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Posts posted by idk

  1. 1 hour ago, aTmfan06 said:

    Shepherd gonna slow down mac ?

    The kid is a very good back, We shall see. If our DE's stay at home and do what they are supposed to do, then I say yes we slow him down. We are not going to shut him down he is too good and Bellville's O-Line is prob. the best we have faced all year, but you can bet the coaches have a good game plan on doing so. If need be we can match Bellville's O-Line pound for pound, we just haven't had to do that all year. Also that #9 LB is a beast, he plays LB well. Gonna be a good game. Again just hope both teams are injury free and on point heading into the playoffs.

  2. 1 hour ago, aTmfan06 said:

    So imagine the pirates are worried about what awaits them at the pasture on Friday night;-)

    Worried is such a strong word. Are they hitting the film room hard this week, yes. Are they working on perfection of the plays this week, yes. Are they worried, No. This team is such a loose team. I have not seen them up tight all year. They will go out and give it everything they have, if it is good enough great, if it is not, then it is what it is. That is what I love about this team, they don't get scared or shaken up. They just go out and play. If they get behind, they will keep coming at you. The only thing for certain is that after Friday night Shepherd will have the respect of Bellville, win or loose.


    So I have to ask you, Is Bellville worried. Seems to me, with all the polls and things, Bellville has way more at stake then Shepherd.

  3. I am going to go ahead and clarify Shepherd's side of things before Friday night. At the end of the night the score will decide who the better team is on that particular night. We will not cry over the ref's, turnovers or anything that the game has to offer. I fully expect Shepherd to win this game. Just wanted to throw that out there for aTm06 and let him know we are not a bunch of crybaby's. I know for certain that Bellville is going to bring it on Friday Night, but you can also know for certain Shepherd will bring it also. I just hope no one gets injured and both teams are healthy for the playoffs. This is the first time since 1967 that Shepherd has a chance to be District Champions!

  4. There are certain fan basis that get a little excited when there team is mentioned. Heck I am guilty of it myself and my team is never hardly mentioned. lol. With that being said, I hope WOS does go all the way this year, due to the fact that they are one of few teams that have what it takes to win it. But if they don't this site is going to light up like a Christmas Tree (due to some of their fans arrogance or confidence however you want to see it)

  5. For my buddy aTmfan06,  this is what both these teams have been playing for. I will say it all day long that BellVille is good. At the beginning of the year no one in the state of Texas thought Shepherd would be in this position. This will be a good physical game that will come down to who makes less mistakes. BellVille runs the slot t to perfection with a good big defense. Shepherd just plain physical on offense and will try and run it down your through with a good Oline and big FB. On defense they are small but fly to the ball. 


    I I will take my Pirates by a TD. 


    Let the the fun begin. 

  6. Folks I am extremely worried about TexasPather2012, since his teams little miss-step I haven't seen him post on this site one time. Maybe I just missed it. I mean before last Friday night you couldn't keep him off of every thread talking about Liberty and their record. Hell when Shepherd lost to Liberty on the last second field goal, we didn't just quit posting. We even gave Liberty their props. So someone tell me where my boy is!!! On a serious note I do hope he is ok and just a little upset or butt-hurt over the game.

  7. 5 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    Lol you like giving me a hard time. I knew this would get your attention. I really am looking forward to Bellville vs Shepherd. I'll actually be sitting on the visiting side because it's always less crowded lol. I'd be glad to take in the game with ya 

    Yea, it is kinda fun messing with ya. It should be a very good game. I did look at some film and I do think Belleville is a better team than Liberty, so it will be a tough game for us. I do think it will come down to a battle of the Offensive lines. They both are good. On Bellville's defense the big DE (#21) I think is impressive. He and our blocking back #40 will have a few good meetings for sure.


    OH and on this thread I think HJ will win by at least two td's. Question, if HJ wins out do they get he #@ seed in that district?

  8. 11 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    HJ by 2  TD . That will put OF vs Bellville (assuming we take care of Shepherd and Madisonville) Which we should.

    Yep no doubt about it, you guys will be first place:), you guys will not even break a sweat the next three weeks. If I were Bellville, I would not overlook Madisonville. They do have some athletes and if you blink they may surprise you. Just take care of business this week, Shepherd is not going to even show up next week and waste gas, we will just take our spot that the polls and the fans say we deserve and go on about our business. Oh by the way are you kin to TexasPanther12? Just curious!!

  9. 56 minutes ago, aTmfan06 said:

    So I'm sure in all the years that you have rooted for WOS that they have never loss to a team where in your mind you thought WOS still had the better team? Please lie and tell me you have never had that opinion...

    Like I have said many times, on paper Liberty is the better team. But what the paper cannot tell you (on any particular night) is who the better team is then. Yes fumbles, miss tackles, refs and all other sorts of things come into play. The team on that particular night that can overcome these issues, their failures and still put more points on the board is the better team for that night. NO matter what every person thinks and NO matter what the paper says. Last Friday Night HJ was the better team. They put (3) more points on the board than Liberty did. Do I still think Liberty is the better overall team, Yes but not last Friday Night. That's why you play the game. If the paper or fans dictated who the better team was there would be no reason to play the games and spend that kind of money on travel.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Jacob Hall has been starting at a 5A school that's about to have 2,000 kids since he was a freshman, he could ball coming out of 8th grade. If we're being honest about a system I would look to JD as prime example of being a beneficiary, great defense that always gets you the ball in good position and gets to throw to open receiver because his athletes are so much better than the other teams at that level. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.  

    I do agree with you that Jack a product of the system to a point. But that does not take away him being a quality QB on his own accord. I would say the same about Jacob. Good QB but is helped by the system to a point. So we agree on some level and then disagree to a point. I wish Porter nothing but the best for the rest of this year and I do hope they have a deep playoff run.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    Lol, be for real dude. I love the kid and he'll be a WOS legend if he can win another title but the ONLY reason he's getting an opportunity to play at Lamar is because of baseball. He's a special player but if he played for a team like Mexia you wouldn't be nearly as high on him.

    Well if we are being honest, maybe the system at Porter is making that QB look better than he really is. Sometime it is the players around you and the system you are in more that the player themselves.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Cougar14.2 said:

    We're talking 5A man, please don't put WOS anywhere in this. I highly doubt they could even beat La Vega or Argyle right now. Even though they won a state championship they were beat down by 28 to a team that wasn't even ranked in the top 10 and lost in the third round. Porter's qb, rb and top receiver are all better than what WOS has at those positions plus they're overall bigger and deeper. WOS might be able to change the game making defensive plays but they're not in the same hemisphere as squads like Manvel, Foster, Ryan, Cedar Park, etc. Lot different playing schools who have athletes the caliber of WOS and four times more of them to choose from.  

    Well my point exactly. If Porter can't beat a (4A) WOS team, then how in the hell could they even be in a conversation about being the best team in Texas. Yea I know about the depth of these bigger schools and what kind of athletes they have. I do not need a lesson. If you needed to get in a dig at WOS they do it on your own. I am not from there but I still say Porter could not beat them. As far as Porter's QB being better than Jack Dallas, I doubt it. Not only could Dallas beat him on the football field, he then could strike him out on the baseball diamond then hit a homerun off of the Porter QB if he tried to pitch to him.

  13. 9 minutes ago, TrojanMoJo said:

    I agree somewhat with you @idk.  You are right that the people in Coldspring are not happy.  I do not know if they will make a coaching change this year but the people of Coldspring are surely getting restless.  If I might rightfully say so I do not agree with your statement regarding Coach Barbay.  I am from Coldspring & a change was needed because the decorum and behavior being displayed was not appropriate for the kids.  I really do not know if they kids would be any better with Coach Barbary there. Barbay was a good coach.  I guess the people felt like it was time for a change, I know some of the kids miss him.   All I can say being politically correct as possible, is that just because a well oil machine appears to run smoothly does not mean that there are not cracks under the surface.  I never saw Coldspring more disciplined and focused than when we had the Great Late Ed Peveto as head coach.  We need a coach with his mentality and infrastructure for the kids.  I  enjoyed your feebdack  @idk.  If offers a new perspective on Coldspring Football

    My point with Barbay is that if you win games some of the small things can and will be overlooked. Every team in the state of Texas has some cracks in it. Sometimes it is the coaches and sometimes it is the players. From the outside looking in, The Coldspring team last year was not a well coached team, they still had a lot of the kids from Barbay's time on it and that helped them last year. Now you are in the full year of this coach and this team is not coached well at all. When you do not make adjustments, the kids do not play with the same passion and fire (that everyone is accustom too) and you loose that "it" factor then things are different. Most from Coldspring will say it is a lack of good quality players. I will have to call BS on that, Colspring has the quality of players they need, this runs much deeper than that. Like I said this is just my $.02 so take it for what it is worth. I do agree with you about Coach Peveto, as bad as we wanted to be him and his teams he was one of the great ones.

  14. Ok, I will be the first. I usually don't comment on these threads, but here I go. Everyone will give Porter props for putting a good year together. But they are not even in the same level as the best teams in the State. I would be a large sum of money that WOS (which is 4A) would beat them by pretty good margin. Porter has done some really good things this year, but it take more than one year to become a elite team in football.

  15. 19 minutes ago, MoFo said:

    I stand by my quote, any team that wins any competition is the better team that night. Sure they may play 20 more times and lose everyone of them but on THAT night in THAT game they were the better team. Turn overs, ref's, crowd noise, weather, injuries, or athletes that are "distracted" are all part of ANY competition and both teams are faced with it on any given game. As football fans we all have that small seed of hope for the big underdogs and that very reason is because we all know that on any given night during any give mismatch that the underdog team has that chance of being the better team that night. That chance of the left uppercut from no where, or the rookie 9th hole hitter with the grand slam, the Cinderella story winning the Masters. It happens and as a team or competitor that loses you brush yourself off and say they were the better team that night. 

    Good post. On any given night any team can be beat. Each teams records matter, but their are just some teams that match up better against certain team. Also, I hear a bunch on here takj about a team full of Athletes, sometimes I will take a team full of heart and toughness over those Athletes. Who will win most of the time (The team of Athletes) but on that very special night in the playoffs a stud team will go down. So on that very night the better team won.

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