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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. I would like to see Rand Paul because I am more in line with his views than anyone else. He is a small gov fiscal conservative with much more sensible views on foreign policy than his Dad. That being said, I don't know if he will be electable in 2016....more of an evaluation of the voters rather than Paul. All the most viable candidates for the GOP in 2016 are more of the same big gov spenders that will continue to go along with increasing the federal debt...hopefully that will change. But, they will at least be on the right side of Second Amendment and military issues...IF they can beat Hillary.
  2.   Alleged...that's the key word...never proven.   And one of his accusers admitted she lived in the same building as David Axelrod...quite a coincidence.   [Hidden Content]   And I sure am glad you are not saying it's OK for a sitting President to seduce a young intern with his power...many on the left had no problem with it.
  3.   Never have understood the hatred for this man...perhaps someone can explain it for me.
  4.   I believe that on is actually in the handbook...same chapter as the levee incident.
  5. Greatly respect him for what...his military service? I respect him for that also but as far as his political career, he's another squishy moderate that is a poster child for what is wrong in Washington. And there is no way he would have won the election no matter who he chose.
  6.   And your viewpoint hasn't been tolerated...that's why we are on here...to discuss.      All the same opinions would be awful boring.   When I refer to the intolerant left, it ain't you I'm talking about.
  7.   So your view of how things work in the real world are based on your experiences only...get real.   Believe it or not, there are things happening out there that you haven't experienced!  :)
  8.     Article is several years old but I would think still accurate.   [Hidden Content]   From the article:   By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.     Many professors are very liberal and many teach subjects according to their own view (I've been to college too), there's no denying that.   The left is much less tolerant of a conservative viewpoint that the other way around...just the way it is.
  9.   I won't disagree that it happens both ways, but by far the majority of college professors are liberals and have only a classroom view of how things work in the real world...and there are plenty in the deep south.
  10. Why debate a point of view when you can simply ignore it or dismiss it as nutty?   And these clowns still can't figure out why Fox is kicking their butt.
  11. [Hidden Content]   From the article:   “There are some people who have very bad insurance, but they don’t know it because they don’t understand the fine print,” Obama said yesterday. Politico Pro reports that the President continued:    We said, “You know what, you’re right. You should be able to keep the health insurance you have even if it’s not very good. Even if you could get insurance on HealthCare.gov, you should be able to keep it.” And that’s the part of the law we’ve extended."
  12. Many liberals in our institutes of higher learning would rather suppress a conservative viewpoint than debate it...much easier to form those young minds if they only hear one side.
  13.   Yeah...where they at...there must be some logical explanation for all this?
  14.   :D  I still maintain, however, that a post should be read and evaluated rather than discarded based simply on source...there would be some on here that would give the Heritage Foundation that treatment.
  15. Now if you really want a story about Chipotle...   [Hidden Content]
  16.   Same thing was said about Gorbachev, I'm sure.  The US is not weak...we simply have weak leadership at the moment.   Things can change...remember Carter?
  17. We could also give them the boot from the G8 and ramp up negotiations with European countries to begin building LNG plants to supply them with natural gas.   Even the threat of Russia losing a share of the natural gas market would bring them to the table because that is one of their biggest bargaining chip to lose.   The problem is any negotiations have to be put forth forcefully and I don't think this administration is up to it.   Where's Reagan when you need him?   :(   I myself don't like meddling in others affairs but as bigdog has pointed out, Putin won't stop unless someone stops him and we are the short list of those capable of doing it...very short list, one.
  18.   We only spy on our own citizens, not other countries...that would be rude.
  19.   I disagree...I think he's listening very closely...that's what is alarming!   Now I do think that he is ignoring demands that come out of the White House.
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