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Everything posted by MikeEast

  1. Yeah, I felt like these were two really good and equally matched teams. WOS actually did a really good job of containing their offense, and actually I felt like the WOS offense played pretty well. But they made mistakes when they could not afford to. TO me, the main things that really killed them were the bad snap on the punt and the poor playcalling on the goal line.
  2. Thats a nice read... I like seeing the other coaches perspective.
  3. Do your homework on LC.. Theres more to it than just final scores, its WHO you are scoring on and how good they are or are not. I know the Houston area and Nederland haters want us to believe LC is unbeatable because it makes them ALL look stronger. I know what the LC scores say. I'm not taking anything away from LC, I know they are obviously a good team, I suspect probably about like Dayton but not quite as good on defense. I really think that they are going to find themselves in a battle for their lives come Saturday night if the same Dogs show up that showed up this past weekend. It could go either way depending on who shows up ready to play.
  4. Right back at ya... 8) Looking forward to supporting the Golden Triangle area whether the Dogs are in it or not. I'm looking forward to my 1st weekend of all out playoffs this weekend. WOS on Friday then Central and Nederland on Saturday. I hope its not my last multi game weekend.
  5. Enough talk... lets get ready and go play these guy and see what happens.
  6. :? I personally dont feel that way at all. GP came out very fired up and ready to play and they played hard for 4 quarters. At the end of the game they held their heads high and seemed to have a good attitude despite a disappointing loss. The game was clean, no dirty play other than a late hit late in the game that I think was more just agression that frustration. Another notable thing about GP, despite being a Houston team they had a very small but ENTHUSIATIC fan base. ALthough I wanted to see the Dogs win you hate to see a good team lose that badly. And Barbers Hill although they talk a lot of trash here deserves a lot of respect. They have played consistantly well all year and are getting better and better and have a great coach. I just hope that by the time they peak and Ozen gets back on track, they are playing in 5A!!
  7. Dayton in a rout. TC has nothing this year. Go Broncos!
  8. Heres another Nederland fan pulling for the Jags! I am pretty sure that you guys can and will win this one if you dont let the whole "LaMarque" stigma intimidate you. This is not the dominant LaMarque team they have been before. They are nothing more than just another good football team this year, NOT a super team. If Central prepares for this game and has cautious confidence that they should win it... I think they will win it going away. I truly believe that this is Centrals game to lose. Im not going to predict a score because I beleive this will depend on which Central team shows up. OK OK, if the real Central team shows up I will say Central 35 LaMarque 21 Go Jags!
  9. Hold on just a minute here.. Have any of you actually gone back and looked at LC's schedule.. Yes there are a lot of big names in there but they were big name teams that did not play all that well against decent teams this year. The only real teams they played were Waller (1st game of the season) Terry, and El Campo. Bay City and Friendswood did not play well this year and there was no one else on their schedule. OK, Waller was EARLY in the season so that one does not count. Terry was beaten 39-0 and they only threw the ball 3 times,, in the WHOLE GAME! El Campo outplayed them bigtime in everyway, but they fumbled the ball twice that resulted in returns for TD's. Lamar Consolidated is pretty 1 dimensional, they dont throw the ball much at all and good teams have beaten themselves with not interceptions, but FUMBLES.. Their strengths are their running game and their pass defense. And El Campo proved that they are not a lights out defense against a decent running or passing game. I think this team may be just a little over rated. Good yes, but not Goliath. I think they are very beatable, I dont think they are as good as Dayton was by any scope.
  10. LOL, I made a point to walk the talk and stand up for every single defensive snap and make noise. I noticed about 200 people that were doing the same thing. There was a noticeable difference in crowd involvement last night. It was great.
  11. HEY BH96 I know somebody over at C Co. that told me last night that "he" sure is glad Nederland did not have to play Barbers Hill in the playoffs this year.
  12. Yeah we met Dugat tonite.. Nice kid, very polite and talkative. BIG too. 8)
  13. Man you have got to give credit to #12 Grogan. Im going to say it just like it is. That kid is bad to the bone. He was a wildman out there tonite. Knocking the stuffing out of everything in site on defense, special teams he even beat the receiving team to the ball on a kickoff and picked it up and ran it in, too bad you cant advance an untouched ball but we still regained possession and immdiately scored none the less. HE was everywhere the ball was all night long and elevated the defensive play by 50% just being out there. Bigtime heads up player and a massive impact out there . Dravannti showed a new level of speed on a couple of occasions. He had a takedown on one play where he came from the backside and closed on the ballcarrier with speed I have not seen since the night Yoder saved a TD by closing a 15yard gap with supernatural speed against Lincoln to save the win. Although GP did not pass much, when they did our secondary was FINALLY consistantly in position to make the play. In previous weeks those throws would have been huge gainers. Plus we saw that bigtime Bulldog bite that I have not seen in a couple of years from the collective group. All 11 players on the field seemed to be focused and determined to prevent GP from gaining a single yard. And Micah, and all the other back for that matter were running with a new level of intensity and they all just refused to be tackled. It was really awesome. Great job from Alex, the offensive line, receivers, everyone played great. Now the rubber is going to meet the road. Time to hookup with a legitimate playoff contender and see what we are made of. Im not going to make any predictions but I will say that I would have said NO WAY at 5PM tonite. But after tonites defensive and offensive performances that had the intensity I miss so much. I think maybe....just maybe... :evil: :twisted:
  14. HEY you can come and sit with NedDog and I..... We will be wearing Black and Gold and I have a tan(gold) cap with a big black N on the front of it.. You won't be able to miss us.
  15. 4PM is all that is on my collective minds... All my personalities are COLLECTIVELY thinking about getting out of here and heading to Baytown with NedDog!
  16. I like Coach Neumann's perspective on where they are and what they have to do now. That is, validate the fact that they are in the playoffs. 8)
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