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Posts posted by JWB

  1. 21 hours ago, BLUEDOVE3 said:

    I had to go back and find the article I came across a few weeks ago but I could not find the exact one. But here is a similar article from 2014 Salon News. I thought my Progressive friends would get a better understanding of what we are dealing with on here. 

    Conservative fears of nonexistent or overblown boogeymen — Saddam’s WMD, Shariah law, voter fraud, Obama’s radical anti-colonial mind-set, Benghazi, etc. — make it hard not to see conservatism’s prudent risk avoidance as having morphed into a state of near permanent paranoia, especially fueled by recurrent “

    This is the hidden content, please
    ,” a sociological phenomenon in which a group of “social entrepreneurs” whips up hysterical fears over a group of relatively powerless “folk devils” who are supposedly threatening the whole social order. Given that conservatism seems to be part of human nature — just as liberalism is — we’re going to need all the help we can get in figuring out how to live with it, without being dominated, controlled and crippled by it.

    Unbelievable.....you just cant make this stuff up???? You actually believe this garbage???

  2. On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 3:42 PM, stevenash said:

    And, of course, "da man" couldn't possibly own a lot because of good financial management and hard work.  That certainly had nothing to do with it.  Everything "the man" has was given to him at the expense of others, right?  As for proof, go back to google and find out what percentage of all tax receipts are paid by the evil rich.  Dove, I moved down here many many years ago with 300 borrowed dollars in my pocket and didn't know a soul and was criticized often because I was a Yankee.  Also had college loans that had to be paid back.  You may find this hard to believe, but I managed to survive in the early years and then had some good fortune in later years and not once did I require government assistance and not once did I tell someone who "had" that it was not fair to me, the "have not" and that they were holding me back.  From my experience, most assets are owned because they are earned.  That statement applies to a lot more people than Kobe, LeBron, and Magic.

    Wait a minute Nash...you didn't use your White Privilege Card to get some free stuff????

  3. 1 hour ago, Big girl said:

    No, except that he is going to build a wall, a very big wall, because he is smart and knows how to build big walls, and he will make the Mexican government pay for the wall, because he is smart and knows how to build walls. He also wants all Muslims to register with the federal government; even though, white men in the U.S. commit  more terroristic acts.

    This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read on SETX...You are clearly not dealing with a full deck!

  4. 2 hours ago, nappyroots said:
    1 hour ago, Dick Vitale said:

    How did I insult YOU? I KNOW ABOUT THE CASE, YOU HAD to look it up! The kid (12 year old who LOOKED 12) was shot because he had a TOY GUN....Anything else you say is BS, if it's not talking about how wrong it is to kill ANY kid, let alone a young black kid, for nothing. Again I never insulted you, as a matter of fact you told me to " grow up", which was unnecessary. Smh....some people like you have this sense of entitlement, and feel like you should never be challenged, or its an "insult".....Grow up.

    The Chicago killings are idiots with guns. Just like the tray von killing..an idiot with a gun..I would have taken his gun though and pistol whipped him

    That's right I looked it up, that's more than you did before getting on here running your mouth...All you knew about the case was the kid was black....the shooting wasn't inside a walmart and it wasn't a toy gun...it was airsoft gun with the fluorescent tip taken off the barrel making it look very real...Its a shame the kid lost his life and its a shame that you are the type of person to seek out any reason to push your personal racist agenda...


  5. 12 hours ago, Dick Vitale said:

    BS....So you're saying these "crimes" warranted the death penalty? And Sandra Bland DID NOT hang herself...You are typical, but I do not expect anything less, which is why I don't trust very many like you...By the way, Tamir Rice was SHOT while playing with a TOY GUN inside of Walmart...He was 12...sick mindset of sick people...and you think its ok...Like I said..Typical.

    Here's some info on the Rice case, (you should do some research yourself)...The Rice case looks like tragic shooting that could've been avoided, the other incidents were grown adults that could've handled themselves very differently. And another thing... don't insult me or anyone else on this public forum, that's not very mature! You don't need to trust me or like me because you don't know me...Just do some research and read before you get on here making yourself look foolish...

    This is the hidden content, please

  6. 31 minutes ago, nappyroots said:

    Im not promoting hillary and you  think trump is the best thing since sliced bread. we both know that you are not concerned with chicago are the death of any black folk. you are probably more concerned with the death of the gorrilla than anyone in chicago. Beside Hillar hasn't made any racist rants.

    neither has Trump! Him saying we don't want or need illegals in the USA isn't racist...Illegal alien isn't a race!

  7. 4 hours ago, Dick Vitale said:

    You want me to forget about the past? While YOU are still the BENEFACTOR of what happened in the past, today in 2016? And believe me if white people COULD get rid of blacks, trust me, we would be extinct...But that's not possible, is it?...Question...You ask the Jews to forget the Holocaust? Don't worry...I'll wait.

    this guy here^^^......you live in AMERICA, and You have the same opportunities as everyone else...quit crying, no one is after you or trying to kill you...Grow Up!

  8. Trump isn't a racist...That's just easy label to put on someone you dislike or don't agree with...Trump is brash, he sometimes says things that don't come out quite right,and that media likes to twist, but I believe he'll be better for our country than who is running against him and who we got in there now!

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