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Posts posted by idk

  1. I will be a homer and Say Coach Keel and the entire coaching staff at Shepherd. Reason being is 99.9% of the young men and women that play sports in school will at sometime have to become adults that have a job and children. This coaching staff teaches the young people about life and turning them into respectable citizens in the community that do the right thing. There is way more to these coaches than wins and losses. If most of the young people they coach become great people then these coaches have done way more than just winning a game. OH and it doesn't hurt that they have turned around the football program at Shepherd.

  2. Bobhoke why can't you just admit that you do not know what you are talking about, I heard from a friend huh. You opened your mouth in a big way and still you are trying to defend your dumb comments. But hey there is always next week, or the week after. If you keep on saying the same thing long enough thru the year, well you can almost bet it will happen at least once. Again after the comments about 5X and 10X better, I don't think anyone will take your comments to heart, heck even your friend won't.

  3. OH Bobhoke, So if Kountze's defense is 5X better than Cleveland and their offense is 10X better, Could you please inform me on how much better Shepherd's defense and offense is than both of those teams. Like I had told you, to make a prediction is one thing, but to come on here with an absurd comment and then to not even be very close to that, well I don't think anyone will take what you say very seriously. You can borrow my screen name if you need too!! Enough with you though, you opened your mouth and now have to eat that crow.


    As far the rest of the Kountze fan's, Kountze will be fine in their district. Depth is a problem, when you play the bigger schools it shows. Kountze has a ton of positives to move forward with. Good Luck the rest of the way.

  4. You can do that...But he will still come and play lol And you might think I am being sarcastic but it is how I really feel. If I am wrong then I will come on here and say I am wrong. Kountze would demolish that Cleveland team Shepherd got shut out by. So we will see...Your name fits perfect because you truly do not know.

    Oh, thank you for the good laugh. I needed that today. Trust me I know way more than you think I do. Kountze may very well win this game and may win in a blowout. Then again you may be eating crow on Sat. morning. Only Friday night will tell. But to say that Kountze is 5X to 10X better just shows that the one that truly does not know is be you. Stupid comments like that is what gets people to think you are just blowing smoke.

  5. That's it, I will call Coach Keel and tell him to please not waste money to go to Kountze. Shepherd does not have a chance so why even go. I have a ton of respect for most of the fans for Kountze and the way their kids and coaches go about their business.


    But come on Bobhoke15 that takes the cake. 5X and 10X better, oh my god that is funny. Does Kountze have some really good kids, why yes they do but good lord tell us something that will make what you say believable. Shepherd and Kountze have always played really good games against each other and I wouldn't think this one would be any different. Who wins, well I don't know.


    Last year we heard how great Kountze was going to be and that really didn't come to be. Same with Shepherd.

    Oh Yea Bobhoke15 I really do not remember a person from Shepherd making excuses.

    To all the other Kountze fans, you guys keep it real and seem to be very honest about what you think, as for Bobhoke15 please don't start acting like you are from Hull.

  6. Titan2000, Huffman is a very good team no doubt and on paper is a better team than BC, but in a 1 gamer anything can happen and we all know Shugart is a gammer. So don't get too high their buddy, it can be a hard fall. I am hoping Huffman pulls it out. As it has been stated on here already any pitcher can have a bad day. I would expect Bumpass and Shugart to both be on their game come Friday.


    To clear a few things up, Huffman only seen Kolek once this year and his fast ball sat between 88-92 mph. Every once in a while he would touch 93-94 mph. That was from the scouts radar guns that were there. There were 3 scouts there for Kolek and if I remember correctly 1 was there for Bumpass. Did Huffman hit Kolek "YES" and everyone thru the line up didn't seem bothered by his speed. "that is why I made the statement earlier about Huffman could hit a 94 mph. all the way thru the line up".


    Now every pitcher has a bad day, If you remember correctly Harrison pitched against Shepherd in Shepherd, and Shepherd hit him well. Huffman had to bring in Bumpass just to finish the game, If memory serves me correctly Shepherd at 2 runners on with one or no outs in the bottom of the 6th and a timely hit put that game at a tie. Did Harrison have a bad night yes I do believe. So anything can happen. Was Shepherd as good or even that close to Huffman's talent this year, No but that is why you play the game.  Shepherd did not pitch Kolek that night.

  7. Joebob, you don't have to buy it, I wasn't trying to sell it. I am telling you that the entire line up can hit a 94 mph fastball, period. Most kids these days that play showcase can hit the fastball. Maybe back in 1970 they couldn't but they can now. Will they when they play BC, that remains to be seen. It is going to be a good game. But I don't think Shugart is sitting at 94, so with that said they really won't have a problem with 90

  8. Yep the Kolek's are big time names and players in Shepherd, there is no question about that, but Shepherd is a little deeper this year than just Stephen. They can hit the ball better than in years past, and that is with 4 underclassmen starting. Bellville will be legit, but I think Shepherd has just as good of a chance to win as Bellville does.

  9. I do think Silsbee's coach was trying to break the momentum that Shepherd was starting to build. Yes he had only given up 2 runs to that point but Shepherd had the bases loaded two or three times and just didn't capitalize at that point. That was going to be the pitchers second or third time thru the line up and Shepherd had some hard hits that were just right at Silsbee's players. So I think he was trying to go to someone else to keep Shepherd off balance. It just didn't work out. It doesn't show up in the hits column but Shepherd's players #1 and #12 had some really hard hits that were just right to Silsbee's players the entire series. More so for #1 he hit some peas and was just un lucky. Silsbee's #7 and I think #2 were really good batters.


    Baseball is a game of momentum, just like on Friday night, I think Silsbee would of won, but after they hit Shepherd's player #12 for the second time (I didn't say it was intentional) it lit a fire under the Shepherd players. Same can be said in game two for Silsbee, when they came back and took the lead you could see the momentum growing and Shepherd just couldn't get it back. Again it was a great series. 

  10. AggiesAreWe, good job on the numbers, I do think Silsbee hit 4 batters. They hit our #12 three times and in the last game hit #2 once.


    I do want to say it was a good series and Silsbee will be a very good team for years to come. Those boys are very good to be Fresh and Soph. They played their butts off. It was also good to play a team that has good fans. Silsbee's fans are a class act.


    Silsbee and Shepherd both played underclassmen and they all played big time. So congrats to Silsbee on the year they had and hope Shepherd can keep going.

  11. Some people maybe should stick to the football threads. Is Huffman's district not as good as HJ district, no it is not. But I guess you missed who Huffman played before district. If you didn't know they played 6A and 5A teams and either beat them or held their own very well. So to say Huffman is overrated tells me you don't keep up with baseball very much.


    And before Bedelmon comes on here with his awesome comments. I think HJ is a very good team and anything can happen in a 1 gamer. It should be a very good game.

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