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Everything posted by STiger85

  1. And you based your opinion on what? Here are some stats I pick up at the Houston Chronicle. Name Team Pass yds Pass TD Rush yds Rush TD Total yds Total TD D. Bailey Jasper 213 4 521 6 734 10 A. Hazlewood Kirbyville 784 9 34 0 817 9 O. Hypolite WO-S 712 6 472 7 1184 13 J. Johnson Silsbee 957 9 378 6 1335 15 Just letting ya'll know how Bailey stacks up with just some other 21-AAA players. There is three games left, we'll see how things turn out. Good luck.
  2. Week 4 had some team swapping for play off spots. There were some blow outs and some close games. As always the championship goes through WO-S. To be the best you have to beat the best. After four district games heres how I see it: WO-S 4-0 - This team just keeps on going and going. After a first game win against H-F, the Wildcats invited them to come play the second game at there house. The Mustangs were not very nice guest as they ran all over the Wildcats. This young teams ran right through the Hawks in the third game. With Silsbee coming to WO-S for the fourth game what kind of a match up will we see? Not the blow out that a lot of people thought, but a game that yet again was close till the end, thanks to the chaingang D for the win. That D will again have to stop a scoreing machine as WO-S goes to Jasper for the fifth game. Again I'll say this, don't see any slowing down these stangs any time soon. Kirbyville 3-1 - A win over Jasper in the first game was what the Wildcats expected in there quest for the district crown. An experance team with high expectations got trampled on by WO-S in the second game. In the third game against Orangefield that went to the wire, Kirbyville had to dig deep to win. Kirbyville headed to H-J in the fourth game to build on to the win total. Running rough shot over H-J healed some hurt feelings after a close game last week, a win will do that. Now BC comes to town with some more healing in store for Kirbyville. Jasper 3-1 - What a difference a coach makes. After a set back to the Wildcats in the first game, this team knocked off Orangefield in the second game as the players started playing with confindance. Headed to BC for the third game the offence took off and things are looking up for Jasper. This young team needs to stay headed in the right direction. The right direction is going up in the win stat as Jasper blazed HF in the fourth game for the win. Now WO-S comes to town for the fifth game looking to keep there streak perfect. Is there a set back coming or unperfection? H-F 2-2 - A surprise? Not to people in 21-AAA. A loss to WO-S in the first game was a measuring stick to see what they can handle from the district. And in the second district game they handle H-J a loss in evening up there record. Sporting a power running game H-F took care of Silsbee in the third game and sights on the playoffs are looking good. The next test was Jasper in the fourth game and H-F did not get a passing grade as Jasper offense had the heat turned up. H-F faces Orangefield in the fifth game and another offense that has turned things around. Silsbee 2-2 - After a shut-out win over Orangefield in the first game and a blow out at Bridge City in the second game the Tigers got out of the gate on fire. For this young team the main thing is to stay focus and not worry about what other teams are doing in the district race. The power running H-F came to the Tiger Den in the third game and handed Silsbee there first district loss. Silsbee travled to WO-S in the fourth game where 'ol Dan had his team were ready for a stamped. Witch Tiger team showed up? A Tiger team that put themselves in a chance to win, but ran into the chaingang D in the lost. Now wins are most important for this team looking for a play off birth, and in the fifth game along came H-J and the most important thing for this team. Orangefield 1-3 - This young team was blanked by Silsbee in the first game, then Jasper did the honers in the second game. With no quite in this team Kirbyville slide by in the last minutes of the third game. Giving some hope to this team. In the fourth game BC came along and the hope continues as the offense blasted off for the second week in a row, this time for the win. This team needs to keep blasting as H-F is headed there way as they try to stay in the play off hunt. H-J 1-3 - This team is looking for answers. After a win over BC in the first game they couldn't keep up in the second game with H-F. This team found no answers with WO-S in the third game eather. Kirbyville headed there way in the fourth game and H-J could not catch a break against Kirbyville, or a RB, or a WR in this loss. H-J is head to the Tiger Den in the fifth game where Silsbee is licking there wounds, and you don't mess with a wounded Tiger. Bridge City 0-4 - This young team is fighting hard to get things right. In the first game, a close loss to H-J in the last minutes and then being man handle by Silsbee in the second game has them shaking there heads. Still shaking there heads in the third game Jasper found there offense and didn't let up. In the fourth game came Orangefield and a chance. The chance faded in the second half and so did BC fight. Now they travel to Kirbyville in the fifth game and a team beaming with confidence again.
  3. Final 17-6 WO-S. Closer that what some people thought. Good game. Good luck WO-S. Go Tigers!!!
  4. Tigers D holds WO-S on the 5 yd. line. Turn over on down.
  5. That's what we hear about is WO-S conditioning. Wasn't giving an advantage over any thing just saying that it helps US out that's all. Everybody can put all the ifs out on the table that they want and we have seen alot on this thread but the best part still has to happen. Play the game.
  6. After a lose to BC in four game in the first go around in district these young ladies have put together a very good run not losing a game, and put themselfs in a spot to win district. I have heard a lot about coachs and who is the best, well I'm here to tell you there is non better than Coach T. Coming back in the second go around in distrct to beat BC in three games. But I'm not just here about the varstiy. The JV team has two loses in district. In the first go around we lost to BC in three very good games and lost to HF in three very good games also. But from then on something clicked, maybe it was the clipboard hitting on the gym floor, I don't know. But this Silsbee JV team has not lost a game much less a match sence the HF game. Really not even been challanged in any of these games. These ladies have come together and played there butts off. This JV team is full of Soph. Not to be out done the Freshman team has two loses in district coming from BC and from OF from then on this young team has been lights out. But we have two games left. Go Tigers!!!
  7. This is the match up i'm excited about. A long with the Jasper game. These three teams will be locked up for years to come as long as they stay in 3A. These two have fine looking QB's. Both are tall, fast, strong arm, and can manage the clock well. The RB's are good ones too. WO-S RB are fast and thick, good running in the middle and like to bounce at to the out side. Silsbee RB are fast and quick. One step there there the next step there not, like the out side and not scared to run in the middle. The WR are what I think will make the game. Not by numbers they put up, it may be more than the past, but by what they do away from the ball and there blocking skills. Silsbee may have a bigger O-line, but the stangs line don't get pushed around at all. On the defense well everybody know the chaingang. Here WO-S D-line is a step or two ahead of Silsbee, but Silsbee has a good rotation whitch should help out in the fourth quarter. The linebackers do a good job for both teams, fast to the ball and solid hitters. The secendary I think Silsbee has a upper hand in maybe half a hand. Both are fast and cover and tackle good. This is JMO and for fun hope I didn't upset anyone. These two teams have young players that will be playing each other on the varsity level for the next three years. I like the match up alot. Win or lose. I hope for a good, safe game. Good luck. Me i'm pulling for the Tigers. Go Tigers!!!
  8. I guess that's why they only have one loss in district. If you don't do it in warmups you wont do it in games. Them Tigers can bring it for sure.
  9. Yes, you do what you can to make the playoffs. HF did just that. When Silsbees TD got called back on a questionable block in the back call the wind left our tent a little. We did not respond like we needed to. It still goes on and get ready for next week.
  10. Silsbees depth at pitching is shallow right now. We have a good one coming back that everyone knows. We have another one that reaches in the 90's but just a little off, also a couple of others that have some thing going for them. There's a couple are three freshman that will push for some varsity playing time. Just how much I don't know. One freshman really looks good on the mound. Maybe will be able to help out with the shallow pitching depth. Go Tigers!!!
  11. Week 3 has come and gone and there has been some shake ups in 21-AAA. As always the championship goes through WO-S. To be the best you have to beat the best. After three district games heres how I see it: WO-S 3-0 - This team just keeps on going and going. After a first district game win against H-F the Wildcats invited them to come play the second district game at there house. The Mustangs were not very nice guest as they ran all over the Wildcats. This young teams ran right through the 1-1 Hawks in the third district game. With Silsbee coming to WO-S what kind of a match up will we see Friday. Again I'll say this, don't see any slowing down these stangs any time soon. H-F 2-1 - A surprise? Not to people in 21-AAA. A loss to WO-S in the first district game was a measuring stick to see what they can handle from the district. And in the second district game they handle H-J a loss in evening up at 1-1. Sporting a power running game H-F took care of Silsbee and sights on the playoff are look good. The test this week is Jasper and a offence that has cought on fire of lateley. Silsbee 2-1 - After a shut-out win over Orangefield and a blow out at Bridge City the Tigers got out the gate on fire. For this young team the main thing is to stay focus and not worry about what other teams are doing in the district race. The power running H-F came to the Tiger Den and handed Silsbee there first district loss. Silsbee travles to WO-S where 'ol Dan has his team ready for a stamped. Witch Tiger team will show up this week. Kirbyville 2-1 - A win over Jasper in the first district game was what the Wildcats expected in there quest for the district crown. An experance team with high expectations got trampled on by WO-S in the second game. In a game against Orangefield that went to the wire Kirbyville had to dig deep to win. Kirbyville heads to H-J to build on to the win total. Jasper 2-1 - What a differance a coach makes. After a set back to the Wildcats in the first district game this team knocked off Orangefield in the second district game. Headed to BC the offence took off and things are looking up for Jasper. This young team needs to stay headed in the right direction for HF is next on there list. H-J 1-2 - This team is looking for answers. After a win over BC in the first district game they couldn't keep up in the second district game with H-F. This team found no answers with WO-S . Kirbyville is headed there way and things look to get harder on down the road. This team has the players to make some noise but right now some one needs to ask the right questions. Orangefield 0-3- This young team was blanked by Silsbee in the first district game then Jasper did the honers in the second district game. With no quite in this team Kirbyville slide by in the last minutes of the game. Giving some hope to this team. Now comes BC and the hope continues. Bridge City 0-3- This young team is fighting hard to get things right. In the first district game a close loss to H-J and then being man handle by Silsbee in the second district game has them shaking there heads. Still shaking there heads Jasper found there offense and didn't let up. This week comes Orangefield and a chance.
  12. Silsbee was coming together as a offence, the timing was looking good untill the HF game. The offence was not on time. Will it be at WO-S? I know WO-S will be ready, they have a record going for district games won. Plus playing at WO-S you better add 7-10 points to the table. Silsbe and WO-S has had some good battles over the years, also some blowouts. I would hope this will be a good battle. I'm pulling for the Tigers. Go Tigers!!!
  13. True Tigersvoice. I did not see any Silsbee fans on here dogging OF or BC after the game when we beat them. Before the game predictions is one thing, in fun and all. But there is always some that just are not accustom to winning. Go Figure.
  14. I like the way the Horns played against Silsbee, if they bring that every Friday night they run the table.
  15. Did he or did he not get suspended for a game? A lot of if's could come into question here.
  16. I think you HF fans need to realize this is not Kville, some of ya'll need to know ya'll beat a young Silsbee team and beat them good. If you HF fans want to try to start something wait till the Kville game they have some fans that will be glad to start something with you. Silsbee plays with class and our fans have class, ya'll need to know that.
  17. I know of 1 fumble and 1 int. Turned over on downs 1 time at the 14 yrd. line. Silsbee played pretty bad tonight. H-F played a great game. Running back by committy got the job done for H-F. Passes where short or high all night. Just not a night for Silsbee. H-F defense is very discipline, a good unit. Now Silsbee has to step up, no more week teams get it in your heads. Go Tigers!!!
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