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Posts posted by Silsbee92

  1. Like I said before. Be it WO-S or someone esle it is Friday Night. It just happens to be our homecoming game, a game that decides the district lead, a packed house, two good football teams (Admittedly one is probably the best in the state), someone call NBC. We got the real Friday Night Lights going on in Silsbee Tomorrow night.....!!!!!

    Again, Game On Stangs!!! Bring your best. Both teams deserve nothing less.

  2. This whole thread is boring. Who cares. Friday Night is football night. Not homecoming, not thanksgiving thursday or christmas day football. Friday night is for High School Football.

    If I was WO-S I would look at it the exact way they are....

    a challenge. Who else has done that? WO-S scheduled HJ. Big deal.

    We have played Jasper for homecoming, Lumberton for homecoming, who cares.

    Come to town WO-S and enjoy the challenge. Win or lose you will still be WO-S and we will be Silsbee. Both going to the playoffs with experience against top rated teams.

    Game On. Kill this thread.


  3. Gasilla, that was the smartest post to date. Could not have said it better

    myself. Stop the dive and you stop Silsbee. Keeping WO-S off the field depends on the success of the DIVE. If we can run the dive and of course not fumble, then the clock goes with it and their goes the blowout.

    Great post.

  4. Great interview on the show. Moody said it all. QB is key. Fumbles are a result of indecision and miscommunication. Run this offense right and the other teambarely sees the field as this offense can seriously eat the clock up and wear down the defensive line. This is the reason you will see eight in the box. Stopping this option attack is tough. Hopefully good decisions will be made in this game. If they are .....

    Go Tigers.

    8) 8)

  5. From what I know:

    QB Billy Chavis Westbrook Baylor

    DT Jacody Coleman Westbrook Baylor

    DT Ahmad Jones Silsbee Oklahoma State

    OG Jerrod Gooch Vidor Texas

    CB Earl Thomas Wo-S Texas

    CB Ben Wells Ozen Texas

    QB Brandon Williams Central Texas A&M

    WR Jacoby Franks Wo-S Texas Tech

    Don't know about anyone else or anyone being recruited by smaller schools but will be checking around.

    Congrats to all these guys. Job well done.

    Oh, I know that 2 players from #1 Gilmer going Division 1 also.




    WO-S- ALOT

    Silsbee-A LITTLE

    Overrated?? Against who??? WOS??? Everyone knows WOS is the team to beat. As far as being overrated...

    20 Fumbles - 13 Lost Fumbles = Close Games.

    If you can win with that many fumbles in this district then you are definitely not overrated. Lazy with the football maybe but not overrated.

    Silsbee definitely has athletic ability. Lets see if they can put it all together Friday night. If they do, look out. Game will go by fast and score will be close. Give WOS the ball alot and they will beat you by a large margin. Keep them off the field and you have a matchup.

  7. Just wanted to congratulate Silsbee on cracking the Top 40 in the State and for their rank of #13 in the regional rankings.

    Don't laugh.. 8)

    Congrats to WOS for #2 in state (Should be #1) and #1 in the regional rankings.


  8. The veer is a run defense killing machine. IF it is ran properly, saying that there are actually pitches, options and dives mixed in then ALL defensive players are forced to react the SAME way. This is what makes the veer offective. IF ran right game is close because of time usage. IF not, which in Silsbee's case is most likely, you guys will probably light up Harper and force him to pitch it out of fear. (hopefully) We have three good backs, power with speed mixed amongst them. They just need the ball. But, man what a balanced offense you guys carry.

    Should be smash mouth football. Can you keep up?? :D:D

  9. That is so great!!! The friggin' fans even know what kind of offense we run. The QB's name is Harper. If he can read a defense then I am Mary Poppins. He holds the ball to long when making the read on the DE, this causes alot of the fumbles. Trying to pull the ball back out way to late, pitch man already out of pitch sequence and then he is forced to take it himself, which I am sure doesn'thurt his feelings.


    He is an excellent athlete with great instincts in the open field, but he cannot out fight three guys when they get on him. More fumbles.

    We do not run the veer correct, there should be OPTIONS!!!!!!

    Pitch, sweep dive, tight end passes, slants, draws, etc... ALl this was in the veer option 30 years ago and somehow Silsbee coaches have forgot how to run them. If the fast QB cannot runt he veer, then put a slow QB in who can recognize the reads.....

    Pathetic. WOS has got to be loving this.....

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