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Everything posted by JustUs

  1. This past season Ozen freshman team played a few games then the numbers dwindled, then they went 0-10 for the season. This past season Ozen JV went 1-9 with 25 to 29 players The program was already on life support due to hand full of players on varsity. To opt to stay in 5A by the AD and Administration of managers is a come on man moment. Its no way they can compete with Nederland, Central, PNG, Memorial Going1-9 or 2-8 is a real possibility. I wish them the best. Its no surprise someone wants them to fail. Its no way they should be a 5A football team.Smh....
  2. This district race is primed for an upset, rivalry games have been so close in the margin of victory and defeat. Prediction, the winner by 7+
  3. I realize the possibility of the UIL denying Ozen's petiton to opt up to stay in 5A is very slim to none. In my opinion it's a travesty to the kids by not dropping to 4A.They would get a better chance to compete in football on the 4A level. It should always be about the kids and not about coaches being familiar with the teams they currently play in 5A. The community would be revived and pride restored.There's currently very low attendance at Ozen's games home or away. Travel is not that much of a difference to make a difference. Tomorrow will tell.....jmo....
  4. Curious from all you guys in the know,will the side line magician stay put after this season or will he look at other opportunities ??? Rumor mill states out west where its the best in the promise land of the West Brook Bruins there could be a job opening sooner than later. All rumor not factual info. Just changing the subject here lol "24 hours down memory lane" has caused tempers and stress to flare up. ijs
  5. I watched the game through unbiased eyes not having a dog in the fight. A hard fought battle to the end. The refs missed calls both ways through out the game but all in all the players decided the the outcome not the refs. Lumberton played well enough to win with their accurate 3 point shooting but Central prevailed with their hustle and physical play. jmo...
  6. #15 Beaumont Ozen Lady Panthers (22-4)(10-1) remain in the hunt for the district 22-5A title with Beaumont Central(10-1)
  7. Sad but true the agony of defeat brings out the worse in some of us....I have no dog in this fight but it seems there's some hateration here for Beaumont Ozen and the success they have each year in basketball. Big Ned dominates in football and i commend them not hate on them.
  8. I didnt attend this game but sounds like a game of halves. Ozen was down by 15 at one point managed to come back. O.T. and the win is a great feat no matter who you're playing.Conrats for the effort Ozen...
  9. Beaumont Central 16...Lumberton 11 End of 1st Qt Beaumont Central 27...Lumberton 17 5:00 To Play 2nd Qt Beaumont Central 35...Lumberton 25 Halftime Beaumont Central 40...Lumberton 39 5:00 To play 3rd Qt Beaumont Central 45...Lumberton 50 End of 3rd Qt Beaumont Central 50...Lumberton 56 4:45 To play 4th Qt Beaumont Central 55...Lumberton 59 2:20 To Play 4th Qt Beaumont Central 58...Lumberton 59 1:10 To Play 4th Qt Beaumont Central 61...Lumberton 61 End of 4th Qt Overtime 63-61 Central Overtime 64-61 Central Overtime 66-61 Central Overtime 67-63 Central Overtime 67-66 Central Overtime 68-66 Central Overtime 70-68 Central Final****
  10. Ozen Boys JV 24...Lumberton 18 End of 1St Qt Ozen 53...Lumberton 20 Halftime Ozen 86...Lumberton 32 End of 3RDQt Ozen 115...Lumberton 41 Final*** Ozen Boys... Varsity 20 Lumberton 1 (4:44) to play 1St Qt Ozen 53...Lumberton 20 Halftime Ozen 80...Lumberton 26 End of 3RD Qt Ozen 101...Lumberton 39 Final***
  11. Great game Congrats Lady Raiders...In the closing seconds Ozen at the line missed both free throws,game over the better team prevailed tonight no excuses....
  12. Should be another great game to watch two deserving teams with good talent. Will it be a high octane run and gun game or a half court stall ball game ? We shall see, good luck Lady Ozen Panthers....The 12Th man will be in full force tonight with a playoff atmosphere in Lumberton...
  13. #16 Ozen Lady Panthers (21-3)(9-0) will face a very formidable opponent in Lumberton Lady Raiders (25-2)(7-2) in Lumberton Tuesday Jan.26 It'll be another playoff type game with a Lumberton backed fan base. A great game to watch. RaiderGirl2010 advise whether or does Lumberton have a 9th grade girls basketball team.If they dont what will be the start times for JV and varsity games Tuesday.
  14. How do Rumors get started, Geezzzzzzz.......
  15. Thanks GCMPats for the updates,did # 10 play tonight for GCM ?
  16. Good luck Lady Ozen Panthers on the road tonight at Goose Creek Memorial....Bring it !!! Beware of this trap game,play each game one at a time....I want be there to post updates tonight....
  17. What a senseless tragedy to occur after a sporting event. Trash talking leading to fisticuffs causing bodily harm is pathetic. Sad but true, the host school shares some burden for safety of fans and players... jmo...Hopefully the injured player has no lasting effects from this altercation and the accused/guilty is handled by the authorities.
  18. All this celebration has been entertaining and great reading material. Can we allow the district championship,region 3 championship be decided and the state champion be crowned before speculating about next year being # 1 in S.E.Texas and nationally ranked. Not hating on the Tigers one bit, all the above would be fantastic for this area.Planning parades before the dance is over was a kiss of defeat last year a local team. There's plenty of hoops to be played and until the fat lady sings other teams will keep hope alive...jmo...
  19. 5A #16 Beaumont Lady Ozen Panthers(20-3)(8-0)...56..Lady Baytown Lee Ganders...24-Final Halftime score Ozen 27...Baytown Lee 14 3RD QT was Ozen 36 ...Baytown Lee 18 4TH QT 4:00 minutes to play subs got playing time.
  20. Lady Baytown Lee Ganders 56...Lady Nederland Bulldogs 23...Final-Score
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