced them up!

    Read the exchange above. I have a degree and could be a coach, but I choose to work at a chemical plant instead. I didn’t come here claiming anything the moderator called me out.


    barbay and WT are legends in my mind and I praise them for their work with our youth. But there are people out there that do charity work and are good people. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    I find your compassion about the kids  A JOKE!  You are correct, there won't be any apologies as I have done nothing other that to call it like it is.

    I have had a disagreement with plenty of folks on this site over the years, but I have understood that for the most part, even though I disagreed with them, that like me, they had the interest of the kids at heart.

    There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, that will convince me that you for one single solitary moment have the interest of any kid unfortunate enough to come in contact with you.  You are a cancer that will kill something good one of these days for sure.

    Prove it. Find one kid I ever charged a dime. Your what’s wrong with the 409, nothing more then a racist bigot. Proven wrong and still won’t apologize. I didn’t come here beating my chest saying what I do, you called me out and now your to proud to admit defeat. It’s hilarious but expected.

  7. I’m done talking after that post. Coaches at all the schools do great jobs and I’m not taking anything away from them but I have no reason to lie. I work my connects behind the scenes and don’t ask for any praise. It’s truly all about the kids.


    people like Todd who try and make me look bad are hurting our 409 youth. I bet he won’t even apologize because he’s truly doesn’t care about the kids just his beef with me.

  8. 10 minutes ago, EaglesFootball said:

    Sir you didn’t get anyone from Newton an offer. I see those coaches working day in and day out calling coaches and talking with them about their kids. Those kids got themselves offers by the way they handle their business on a daily basis. Never seen you at a game, practice, or anything. Newton kids have plenty of coaches who care about them they don’t need some stranger from out of town doing anything. 

    I’m not here to argue or take credit for any kids GOD given talent. But ask the kids about me. Then ask them how much I charged. The answer will be zero for the charge.

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