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Everything posted by MikeEast

  1. A good confidence building win, yes. A surprise? Not really. Upset of the year, no. Dayton has issues and they are no where near what they were last year. Its a great win for a team that is not used to winning the big games, but remember dayton is down this year. You cannot let wins over teams that are not hitting on all 8 cylinders get you too worked up. You have to keep it in perspective. Its a lot more fun when you know you have beaten a team that is at their very best. By seasons end, you may just do that a couple of times. I just hope it does not happen in your last game of the season!! ;D Lumberton is playing with confidence and they have a good thing going. I would say just take it 1 week at a time and enjoy the wins you get. Dont brag too much until you secure that playoff spot. Then you can cheer and jeer all you want. I think Central, PNG, Nederland, LCM, and Lumberton, Dayton and Ozen,,, they all still have something to prove. Its going to be a fun year.
  2. I remember when 10 years ago we were right where you are. No one believed in the Dogs but us. All it took was one play to spark a revolution for Nederland football. Maybe this win was your spark that is going to start something great for Lumberton. Good luck against everyone except the Bulldogs! ;D
  3. Good job PNG... Seeya in a couple of weeks!
  4. It was not a fun game to watch. We got the win and Kirby gets better and better every week but there is just something missing. The defense played ok, but they seemed to be just going through the motions at times and tackled very sloppy for such an obvious scheme that came straight at them all night. Vidor seemed to be dead head too. Very little visible emotion out there from either side most of the time. To me this was a game that should have been a shutout and a 42 point minimum score. Noit being overly critical, the game just never seemed to get going. Asa Cardenas rocks man,,, what a fun kid to watch. Its good to have a kamikaze receiver back on our side again. Cool thing is he has about 4 trusty friends to help spread it around quite a bit. I think we have a lot to look forward to in the coming years.
  5. I would not be too sure about no one getting deep into the playoffs this year. There are some pretty good teams out there that may have not peaked yet. I was not convinced that Dayton had much before the season started and now although I think Lumberton may be as good as they have ever been I still think Dayton is down. I really think PNG, Central. maybr Dayton and even my Bulldogs have a good shot at a pretty good playoff run. I think PNG could really do some damage if they get rolling. Their defense looked very solid in zero week and I think MB's bread and butter may be better than folks think. I dont think 23-4A is as good as they have been either. Its still very early, I say hang on, it could possibly be one of the best years ever for our mediocre little district. It could also be the beginning of great things to come.
  6. Way to go Lumberton! Its going to be a fun season I can see already.
  7. lol, Yeah I am wrong all the time, every once in a while I am right so what? At least I put myself out there and get the discussion going, that is what makes it fun. I never proclaim to be right all the time. Just like everyone else I have an opinion,,, So do, and so are you. If we were always right we would be coaching in the NFL making millions huh? This is just a fan site to talk s.. , well you know. Its just for fun. And as far as I have been concerned we have always been and will always be friends, how good of friends is up to you. But as you know friends play rough sometimes, thats part of the fun. ;D
  8. hehehe, thats better... NOW its starting to feel like MCM ;D
  9. really piratefan, how interesting that my childhood football experience or lack thereof defines and explains my posts on this fan site bulletin board 22 years later at 40 years old.. You guys are really showing your wit I tell ya. Oh, by the way, I could hack it but I had to make a choice if I wanted to get serious about what I was really good at(music) and that was not football. I definitely made the right choice. I bet you are a really brilliant and fascinating person to be around. We should meet.
  10. For whoever said something about arrogance, lol arrogance!? lol, I think not. What I said is true and I never said Nederland was a tough place to play in, I simply said that PNG and Vidor are not and WOS is and why. oldog71 You have no idea where I have been and who I have seen play fool. lol, not that it really matters,, because whether or not we played or not and how good or bad we were 24 years ago is totally and completely irrelevant here, much less does playing experience validate our knowledge of the game,,, but your clueless assumption is incorrect. I did play football in Nederland, but only from the time I was 5 years old through 10th grade. I played football in and for Nederland my whole growing up, I was not great but I did ok. I played youth flag football from the time I was 5 or 6 until I was about 10 or so. Then I played lineman and defensive back for the Mars' and Westbrooks on the Junior League Broncos in Nederland. Then in junior high I played defensive line for Coach Lynch and CO Wilson, then into my 10th grade year at NHS where I was a Bulldog for just a little while and then I quit. I quit and pursued choir in high school by which I received a full scholarship to Lamar which I threw away like a dummy, but lucked out and landed the job of a lifetime despite me blowing an opportunity at a free college degree. Now that you know my lifes story,,, lol That my friend, is all 100% fact. Go look it up I dare you.. BTW, if you are who I think you are... you are not at all from Nederland and are an ex band geek posing as an ex football star wanna be.. : Back on the original subject, not that it matters but we are not talking about places that are tough to play from a players perspective, but from OUR perspective as inhabitants of this board. Or was it ever really specified?
  11. PNG is an easy place to play and we are their arch rival. Vidor too,, as are most all the other schools we face. Honestly to me there is little very little intimidation in Port Neches and none in Vidor. When we go to PNG all I see is a bunch of pomp,, overdone pride, self proclaimed greatness and pride ridden tradition that is nothing but blah blah blah to me. Where all they care about is the bottom line, win or die.. (sorry my PNG friends, a couple of more weeks and it will all be over again till next year ) In Vidor nothing else matters but beating Nederland, just ask them and they will tell you. I have heard 1000 times, I dont care if we lose EVERY game, as long as we beat the Bulldogs. It does make me proud to be a Bulldog though, I love having that sort of respect that it means so much if you can find a way to beat our boys just 1 time your entire existence is made whole and complete. To me intimidating would be SLC, LaMarque, Stepenville and even WOS.. Going into a stadium where the home teams players that grace the field,, those that your players are about to have to face, are the continuing part of a LOOOONG line of consistant performance and commitment to excellence. A team like WOS where there roster of actual players totals about 20 and they still find a way to out last a team that is 3 deep at every position and they still come out with the W. Where its not just about winning but its about perfection. Perfection that just so happens to result in winning. Where winning is not the purpose, its just the end result and its an inevitable matter of fact for the program and those who support it. THAT is what is intimidating.
  12. Too many good teams to go making predictions. I would say the district is wide open, you might start to get a picture after the 3rd week of district play.... maybe........ It will be interesting to see if Dayton steps up with the start of district and returns to their 06 form. Nederland, Ozen, PNG, LCM and even Vidor and Lumberton could be tough.. I dont mean this as an insult although it will sound that way but I cannot see Lumberton or Vidor getting to the playoffs unless the whole district is down. Just my honest opinion, not trying to intentionally put anyone down.. If Vidor or Lumberton make it to the playoffs they MIGHT make it past the first round but I would doubt it. I will gladly eat crow if I am wrong, but I think its a very safe prediction.
  13. Me too, but that has nothing to do with validating your point of view. I dont care if it is sports or sewing... Acabemic classes come first, extra curriculars are called extra curriculars for a reason. If you cannot pass your academic requirements you dont have time for EC's. They are a priviledge not a right. If nothing else it teaches the kids accountability. It is OUR "JOB" as parents to make sure that our kids understand that they are personally accountable for their decisions and they have no one else to blame but themselves for the way they turn out. Its first and formeost MY "job" to make sure they pass but as a parent what happens to MY "young adult" is MY decision. Its about actions and consequences. Until they turn 18 that is MY decision and I want the school to help me enforce that. But if they wont I will.
  14. I will agree that Waller had a strong offense and a good defense and had they won the game, it would have been well deserved. Frankly I was shocked that they did not win, they SHOULD have one, but heck Waller threw the game away. THAT's the perspective that the Waller faithful should see. You have no one to blame but your own execution or lack thereof for the loss. The team played MORE than well enough to win,,, but they lost. Not because of referees but because of turnovers,,, forced or unforced. Stop losing the handle and you win the game. 1. When you say that Nederland did not create all the turnovers,,,, well you are just proving the point. If Waller was really that good they would not be putting the ball on the ground 4 times in 1 game. That shows nerves, inexperience or just hideous execution. Paint it any color you want, there is no good excuse for dropping the ball 4 times. It just shows that Waller has a lot of work to do. 2. Just for the sake of argument and pure opinion. On the TD, the quarterbacks progress was not stopped, he was in the open field trying to spin off of the defenderand could have just as easily broken free and scored. If he would have, we would not be having this discussion, you would not be saying,,,"They should not have given Waller the TD, because our progress was stopped", you would have been jumping for joy . Bottom line... A prepared football player would never allow a defensive player to yank the ball out of his hands like that, not just rip it right out of there... It was like being "****" slapped by Grogan for petes sake. Had he protected the football and just gone down like he should have, again we would not be having this conversation. Somebody needs to find the handle or this is going to continue to happen to you. Bottom line, Waller is a kick butt team, your defense was very good and your offense is a good running team, but you are one dimensional, that is not good. We have been deep into the playoff and beaten supposedly unstoppable run teams that could not throw time after time. I did not see the stats, but I would venture to guess that the Waller offense had the ball for over 30 minutes of the game and you only scored twice... Our defense was asked to hold off a smash mouth offense for that long and they only gave up 14 points? Man, you SHOULD have scored 5 times and you did not.. Sounds like Waller just needs some work.. Just like we do!! Good luck to Waller for the rest of the year. You have an great team and deserve a good run!
  15. 35-10 Dayton with Dayton shutting it down in the 3rd quarter.
  16. I must admit, Waller had a formidable running game with maybe the best 1-2-3 punch I have seen. Their FB, QB and TB were all big, strong and ran hard. They ran this nasty little QB keep play with an absolutely phenomenal fake that just ate our lunch all night. They must have run it 20 times and it worked 19 of them. Wareall Grogan is the real deal. He pays hard. He had an awesome take away, he just tok the ball right out of the QBs hands, just took it away. It was pretty cool. DJ is really good but Grogan has been the playmaker all 3 games. To be honest I am really super stoked about our quarterback. I would bet that his throws hit their mark over 90% with 80% of those while trying to escape the pressure... and the passes were dropped. He threw a rifle pass on the run about 30 yards downfield and the ball hit the receiver in the shoulderpads dead center of the chest so hard that it bounced back about 10 yards. I am telling you we have a winner on our hands bigtime. If he can stay humble and just do his thing like he has been, especially with the defense playing this well ,,, well it could be a very good season,,, possibly. Defense is good too, as was Wallers defense. They were agressive and they hit hard. DJ had a really good night tonight and he really showed his toughness playing through a horrible cramp. It ate him up in the late 3rd and 4th qtr but he refused to give up and made an incredible save on a long run where #25 got away. You could see he was cramping bad as he caught the guy and went down, rolled over in agony and got up and just kept going.. He also had a sweet fumble run with the meanest stiffarm I have seen since Sumrall. It was bitchin'. It will be on his highlight reel I guarantee you. Not to take away from the whole defense. Waller had a great run offense and with the offense struggling they went nose to nose with the Waller offense for the most of the game. BTW, the defense scored 2 of the 3 TD's. Asa Cardenas caught a great pass and just willed his way into the end zone for the go ahead. It was sweet, but you gotta give Waller credit, they would have easily deserved the win, they really outplayed us but the Defense just never gave in.
  17. Get off the pipe man... didn't anyone tell you that it kills brain cells.
  18. Just found this article on ESPN ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. -- Buffalo Bills reserve tight end Kevin Everett had surgery Sunday after injuring his spine on a kickoff against the Denver Broncos, and there is concern about whether he will be able to walk again. AP Photo/Don Heupel A trainer attends to Kevin Everett after he showed no signs of consciousness following a helmet-to-helmet hit when he tackled Denver's Domenik Hixon during a kickoff to open the second half. "He's had some sparse movement," Everett's agent Brian Overstreet told The Associated Press in a phone interview late Sunday. "The next couple of days is going to be critical," said Overstreet, responding to a question about paralysis. "Our concern is for him to come out of this healthy and, hopefully, be able to walk again." Overstreet said Everett came out of a "lengthy surgery" Sunday evening and the plan was for his mother, Patricia Dugas, to arrive from Texas on Monday. According to ESPN's Chris Mortensen, doctors in Buffalo have told members of the Bills that bone chips were removed during surgery. Everett is stabilized and is on a respirator in intensive care. Everett fell to the ground and never moved after a helmet-to-helmet hit when he tackled Denver's Domenik Hixon during a kickoff to open the second half. Everett was placed on a backboard with his head and body immobilized, and carefully loaded into an ambulance at the Broncos 30. The game was delayed for about 15 minutes, and the Bills gathered at the sideline while doctors attended to the player. At 9:45 p.m., as he was leaving Millard Fillmore Gates Hospital, Bills' tight end Ryan Neufeld told Buffalo's WIVB-TV the surgery "went well as far as we can tell and he's recovering right now." Bills general manager Marv Levy said doctors informed the team that it's too early to determine the severity of the injury and they will know more after monitoring the player overnight. "Certainly, we feel the injury is serious, but I don't want to speculate, and that's what the doctors told us," Levy told The Associated Press. "They told us to wait to hear from them before making any speculative announcement." Coach Dick Jauron said immediately following the game that the player sustained a cervical spine injury, but wouldn't discuss the severity of the injury. Everett's injury cast a pall over the Bills following a season-opening 15-14 loss, with several players expressing concern about their teammate. "It was real hard," cornerback Terrence McGee said. "I watched the whole thing and he never moved. ... It's real sad to see him go off on a stretcher, but we hope he's OK." "It's real sad," added receiver Roscoe Parrish, who played with Everett at the University of Miami. "When something like that happens to a close friend of yours, and you know how much he loves football, it bothers you." Denver players expressed concern, including kicker Jason Elam, who kicked the winning field goal as time ran out. Before taking questions after the game, Elam said: "What we heard is not good, so for our whole team, our prayers go out to him." Buffalo's third-round draft pick in 2005, Everett missed his entire rookie season with a knee injury, and spent most of his second season limited to special teams duty. The Bills liked Everett's 6-foot-4 frame, and were counting on him to play a role in their passing attack this season.
  19. Yep, I remember Kevin very well and thinking that one day he was going to go pro when he was playing for TJ. I knew that he had gone to Miami, but then lost track of him. My heart goes out to him. I hope that his injury is not serious and that he makes a full recovery.
  20. Thats a nice way to put it ND.. I would say they either need to change their philosophy on kickoff coverage,,,, or if they believe in their system and think the kids are not getting it done start having the kickoff coverage team run 10 air raid drills for everytime that the returner crosses the 30 for any reason. I bet they would see a miraculous improvement. ;D But its not a new problem, its been a weakness for a few years.
  21. I would think that they will leave him out for as long as they possibly can. If we can win without him, I would just let him heal as long as possible. I think that will be evident before district starts. He is going to be hard to replace but the spread offense was there, pass protection was very good and the receivers were wide open quite a bit and Cardenas, Broussard and Standley all had great hands. So if the replacement QB can throw fairly accurately and get the ball close and even run just a little I think the offense will still work ok. What Ryan seemed to have that will be hard to replace quickly is his decision making skills. He knows when to hold the ball and when to throw it away. If we can win with with someone else taking snaps then let him heal. Only thing is its a lot hader to replace a good mobile spread QB than a guy that mostly hands off the football to a running back. We have no running game whatsoever with the current setup so I hope that it does not come down to going back to the RRPP offense again unless something gives and they start making some really REALLY large holes for them to run though. It would suit me just fine of someone steps up and creates a quarterback controversy. That would be a GREAT thing for the Dogs at this point. I might even put put someone else in Johnsons position and put Johnson in the backfield and let him run the ball. Might not be good for his collegiate numbers, but it would be good for the Dogs offense.
  22. Anyway..... LC was a pretty good team but Rodgers kids are the real deal, one of if not THE most athletic high school football running backs I have ever seen and his brother is just as good. 8) They are so little but they have almost supernatural ability to change directions without losing speed. Looked a lot like Barry Sanders. It was really amazing to watch athletes of that caliber. I dont see how anyone is going to stop them. We will more than likely see those kids playing on Sunday.
  23. I agree. I hope they kick some butt.. I will be at the Central game for at least a while.
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