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Everything posted by Silsbee92

  1. All clear on the lightning @ 6:30 Pre-Game Warmups started.
  2. Unfortunately that was me on the call. Lol. We had some serious condensation on the windows and as I was making the call I took the #7 as a #1. Kye Elder #7 made a great inside come back catch and then made his way thru two defenders.fpr a TD. That number design had me fooled. Could be why the Enterprise had him for 3 Tds. I'll do better next time, hopefully. Lol.
  3. Believe it or not... 26 carries w/ 9 Different players rushing the ball. Silsbee is so deep at RB that a main rusher might not be happening this year.
  4. Miller 4 rec / 133 yds / 2 Tds (All in 1st Half) Martin 6 Car / 81 yds / 1 TD
  5. Rough team stats Silsbee 458 Total 280 Passing 178 Rushing Vidor 171 Total 0 Passing 171 Rushing
  6. I said it on the broadcast but I want to put a shout out to Vidor ISD and Bryan Brassard's team efforts. They went above and beyond for all the folks involved in tonight's broadcast. Much appreciated. James Wiggins
  7. Ready when you are..... And apparently you do keep up with them.
  8. Never a good thing to use terms like "Last year". Good.luck Eagles.
  9. You would be correct. On the understanding part. I definitely would like to though.
  10. Who knows. Just don't give the kicker a chance. Lol. Jmo
  11. Never underestimate the SOPHs. However this week I roll w/ Stangs. Could be ugly If Silsbee adds one to their loss column as well. Miracles like last year are hard to come by. Jmo
  12. Not sure here BG. Guess I'll be the bad guy. If Zeno is the guy then why Heckaman last year? Heckaman had a year!! 2500 total yards throwing and running. Hindsight is 20/20 of course but that guy was a beast against Silsbee. I was calling this game. If not for Jayron Williams making it a personal comittment to stop that dude and a missed XP, Silsbee probably loses that game. Guess I'm just curious why the move was made to keep him a backup. Not sold yet but I will be there to witness your wisdom. Jmo
  13. In reality it's just a couple incidents. No different than several in history with other districts across Texas. Rarely do people know the background on these situations and choose to dwell on them for social reasons. Do what you will but I'm not one to dwell... Jmo
  14. 🙏 RIP Coach Phillips Blessings & Prayers to his family. #TigerNation
  15. Guess we didnt see the same thing. I remember several, wont give it a number, finger tip passes that were missed for 6. Not just Miller either. Folks would be reminded that this is no longer a team of sophomores. DEEP depth @ running back, DEEP depth @ receiver. Improved defense. Improved special teams. Strong JUNIOR class. QB timing, youth in the trenches are the only things im even remotely concerned with. If those settle, game on. Silsbee did struggle a bit on the Slot T, as usual, but not enough to be that definitive. Anything can happen but do not expect the late collapses and 4th qtr struggles if Silsbee gets up. Besides the WOS game, lets be honest here, District with the Stangs is something of a ridiculous mental block. 4 out of 5 Silsbee losses were a combined 14 points. Total. All of those happened late in 4th qtr. jmo
  16. Guess we will wait for your cell phone footage.
  17. Both of these games have been moved to the opposing teams field. Turf being installed on Tiger Stadium may not be finished those weeks.
  18. Anyone heard anything more concrete than this tweet?
  19. For Those Following the thread: Tiger Stadium Update as of July15th, 2022 If I understand the construction stages then the field drainage itself is complete with the Base gradation finished. Looks to me like the surface gradation is being installed now but hasnt been completed. Guess we will see because it looks like the rubber infill has been delivered for the synthetic turf and that turf normally is installed after the surface grade is complete. Getting closer. #TigerNation Tiger Stadium Update July 15th 2022
  20. Last game of district play. No doubt it will be a game both sides need to win.
  21. From what I understand there were some rather serious printing issues. Unless that backorder has started being filled it could be a while. Only subscribers orders were filled from what i read. See below. I received my copy 6/29/22, if that helps. #TigerNation Share or Save for Later A note from managing editor Greg Tepper on a change in the publication schedule for the 2022 summer edition of Dave Campbell's Texas Football. Greg TepperJul 6 5:59 pm UPDATED JUNE 21, 2022: SUBSCRIBERS SHOULD BEGIN TO GET THEIR MAGAZINE THIS WEEK OR NEXT WEEK With the cover reveal of the 2022 summer edition of Dave Campbell's Texas Football, there is understandable buzz from football fans across the Lone Star State anxious to get their hands on the 63rd annual "bible of Texas football." Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, fans may have to wait a bit longer this year. In late May, DCTF learned from its Texas-based printer that the paper that would be used to print the 2022 summer edition of the magazine was delayed, ensnarled in a supply-chain traffic jam. After exhausting options with a number of other printers, DCTF was able to acquire paper to print about 10 percent of its usual print run as scheduled, while the remaining magazines will be printed on a delayed timeline.
  22. Will try to keep some pics added to the Google Drive link for those interested in the progress. I have added two for the week of July 4th. Enjoy. Silsbee Tiger Stadium Upgrades Let me know if this becomes unaccessible. #TigerNation
  23. Silsbee Tiger Stadium Updates Silsbee Tiger Stadium Updates 6/30/22
  24. You will never convince me that these NIL deals aren't hedged by the schools. No way a private endorsement isn't secured in some fashion. Jmo
  25. Tiger Stadium coming together. I'll try to post some pics later.
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