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Whats your greatest coach's quote?

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There were four of us competing for two positions back in the 70s and our coach did not know who to start so he reached in his pocket for a coin and said, "CALL IT "

This really happened.........more than once..............We could not believe it !!!!!!!!!!

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A guy yelled at the head coach during game and said hey I got a play! The head coach turned around and said "Write it on your fingernail rip it off and send it down here and I will run it." I fell out after that plus the guy never said nothing again. :lol:

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Here's a few quotes I've heard over the last couple years:

"...straight as the day is arrow." Coach Howard

"You will run till you stop!!!" Coach Howard

"Holy Toledo! You're the smartest man out here, son!" Coach Valastro

"You're fired." Coach Valastro

"There's only one thing that feels better than cold water after two-a-days, and I can talk to yall about that at school." Coach Koch

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Not football but i thought they were interesting

A few quotes that I have heard or said while in the military

"pain is nothing but fear leaving the body"

If you fall down the cliff make sure you dont scream and give away everybodys position.

"you need to go pound sand up your butt" (cleaned up)

to a scared young paratrooper about to jump (ME) Son if your chute dont open you need to shake that static line till your feet hit the ground,

Son if you find yourselve with a malfuntioning parachute,,,,Its not your day.

if your chute opens , when you hit the ground make sure you roll, if your chute doesnt open, dont worry about it.

all from an jump instructor that trained me in the Amry :D

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Had a junior high coach that would give out statements of advice, but one in particular stuck with me until this day. "Boys", he would say,"The biggest thing about football is that you have to have a lot of desire, DEZIRE" No one tried to correct him or we would have been doing grass drills till after dark.

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At a Lumberton practice the Lumberton lineman coach (Coach Dale) started yalleing at a kid on jv " what kind of Buffalo Wild Wing chicken block was that!" " Do you want some sauce with that block?"

Is that Lance Dale you are talking about? Man used to coach and scout with him, man had some funny stories!!!!

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