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Everything posted by STiger85

  1. Silsbee went 1-1 today (Thursday). If I read the Schedule right we beat Liberty and lost to Dickinson. Don't have any scores. Go Tigers!!!
  2. Two tradition rich power houses playing early in the season. What do ya'll think?
  3. I'll be there also. Will there be Freshman and JV as well?
  4. Hey Champion I'll leave the books to Mrs. TigerCat, just put a rake handle in my hands and I'll go to work. And just like bigcat said, We'll drag you back. Don't worry about Tiger12, he'll still be around, unless he comes to talk to you. ;D
  5. Good game in Silsbee tonight. #13 for Vidor hurt her ankle in pre-game warm ups and did not play in the game. Hope this young lady is OK. Silsbee looked good at times, still things to work on. Starting the season off on the right track. 3-0. Go Tigers!!!
  6. Come on balla, I said it once and I'll say it again, before YOU came on here people were talking about Kville and getting behind them, wishing them luck and all. Everyone knows Kville will have a good team, everyone wants the area teams to do well and go far into the playoffs. Now YOU come on here and start spouting your mouth off about beating this team or that team, teams ya'll haven't even beaten yet. We don't disrespect Kville, this could be the year. YOU are the one that we disrespect. Ya'll don't need to worry about Silsbee right now, that game will come in time. Just take it one game at a time. Good luck. Go Tigers!!
  7. I just don't know. Brooks is back in Jasper, but does he have the players right now to run his offense? I don't think ya'll need to worry about Jaspers defense. Kirbyville will have the players on offense, but will it be enough to over come there own defense. Kirbyvilles defense gives up way to many points to say that this will be a blow out. If both teams are clicking this could very well be round 4 of a very good game.
  8. Thornton weeding the fish out. Good group of girls there, they have a lot of big shoes to fill. The tradition of being a Tiger vollyball player, plus last years freshman were 21 AAA champions. Keep um coming girls. Go Tigers!!
  9. Opps, I goofed ::)No disrespect to anyone. This should year should be nail biting like last year. Go Tigers!!!
  10. This is going to be hard to tell. Silsbee won it last year, and they were reloading. This year will be along the same lines. H-J was the team to beat last year, this year they mite be to young. BC, now this year could be there's to take. OF and H-F please don't count these teams out, are you'll be in trouble. Jasper and Kville a little more tweaking and they'll knock off any team. It'll be harder than last year to make the playoffs much less win the district. JMO. I'll be cheering for the Tigers. Go Tigers!!
  11. Gary McGuire for sure was solid. I played with him, he got hurt in a game at Ned. and did not get to play the rest of the year, and still got lots of D1 offers. Jay McGuire also would get a vote from me as well.
  12. Dang people what ever happen to good job to the Big Leaguers and best of luck? But NNNOOOOOO ya'll have to get on here and toot your own horns. Get off of it and act like grown ups and wish them luck. It's always good to have the whole area backing you.
  13. Very good game in Silsbee. After Spotting MC 6 runs in 4 innings Silsbee came roaring back to make a game of it, scoring 6 runs in the last 3 innings. Only to be done in by the old error bug, MC scored 2 runs in the last inning, Silsbee still had MC on there heels in the last inning, scoring 2 had 1 out with 2 runners on 1B & 2B. A very hard line drive down first base line was snagged and the first baseman for MC beat the Silsbee first base runner back to the bag for the double play to end the game. A good hit and a good play, That's baseball. Congrats MC.
  14. Joey Alexander from Silsbee in the late 80s. Went to Lamar and set several pitching records as a freshman. Don't know if he was THE best at Silsbee or not but man he was lights out at Lamar.
  15. I guess I thought you were smarter than that WOS92. But then again you don't care. There are a few messages in there that need to be heed. But you went from out of the blue and came up with some stupid mess about Columbin and cussing when you need to read it again and look at the under line words. Then answer the question. When is it OK to cuss? Can you answer that!!!
  16. What is going on here? Do some of ya'll know what ya'll are saying? This is pathetic. I'll ask again. When did it get to be OK to cuss? A man whose son and daughter was at Colubine (spelling) was ask to speak to congress about gun control and what he said to them shock them and was not taken very well. I will not talk about all of it just some. He said that it was not the NRA falt that the kids died, nor the guns makers. Did the slaves blame the clubs that beat them or the whips that hit them. No. They blamed the man that used them. His daughter had died and his son seen his friend killed. It was the boys falt. They were going to do it no matter what they had in there hands. He blamed the government for taken God out of school. If you take something away something has to fill the void. Evil filled the void when God was taken away by the government. This is what I see here on this thread. Gruden is a good coach not great. What has he done after the SB? Knight is a great coach, but where is he coaching now? Do you laugh at pro players when something does not go there way and they mouth cuss words or do you have to explain to your child that is bad and you had better not catch them doing it?
  17. This is one stupid thread. When is it ever OK to cuss? What has cussing have to do with football? Yes, coaches are roll models and should act like one. Yes, coaches are teachers and the football field IS there classroom. I can't believe people come on here and say it is OK to cuss out a child. That just goes to show you where this world is and where it is going. Grow up and stand up people. Cussing is for stupid people who can't think of anything smart to say. Yes, people will falter, no one is perfect. But just think of what ya'll are saying. Just one stupid thread.
  18. Jenkins hit a RBI single to win the game 12-11 in the 14th.
  19. Come on balla you have to admit that Kville losing to Silsbee for 3 years in a row, and you saying how Silsbee is going to lose to them, it just gets old. Now I'll tell ya, Kville will be good this year. There QB is small but does a good job, and the RB is top notch. I did see some signs a WR coming on, too. If all of these can get going Kville should make some noise. From what I have read on here people don't respect you and you only. They know Kville will be good. But you show no respect to where respect is do. Yes, Kville is the mainstay in 3a while WO-S, Silsbee, and Jasper have all moved down from 4a. These years should have been ya'lls time, but these teams have seen otherwise. These teams have done what they are suppose to do, win. WO-S has move down all the way from 5a, have been very competitive in all levels. Jasper and Silsbee just the same in 4a and now in 3a. You hate us because we took the best shots Kville could give and we did not even blink an eye. That is called tradition, tradition on just not winning, but tradition of team mates, playing as a team. That may change this year, but were not there yet. This is just a hand you have been dealt. Ya'll may win the district title this year. If not, is it a bad year? Maybe to you. It was evident last year when Silsbee beat ya'll. You did not support your team like before the lost. The people in Kville know it too. The people on this site know it. A team as good as they where and YOU just up and quit them. So if you want people to quit haten on Kville and give respect to them, maybe you need to close your mouth and open your ears (didn't your daddy ever tell you that, maybe not) and hear what people where saying about Kville before your disrespecting. If 3 wins in a row over a team does not gain respect, then you know nothing about sports. If being a winner in 3 levels of football does not gain respect, then you know nothing about sports. If fighting it out tooth and nail in very good games for 3 years does not gain respect, then you know nothing about sports. These 3 teams (WO-S, Silsbee, and Jasper) like playing each other because they bring out the best in each other, they bring out the tradition and respect. Because it was earned. Just play out your hand, your 2 of a kind mite just be the best. Good luck. Go Tigers!!
  20. Never herd of a P-A-T-I-T-A-N. And just like AggiesAreWe said you are going to have to earn whatever it is you get. Welcome a board.
  21. Just think of this, all the millions of dollars we tax payers give to the illegal immigrants to live in houses in our country. The millions of dollars we tax payers shell out to the illegal immigrants for there health care in our country. The millions of dollars we tax payers hand over to the illegal immigrants because they don't work in our country. They do nothing to earn this, but yet they are given as much American freedom, if not more, than the hard working American has. Here we are giving all our hard earn money (millions & billions of dollars) to illegal immigrants when we have a problem we could be helping with. This is money that we make, this is our social security money, this is our tax money, where ever they can get it, money for our future that is being give by our government to people that don't deserve it. Our children are our future. This is where our money needs to go. But NO! I say yes, test our young, put priorities back in order. We need this money, for our kids sake. They are worth it!!!
  22. Way back when Silsbee and Jasper had already been playing.
  23. Well done Rocky you earned it. A very respectful and nice young man. You make Silsbee proud. Go have some fun.
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