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Everything posted by STiger85

  1. Hickory dickory dock........... I know one also
  2. I think it was 3-2 or 4-2 BU. BU missed two and had another one blocked but the ball found its way in the net.
  3. Where were you watching the game from? Did you have on rose colored glasses? In your narrow-minded sight, you didn't see the "squabbling" on the Gobblers after a big run that had a penalty that called it back? Late in the game the passion was running high on both sides of the field, on the field and sidelines and there was "squabbling" on both sides. Heck even Tom Brady gets in players faces and "squabbles" when they make a mistake. It happens in every sport, especially when the stakes are that high in the playoffs. Most people that know sports know this "passion" that you play with and would be worried if players didn't show it in a close game. You may not understand this but sometimes when the other team is just as good as you are it's good to have luck and Cuero had more luck than we did. But we all know where you are coming from, you have stated it on here time and time again, anything to bring a team down. Do you know what a person whose team cannot win constantly do? They become bitter!
  4. Can BU get it done in 6A? They didn't look to shabby tonight. Can't wait for Silsbee to get their basketball legs and timing down. Only three misses from the FT line, BU with 1 and Silsbee with 2, CRAZY, Good luck BU. Lets go Tigers, all season. TigerNation!!!
  5. I hope it's not. Can you imagine a pitcher working with a smaller strike zone, a basketball player shooting at a smaller hoop, a soccer player kicking to a smaller goal.
  6. Read an earlier post I made. Cuero is dang good, but they got extremely lucky to be moving on.
  7. If this is true, it’s sad. Better to be lucky than good.
  8. There was a bad call in the Silsbee/Jasper game???
  9. Over 1,000 yards of total offense (1,043) Over 100 total points (114) 53 total first downs 1 he(( of a game
  10. You can see the QB (18) knee on the ground and the ball still in his hands. I can see the refs missing a hold, offsides, false starts, even a face mask in a pile of players. This was in the open, clear as day. You've always heard "it's better to be lucky than good". Cuero is dang good, they also got extremely lucky on this play.
  11. Funny you should ask. Silsbee has, over the years, been off and on as far as kickers. The past six are so years Silsbee has had some very good kickers, They have actually won games for us. I have no problem with our kicker. He's only missed a couple of field goals all year, his first year of fulltime kicking duties. One of them just happened to be today. I look for him to be back next year, better than ever.
  12. Tiger D better dig down. You got to want it more
  13. It’s amazing how the Astrodome held three playoff games on Saturday with a game on Sunday.
  14. That’s a bad time to play a State Quarterfinal playoff game.
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