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Everything posted by tam2121

  1. I was told by Deon's mother that he has a pulled hamstring...Don't know how long he will be out. Earl was at the scrimmage Friday.
  2. Is those players Stephen Cook and Matthew Provost? If so, they are two of the best defenders on the team. YES ONE OF THEM IS STEPHEN COOK, THE OTHER IS JACOBY ROBERTS. MATTHEW PROVOST IS NOT INJURED, JUST NOT GETTING THE PLAYING TIME HE DESERVES IN MY OPINION. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP YOUNG MAN YOUR TIME IS COMING VERY SOON. Well those players being out explains alot. They will be fine when they get back. Provost is an excellent player. I never understood why he wasn't getting alot of playing time.
  3. Well could you take it and go and smack the OC in the head with it and force him to use it. Barry was the best OC we ever had.
  4. Is those players Stephen Cook and Matthew Provost? If so, they are two of the best defenders on the team.
  5. The only problem I saw with Wo-s is conditioning. They got extremely tired and that's when Vidor scored their points. The conditioning part will come the more they play...I'm not worried about that. The defensive line isn't in good shape stamina wise...they got tired. Offensively, Vidor couldn't really stop us. The dumb penalty's to stop scores and long gains cost a at least a couple touchdowns. Discipline guys!! This game shouldn't have even been close.
  6. People keep saying Wo-s got their butts kicked 28-21 isn't a butt kickin. I know what your going to say, Dayton turned the ball over. Most of the time turnovers are caused by the other team and if you are a great team, you can overcome turnovers. Giving up 21 points to a team that you supposedly manhandled isn't good. Although Wo-s needs to work on alot of things. Dayton does also. Doesn't mean in a real game that Wo-s would be manhandled. Although Dayton might have looked great offensive, defensively to give up 21(whether because of turnovers or not) shows you have enough work of your own to do. great teams will keep teams out the endzone regardless of a turnover.
  7. The thing that Dayton had that Vidor doesn't is speed. Size alone isn't going to hurt them.
  8. yeah, that's why I asked. When you give up 28 points usually it's because you gave up too much in the passing game. I'm sure they were showing watered down versions of their defense like most teams do in scrimmages, but missed assignments should never happen. As I said, I'm not worried...we Have coach Thompson anchoring that defense. I know if he feels someone isn't consistantly doing their job on defense, then he won't hesitate to replace them. He will have the defense together before the season starts.
  9. Who did Wo-s have at corners and safety? Cause we did lose key players in these positions. Giving up 28 points is unheard of for us. I'm sure at this point the coaches are just trying people out in different positions, but definately whoever they had at these positions, didn't do a very good job. Still early, so I'm not worried.
  10. Haven't heard about coaching changes, but I talked to one of the coaches and i know that Hippo will be playing alot at safety. Even though he will still be the starting Qb, garrett will see alot of time at Qb because Hippo will be on defense quite a bit. We will have Josh Gloston back at cornerback and I was told that Roderick Simmons will be the other corner and from what I hear, he's one heck of a corner, so we will be strong at the cornerback and safety positions. Of couse Quinny will be back and we won't miss a beat with him because he's a mirror image of his brother. I was also told that James Haynes might see more time at runningback which is his natural position. I have been raving about freshman Wr Mark Roberts and when I asked about him to one of the coaches, he said he might end up being the best Wr that Wo-s has ever had. He has great size and speed. I'm also looking forward to having Trey Franks back, I think he could have done some damage if we hadn't lost him to injury early in the season. I think next years team will be even better than this years team.
  11. Why do you keep showing fatboys picture...he's not nice to look at.
  12. Yeah, down the field into the endzone...all night long.
  13. It's very rare that three brothers will make an impact on the same team but that's the case at West Orange-Stark. Senior DePauldrick Garrett, sophomore Roderick Simmons, and junior Quintavious Garrett have all played a part in the Mustangs success this season.
  14. EEEWWW we're scared. All we have to do is throw a cheeseburger in front of them then they will have a decision to make. Do you want to make the tackle or do you want the cheeseburger. Needless to say, we'll be in the endzone cause we know what decision they will make.
  15. They better not have any of their fat behinds on the defensive line cause they will see our runningbacks speeding past them before they can even get out of their 3 point stance.
  16. They'll be gasping for air before we get halfway through the third quarter. Wo-s doesn't fear size. You can't hit what you can't catch.
  17. Are you threatened by a female that knows a little about football? ;D
  18. Lol. When that 4th quarter rolls around, they're gonna wish they didn't eat all that they ate.
  19. You sound unsure all of a sudden. You went from our runningback having 50 yards to 100. And now your saying your offense will destroy our defense" I Think".
  20. It's not "your running back" because the Garrett's are brothers too. So your team will have to deal with a pair of brothers as well. And they are equal in talent. Not the older brother being average in comparison to his little brother like your running backs are. You will also have to worry about our Qb running and he's not easy to bring down.
  21. After we played Bay City, the announcer was talking like this was the last time they were going to play so i don't know.
  22. Okay, leave the guy alone. If he wants to toot his own horn then let him. He sure couldn't be noticed playing on a losing team. Jajuan are you a senior?
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