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Riding Solo

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Posts posted by Riding Solo

  1. Tell you what guys, Orangefield has some talent coming up. I have never seen skills at a young age that some of these have. And it’s not only in basketball. The baseball future is bright also. My grandson is a 7th grader, they lost one game in football and one in basketball. I do know that the district may change after next year but they will still compete no matter what district they are in. 

  2. My grandson is on the seventh grade team and they only lost one game this year and that was to a 5A school. On another note, someone posted on another thread that EC has a lot of move ins, transfers or whatever. I don’t believe that to be true, see Winnie is like Newton and WOS. Nobody moves out, I recognize last names from 42 years ago. 🤣🤣🤣

  3. I am formally BleedOrange on here and have not comment since 2008, of course that was when my daughter graduated. I really enjoy and appreciate the job you guys do on this website. I like being able to get the scores and they are usually posted the night of, that being said I went to watch Orangefield varsity last night in any sport for the first time since 2009. I was impressed, these kids have skills and moved the ball around well. I go watch my grandkids now and they have some talent coming up. Don't know about the girls but the future looks bright for the boys in basketball. No we will probably never beat silsbee. LOL!!!!!!  

  4. I do agree Buchorn, when I was in school it was mandatory you ran track through your junior year if you played football. Coaches knew that a successful track program led to a successful football program. We had way more depth back then. I guess my example is: I can only speak for Orangefield but in the past few years they cant even fill relay teams at some meets. Also back in the old days a track meet was two days. We never ran an event at 9pm at night or later.  Not even close. A few years back I looked at the times of the district meet and yes WOS was in it. The track team of 1980 for Orangefield would have won that meet by 64 points. That was when WOS won state a few years back.

  5. LM was 5A in 1986 now they are 4A ( old 3A Division II) , their numbers keep dropping. Sorry buddy but the glory days are over. LM has a proud tradition as they should have but I don't see any state titles in their future. Just being real.  WOS wont be just a test, I promise and I don't see a state title in their future either. I can always hope though for WOS that is. By the way when was LM last state title?

  6. Hate to disappoint you mightymouse but LM is a former shell of itself . The glory days are gone, HF did not get spanked by them and they should be concerned if they meet WOS, HJ or Orangefield. Talk about someone living in the past, that is you. By the way my brother was the QB for LM when they went to the state title game against Plano in 1986. Lots have changed since then.

  7. My parents did not come to all of my games also but in their defense they owned their own business and worked all the time. I can't fault them for that they was trying to make a better life for us but I did make sure I did not follow in their footsteps. I went to 99% of my kids games. Because I work to live not live to work.

  8. I was president of Little dribblers and also president of the athletic booster club at Orangefield. I have seen the pain in kids eye's because a parent promised to show up at their game but never did. So I do respect the comment's right or wrong.

  9. Ladybug33, Mofo meant no harm with this subject. He merely felt sorry for the kids. That is the way I took his post. I promise if this conversation was face to face there would be no anger because you could see the passion in everyone's eye's. Unfortunately  we are reading words which can be misleading. No harm no foul.

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