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Posts posted by Razor

  1. Saw a piece if the replay on time warner...one day, someone is gonna be watching this game and wondering who in the heck Nederland was playing in those gray and white uniforms??? Just doesn't look like png to me.

    Great game played by both sides and that's what makes this rivalry the best around, period....we are just in a phase of this thing right now where png needs to make some adjustments if they expect to beat the Dogs....my assessment is that Nederland currently just has created a "tougher" program that just has more nasty in it than png does...fancy offenses, alternate uniforms, 7 on 7 success, nice facilities and the sort are very nice, but these games come down to who can put their hand in the dirt and hit somebody in the mouth while taking some shots themselves....both teams played their guts out, Nederland just had a little more...this was another game that png could have easily won on paper, but these Nederland teams just seem to grind it out, fight like hell and refuse to be denied...congrats Dogs on another amazing win! These kids were not gonna let png be the ones to end Nederlands streak against the district and against the Indians, especially not on their field...png will be fine in district with maybe the exception if the central game...central a speed may give them fits but that will be another good one
  2. make no mistake, and I am as big of a Dog fan as their is, but png is the clear favorite to win this game...on paper...Nederland IMO is the clear underdog...however, the same can be said about last week against Central as well...Central was the clear favorite and this team simply outwilled and outfought them for a win...The Dogs will have to do the same this week and overcome the odds...they have to hang in the game as long as they can, make it a physical, hard hitting, one/last possession game...the longer Nederland stays in this, the more pressure and doubt the indians will feel.


    Go Dogs!  Send the purple and gray home unhappy.

  3. I agree with the png assessment that the Dogs will have a hard time stopping the ndn's...I just happen to think that the same might be true the other way around as well...this will come down to who gets the (few) key stops and I think turnovers and penalties may play into that in a big way...now Nederland struggled with this mightily early in the year and it cost them games...they had close to if not over 200 yards of penalties against Dayton alone...this has been cleaned up pretty dramiatically in district and will need to stay that way if the Dogs have a chance to win...much like last week, stay close for as long as you can, make the game physical,and make plays in the second half when the heat and pressure will be at its max

  4. Nederland needs to make this a physical, smashmouth game...both teams are going to score and score quite a bit IMO...if so, this could be one of the more excting MCM's watch with plenty of action...png should be the favorite IMO and to me, this plays into Nederland's hands a little...the pressure of being favored, pressure of wanting so bad to end the district win streak, the pressure of losing 4 straight to your rivals...again, to be the champs, you gotta beat the champs and png may have the goods to do it this year, but they still gotta line up and do it!  Remember, this coaching regime (and believe me, I think png has excellent coaches so this is in no way a slap in the face) has only beaten Nederland once and that was in year one with Nederland playing a 3rd string QB who hadn't taken a snap all year.


    For Nederland to win, they will need to score with the same regularity that they have all season (Nederland's offense is underrated to a large degree) and force just enough stops to stay in the game and be around late...really looking forward to this one.

  5. Looking for a gutter war-street fight...if the Dogs can make it this kind of game, I like our chances...all the makings of a classic MCM....both teams undefeated in district, Nederlands streak in district as well as over png on the line...png being the clear favorite but now having that little element of doubt creeping in
  6. amen on this...never seen quite that dramatic of a turnaround between 2 halves...giving up 36 in one half, going to locker room, making adjustments, and pitching a shut out in the 2nd half.

    This is in no way a criticism of other coaching staffs in the area, but IMO this is one distinct advantage that Nederland has had over their opponents over the last several years...coaching...these guys first and foremost gameplan better than most...it is one reason that i put so little stock in Nederlands scrimmages...no game plans for those (see Nederland vs. Dayton 2012)...secondly, they do a very good job of making in game adjustments (see last night), and finally, they are effective at getting their players to execute those adjustments.

    The best compliment that you can pay them IMO is that they can take yours and beat you with them or take their own and beat you with them too...does it lead to perfection...no...but it sure has proven better than most over time...hats off to Coach Spell and the entire staff on a job well done, not only tonight, but for several years now.

    Most importantly, congrats to the kids who fought their tails off last night to get an impressive W
  7. well. that's awful classy if true!  The best thing abot last night is that this team put their own undeniable mark on this winning streak...that was nothing but blood and guts and spit and snot and all that stuff to win that one...this group showed their heart last night and made a statement that they will not be an easy out...to be the team, you gotta beat the team...it will happen one day, but this group made a statement last night that they don't want it to be against them.

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