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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="814998" timestamp="1277738177"] As for universal training goes, this is how I feel and how some coaches that I know feel about it. I am in agreement with this following statement: Universal off- season should be just that, workouts performed during each sports offseason. The basketball problem is this: the athletic period is when most of the peripheral and  basic skill work takes place ie.. inbounds plays, special situation work and plays, position specific work, rebounding,dribbling, and shooting drills, etc. In football much of this same time is spent working "peripherals" such as kickoffs, punts, returns (both k/o and punt) among others and in both sports team work is usually reserved for afterschool practices, (putting  all the work together). The way universal off -season is being run deprives other sports of this valuable time while allowing football to remain able to use this same valuable time. The other sports deserve to have this time as well when they are "in season". This says it all. [/quote] Yes it does AAW!
  2. [quote name="ECBucFan" post="814989" timestamp="1277736569"] I am glad EC is [i]not[/i] Kountze or H-J!  8) [/quote] You obviously care more about football then  ;)
  3. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="814977" timestamp="1277732270"] I have a question. I totally understand the arguements for both sides of this topic of "universal training". But my question is this, what are schools like HJ and Kountze doing to enhance their football programs? Football at these schools are greatly lacking in success. Why is that? Is it because they don't do "universal training"? [/quote] Come on AAW there is not a school in the state of Texas that does not do ENOUGH to make there football program succesful.  Very weak and you know why HJ is not winning in football. 
  4. [quote name="knows2much" post="814975" timestamp="1277731204"] Actually, I know the Spurger coach and got a chance to talk to him at a track meet.  I asked what happened in the semifinals game...he said, "It is almost impossible to beat a team that athletic with what I have."  2nd of all, I bet Coach Sutherland would dispute the only reason HJ beat Navasota in the playoffs is blah blah blah.  I think that the fact that the man has won more playoff games than anyone in the area and most in the state may have something to do with HJ winning any playoff games.  He knows how to win them plain and simple.  Kind of like Michigan State being in the final 4 6 of the last 12 years. None of that even matters.  I played on a high school team that was very successful and we all did the "offseason" workouts.  Yeah it made us stronger...yeah it made us faster...yeah I think it made us better.  I also played 4 years of college BASKETBALL...we lifted 3 times a week sometimes 4 ALL YEAR.  Before and after season we lifted for strength, speed, and stamina.  During the season we lifted to maintain, but we still lifted. By the way...when you max out, you are actually only doing about 3 lifts.  Once again, if you are consitantly lifting it will have no affact on you.  I'm done arguing my point.  If any of you think someone's season is going down the drain because of strength training during the period then your just ignorant. [/quote] HJ wins games that the other "more athletic" teams should win because the few great athletes they have are skilled because they don't have universal offseason!!! THAT IS A FACT!
  5. [quote name="speechless" post="814939" timestamp="1277694158"] actually the ONLY reason Cayuga won it all this year was because of a 6'5", 175 lb. freshman who doesn't play football who came in and hit 5 threes in the championship game....because their DI football players couldn't make a jump shot...they won because of a players skill to hit 3 pointers because they faced a team that refused to allow them to beat them with their athletes getting to the basket "every team in this area was successful because they had better athletes"  PLEASE!  HJ basketball team gets laughed off the floor of almost every playoff opponent they faced the ONLY reason HJ beat Navasota 4 years in a row is because Navasota has universal off-season and those kids don't get the gym time that HJ kids do and their former head coach will tell you that...AND HE COACHED FOOTBALL. Also, you say the athletic period is for athletic training....then tell me does that go on during football season?  NOPE!  What do they do during the athletic period during football season?  Monday, game plan walk through...Tuesday lift....Wednesday skull...Thursday special teams...Friday walk through....Saturday lift What do they do during basketball season?  Monday lift.....Tuesday agilities.....Wednesday lift....Thursday agilities....Friday lift.... See the problem??  No time in the gym during the athletic period for a sport that requires skill much more than athleticism to win....even if the bball players dont have to lift on game days.....those are not days teams practice....they are walking through going over game plans [/quote] This post says it all.  Would love to see someone try to make a valid point against this one!
  6. [quote name="True Blue" post="814440" timestamp="1277403145"] Just ask the players at EC how the UNIVERSAL OFF SEASON worked for their team last year. When most schools that were getting ready to play in the playoffs they were draging tires on Wen. on the football feild instead of  being in the gym.  ??? [/quote] exactly!!! Game day lifting will really help those guys!!! LOL!
  7. [quote name="Betrayed" post="814442" timestamp="1277403544"] Just like those kids across those tracks didn't have anything to do with all that success Hj has been having since the Rebels became the Hawks ;D Seems like all the props goes to you and the coaches and players from that town off of 105  ::) Jordan said it best,"Players win Championships" not coaches or GM's!! I didn't see those coaches or assnt coaches playing with a broken nose, badly sprained ankles, the Flu, and stomach viruses ;) [/quote] See here is where you are wrong betrayed........you want to think that all the credit goes to the coaches and you are dead wrong.  Does HJ have a good coaching staff.  I think so.  Why have they been so good over the last few years.  The players.  Every coach on the staff will tell you that you can be a great coach but without players you can't win anything.  The players have been great.  OK......now let's find something else for you to moan about since you we agree that the players won the championships and the coaches prepared them well.
  8. [quote name="setxguru" post="814418" timestamp="1277395957"] I think if you look at Coach Price's track record just at Barbers Hill, the boys basketball team was in the playoffs every year.  So why would you think that this would be to target basketball.  I think HF is in a very tough basketball district and that has alot to do with the lack of success in that area.  [/quote] HF would not be succesful in any district around here in any classification. PERIOD!
  9. Sad.  Reading this mornings article in the Beaumont Enterprise I believe that Universal offseason will be a continued trend in HF and will probably be even worse under the new football regime!  Kids will never have time to grow on the basketball court with universal offseason! "Coach wants to get away from specific sport athletic period and have a strength and conditioning athletic period" AKA..........Continue to ruin the basketball program so they cannot be better than my team!!
  10. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="814089" timestamp="1277223883"] Bob West had a informative article last week in the PA News. [/quote] there is more than that!
  11. I was dead on last game and hope I am today.  I think Ray Allen shoots the ball well (4 3's) and the celtics get a good effort from all of the big 3 with pierce leading the way.  Celtics win 98-91!!!!
  12. Thanks for the update and glad things are going well.  We will continue to pray for ya Mikey!! Get better.  This place isn't the same without you!!!!!
  13. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="810551" timestamp="1276091129"] Last night, our SETXsports.com Administrator and Broadcaster Mike Sanchez was admitted to a hospital in Beaumont with chest pains.  Even though it does not appear to be life threatening, he was kept overnight for observation and is supposed to be checked out by a cardiologist this morning. Please keep Mike, his wife and kids, in your prayers today. And we (and hopefully sometime today, he) will keep y'all posted on his condition. [/quote] Prayers sent up. Mike is a good man!!!  God bless he and his family!
  14. [quote name="Bucof2010" post="810156" timestamp="1276003668"] We stole one in LA so if we can win both at home we should have the series on lock [/quote] we have 3 in a row at home.  Finals are 2-3-2.  WE MUST WIN 2 of 3 OR WE HAVE NO CHANCE!!!
  15. I am a little unsure tonight as I conitnue to believe(as I predicted before the series) that Ray Allen and his shooting are the keys to this series. I am not sure he can shoot like that again.  Ray will get much more respect early tonight so there will not be near as much help defense on Rondo, Pierce, and Garnett so hopefull that will help.  I am afraid the Lakers may steal this one though.
  16. [quote name="ford15" post="809642" timestamp="1275788517"] [quote author=im on fire link=topic=70069.msg809609#msg809609 date=1275781342] this WHOLE thread needs to LEARN ENGLISH.   if some of these folks posting in this thread went to ktz or hj you guys need to hit the books. [/quote] Your sentences should start with capital letters and it should be "If some of you folks posting on this thread went to Kountze or Hardin-Jefferson then you need to hit the books."   ;D ;D ;D  And it's not English they need to learn, it's grammer!! [/quote] LOL.......I love it!!!
  17. If the grass is greener on the other side.........then go.  No one will miss you!
  18. Let's hear your predictions.  Here is mine! Celtics win this one 98-93.  Big game from Ray Allen.  6 3's and scores 26 tonight!!
  19. The public is giving Boston no chance.  Vegas has LA as a 9 to 2 favorite. Basically almost a 2 to 1 favorite.  Most people don't remember but it was the same way 2 years ago.  NO ONE gave the Celtics a chance because of the way the Lakers breezed through the playoffs that year.  This year no one is giving them a chance because the Lakers breezed through the regular season and the Celtics struggled.  However, the Celtics struggles were because they were resting players in hopes of making a playoff run and their philosophy has worked.  The NBA is all about matchups.  I am not worried about Rondo, Peirce, Garnett, or Perkins........they key to this series is the shooting of Ray Allen.  If he is able to get open and knock down the three the Celtics CANNOT be beat.  However if he can't their offense can get very bogged down.  In Jesus Shuttlesworth I believe!!!!
  20. [quote name="Betrayed" post="806835" timestamp="1275065382"] Naw, just to early in the day to be entertaining B.$ :) [/quote] Like I said.........didnt't figure you would like the facts.  Also, I applaud what Joubert does for his players and I am sure he works hard at it.  The reason you KNOW what he does is because you are his friend.  However, you DON'T KNOW what sutherland does for his players as he could care less about what people like you think so he doesn't feel the need to share with you that he is emailing back and forth daily with 5 college coaches for Jacoby!
  21. [quote name="Betrayed" post="806828" timestamp="1275064897"] [quote author=sleepy link=topic=70069.msg806823#msg806823 date=1275064505] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806817#msg806817 date=1275063996] [quote author=sleepy link=topic=70069.msg806810#msg806810 date=1275063450] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806806#msg806806 date=1275063170] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806786#msg806786 date=1275061577] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806778#msg806778 date=1275060762] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806722#msg806722 date=1275056250] You guys are ridiculous and really show your lack of basketball intelligence. HJ will not lose to the runner up or 3rd place team from 22-3A. ;) ;D [/quote]Lack of Bball intelligence, Wow! [b]Didnt Hj and Sutherland lose to Splendora in the 1st round[/b]? [/quote] When did this happen? Enlighten me. [/quote]Right before the two 3a player of the year, and 3 1st team All-Staters arrived. Right before they was put on the map. Right before they were bragging about their record the last 4 yrs. Thats when it happened ;) [/quote] Right before they was put on the map.  Who is "they"?  If you are talking about HJ...........HJ has been on the map for a loooooooooong time.  If "they" is Sutherland........he was on the map looooooooooong before he came to HJ?  How many all staters has kountze had over the last few years?  Yet the coach can get credit over there and it is ok..........but when they get credit here it is only because they had 3 all staters.  Wake up!!!! [/quote]Lets compare how many of both school all-staters was doing what Devin was doing yesteray. How many press conferences has been held over there for those all-staters. Its a fact that Joubert all staters have those days every year during school. I've been watching the news for years. But hey, it must ne the system and not the players ;) [/quote] Go ahead and compare the all staters.   Here is where your lack of basketball knowledge will be uncovered.  You are speaking of Ryan Donahoe, Jarvis Benard, and Jacoby Turner.  By the way..........what I am about to type are facts.......not opinions. Ryan Donahoe- Had a FULL scholarship offer from SFA on the coaches desk at HJ.  Why did he have this offer?  An HJ coach had an old friend who was on the SFA staff and they had no interest.  He said come see him for me.  The assistant came and two nights later the head coach was there.  Ryan was offered the scholarship and told he would have a chance to start the next year for a team that was at that moment in time the best team in the Southland.  Ryan took the advice of an AAU coach and held out for bigger offers.  Never got them and now he is at a JUCO. Jarvis Benard-  Jarvis was a 5'8 shooting gaurd who was a great player in high school.  That coach contacted the same people at SFA along with others in the southland.  No interest.  He also contacted San Jac(coach there was a personal friend) who came and watched him play several times but ultimately was not interested.  Jarvis ended up with Donahoe at a JUCO in kansas because of the HJ coaches relationship with a former LSCPA assistant. Jacoby Turner-  Not truly interested in playing basketball but would if he couldnt play bball.  Currently has 4 basketball workouts setup with JUCO's because the HJ coaches set them all up. Anything else? P.S.  Besides Ryan Donahoe the other two all staters you speak of are a dime a dozen in the Houston area and that is a fact!!!!!  Great players on the 3A level but would have been just another guy in Houston or Dallas. [/quote]Nope, dont care about any of that nonsense ::) Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend ;) [/quote] Didn't figure you would like the facts!
  22. [quote name="Betrayed" post="806817" timestamp="1275063996"] [quote author=sleepy link=topic=70069.msg806810#msg806810 date=1275063450] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806806#msg806806 date=1275063170] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806786#msg806786 date=1275061577] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806778#msg806778 date=1275060762] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806722#msg806722 date=1275056250] You guys are ridiculous and really show your lack of basketball intelligence. HJ will not lose to the runner up or 3rd place team from 22-3A. ;) ;D [/quote]Lack of Bball intelligence, Wow! [b]Didnt Hj and Sutherland lose to Splendora in the 1st round[/b]? [/quote] When did this happen? Enlighten me. [/quote]Right before the two 3a player of the year, and 3 1st team All-Staters arrived. Right before they was put on the map. Right before they were bragging about their record the last 4 yrs. Thats when it happened ;) [/quote] Right before they was put on the map.  Who is "they"?  If you are talking about HJ...........HJ has been on the map for a loooooooooong time.  If "they" is Sutherland........he was on the map looooooooooong before he came to HJ?  How many all staters has kountze had over the last few years?  Yet the coach can get credit over there and it is ok..........but when they get credit here it is only because they had 3 all staters.  Wake up!!!! [/quote]Lets compare how many of both school all-staters was doing what Devin was doing yesteray. How many press conferences has been held over there for those all-staters. Its a fact that Joubert all staters have those days every year during school. I've been watching the news for years. But hey, it must ne the system and not the players ;) [/quote] Go ahead and compare the all staters.   Here is where your lack of basketball knowledge will be uncovered.  You are speaking of Ryan Donahoe, Jarvis Benard, and Jacoby Turner.  By the way..........what I am about to type are facts.......not opinions. Ryan Donahoe- Had a FULL scholarship offer from SFA on the coaches desk at HJ.  Why did he have this offer?  An HJ coach had an old friend who was on the SFA staff and they had no interest.  He said come see him for me.  The assistant came and two nights later the head coach was there.  Ryan was offered the scholarship and told he would have a chance to start the next year for a team that was at that moment in time the best team in the Southland.  Ryan took the advice of an AAU coach and held out for bigger offers.  Never got them and now he is at a JUCO. Jarvis Benard-  Jarvis was a 5'8 shooting gaurd who was a great player in high school.  That coach contacted the same people at SFA along with others in the southland.  No interest.  He also contacted San Jac(coach there was a personal friend) who came and watched him play several times but ultimately was not interested.  Jarvis ended up with Donahoe at a JUCO in kansas because of the HJ coaches relationship with a former LSCPA assistant. Jacoby Turner-  Not truly interested in playing basketball but would if he couldnt play football.  Currently has 4 basketball workouts setup with JUCO's because the HJ coaches set them all up. Anything else? P.S.  Besides Ryan Donahoe the other two all staters you speak of are a dime a dozen in the Houston area and that is a fact!!!!!  Great players on the 3A level but would have been just another guy in Houston or Dallas.
  23. [quote name="Betrayed" post="806811" timestamp="1275063481"] [quote author=sleepy link=topic=70069.msg806808#msg806808 date=1275063223] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806801#msg806801 date=1275062974] [quote author=sleepy link=topic=70069.msg806794#msg806794 date=1275062459] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806778#msg806778 date=1275060762] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806722#msg806722 date=1275056250] You guys are ridiculous and really show your lack of basketball intelligence. HJ will not lose to the runner up or 3rd place team from 22-3A. ;) ;D [/quote]Lack of Bball intelligence, Wow! Didnt Hj and Sutherland lose to Splendora in the 1st round? [/quote] Ahhh..........so is joubert an un intelligent coach because they lost early in the playoffs.........If you are judging intelligence by records you are barking up the WRONG tree pal!!!!  Not shocking you brought that year up.........another one of your people got "messed with" that year! [/quote]So every black player is "My People" and why is Joubert name always coming out of your mouth?  [/quote] Here you go!  Playing the race card.  What a joke!  You know exaclty who your people are and no every black player is not your people. Plenty of black kids play every year for HJ so clearly I am not talking about that.  Why does jouberts name come up?????  Why did Sutherlands name come up????When you dog one coach for losing in a certain round of the playoffs you might compare it to the one you think is the almighty.  Thats why I brought it up! [/quote]Didn't dog Sutherland or his staff. I just said never say never because they have lost in the 1st round before. [/quote] Who hasn't lost in the first round.  You are not paying attention!!!! The first round game is against the 2nd or 3d place team from a crappy district.............that is why AAW said it!
  24. [quote name="Betrayed" post="806806" timestamp="1275063170"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806786#msg806786 date=1275061577] [quote author=Betrayed link=topic=70069.msg806778#msg806778 date=1275060762] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=70069.msg806722#msg806722 date=1275056250] You guys are ridiculous and really show your lack of basketball intelligence. HJ will not lose to the runner up or 3rd place team from 22-3A. ;) ;D [/quote]Lack of Bball intelligence, Wow! [b]Didnt Hj and Sutherland lose to Splendora in the 1st round[/b]? [/quote] When did this happen? Enlighten me. [/quote]Right before the two 3a player of the year, and 3 1st team All-Staters arrived. Right before they was put on the map. Right before they were bragging about their record the last 4 yrs. Thats when it happened ;) [/quote] Right before they was put on the map.  Who is "they"?  If you are talking about HJ...........HJ has been on the map for a loooooooooong time.  If "they" is Sutherland........he was on the map looooooooooong before he came to HJ?  How many all staters has kountze had over the last few years?  Yet the coach can get credit over there and it is ok..........but when they get credit here it is only because they had 3 all staters.  Wake up!!!!
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