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[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="855076" timestamp="1285347686"]
[quote author=bhcorner27 link=topic=73111.msg855053#msg855053 date=1285345213]


Oh no you didn't.  I believe the phrase you're looking for is THE HILL IS TRILL.  Also, being the one mature BH poster isn't all that it's cracked up to be.  If you lower the bar a little, you'll have way more fun.  As far as BH is concerned, I'm pulling for BH to be #2 in the district, with that being said, I hope the broncos send the eagles back down 146 with their tails between their legs.  Also, after the Broncos do what they do (WIN) tonight, BH and Dayton can join forces and begin the real fun...bagging on Crosby.

If we can make it seven more hours without getting locked I will call this a miracle... Hey, BHFAN, tell the wifey I said hello and I will be more than willing to console her after you guys lose tonight.  The smackathon is not over.  I just wish someone would bet some Ric Flair chops.
Sorry Tyrone She likes Men not bee itches looks like you'll still be stuck with that wildabeast you married 8)
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Tyrone asked his SETX Sports buddy, BHFAN, one morning, "Man, why you always so darn happy when you post every day?"
BHFAN replied, "That's because I make love to my wife every morning before posting."
Amazed, Tyrone asked him how he gets his wife to make love to him every morning.
"That's easy," BHFAN said. "I just tell her this little poem that I made up. She loves it!.
It goes like this: "Blond hair, blond hair, eyes so blue. I love waking up and making love to you!"
Tyrone said, "Man, you white guys are so dang sentimental." But he decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. So he spent the rest of the day thinking of a poem for his wife. The next day Tyrone showed up on the message board just beat to hell, bruised eyes, broken nose, fat lip, the works!!
BHFAN asked, "Man, what happened to you?!"
Tyrone said, "I don't know, man. I went home and tried your advice. I just told her a poem."
"Well, what poem did you tell her?"
Tyrone said: "Nappy head, nappy head, eyes like a frog. If I could roll your fat butt over, I'd do you like a dog!"
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[quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="855224" timestamp="1285360826"]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?  ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."  ;D ;D
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[quote name="bh89-2" post="855231" timestamp="1285361446"]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.
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[quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="855248" timestamp="1285362239"]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.
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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="855277" timestamp="1285364289"]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855248#msg855248 date=1285362239]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.

Ditto. I've gotten quite a few laughs from this thread. Some real comedians in SETEXAS......from BH and Dayton.  ;D
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[quote name="bh89-2" post="855177" timestamp="1285357102"]
Just got word from sewrville and the report is HEAVY rain.  Tyrone shutt off the water before the "High and Mighty" head your way, don't wanna mess up our dews..............  ;D

How Many Dayton Turnovers?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D.4 or more


I saw the same report.  It said that conditions would increase as a massive influx of hot air entered the atmosphere as Eagle fans crossed the county line.  The report also said that residents along 146 should be prepared for drainage ditches to overflow with the tears of Eagles fans as they seek to cope from seeing their hopes and dreams dismantled beneath the bright lights of Bronco stadium.
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[quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="855224" timestamp="1285360826"]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

It is over!!!! We suck you don't. If BH re-elects the same idiots then the pounding will continue.
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What does the school board have to do with the way a football team plays. It it people like you who give this town the "gossip" town, instead of focusing on the football games, you focus on something else. Here is a bright idea for you, how about you take yourself, and run for school board, then maybe people can vote for you, oh wait ur hiding behind a computer screen name, and won't say your name. All bark, but no bite.
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[quote name="cougarshow33" post="856298" timestamp="1285388195"]
What does the school board have to do with the way a football team plays. It it people like you who give this town the "gossip" town, instead of focusing on the football games, you focus on something else. Here is a bright idea for you, how about you take yourself, and run for school board, then maybe people can vote for you, oh wait ur hiding behind a computer screen name, and won't say your name. All bark, but no bite.

Hey dummy, you got the man they wanted. You are right the ball game should not have anything to do with the school board. So when did you move in this year????? July???? Let's go to lunch sometime because you do not know me very well if you think I will not talk football or BH politics with anyone. It is really easy.

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[quote name="Hawkeye" post="855277" timestamp="1285364289"]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855248#msg855248 date=1285362239]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.
It is easy to enjoy when you are on the right side of a 54 to 0 beat down. This is exactly my point. All mouth with nothing to back it up. You guys have few things to work on, and we well, I dont't know where to begin to talk about BH's problems. Goodluck the rest of the year.
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[quote name="UgotTRUCKED" post="856600" timestamp="1285420960"]
[quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=73111.msg855277#msg855277 date=1285364289]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855248#msg855248 date=1285362239]
[quote author=bh89-2 link=topic=73111.msg855231#msg855231 date=1285361446]
[quote author=UgotTRUCKED link=topic=73111.msg855224#msg855224 date=1285360826]
Hopefully after the game tonight most of the nonsense from the two BH\Dayton threads will diminish greatly.

Goodluck to both teams tonight. Hoping for a well played game.

Awfully optomistic, don't you think?   ;D ;D

Well, got to go check on that "dog."   ;D ;D

Just trying to be reasonable. Talking smack just to see your words in print and with nothing to back it up seems a little pointless. But that's just me.

Actually, I've enjoyed this whole thread. Whether BH has anything to back it up or not, it was still funny. I wish Dayton and BH played every week! ;D Thanks for the laughs fellas.
It is easy to enjoy when you are on the right side of a 54 to 0 beat down. This is exactly my point. All mouth with nothing to back it up. You guys have few things to work on, and we well, I dont't know where to begin to talk about BH's problems. Goodluck the rest of the year.
I wrote that I enjoyed the thread [b]BEFORE[/b] the game was played. So what point are you trying to make? Lighten up and have some fun man. Use the smiley face every once in a while.  ;D ;D ;D
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[b]I wrote that I enjoyed the thread BEFORE the game was played. So what point are you trying to make? Lighten up and have some fun man. Use the smiley face every once in a while [/b]

I know when you posted it. 54-0 is what I meant by not being able to back it up. I seem to remember you guys not posting many smileys after the loss to Crosby last year. ;D It is not fun.

About the only thing that did go right for BH was the onside kick and we didn't execute in the endzone to make it payoff. I think that onside just ticked Stewart off.
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54-0 is tough.  It could have been worse.  What Dayton fans should remember is that the broncos have a 1 - 3 record and there are still a lot of areas that need to be improved on.

Now trucked, was the big mouth with nothing to back it up statement directed at your buddies bh89 and bhfan or Dayton posters.  I would say that Dayton posters had their smack backed up pretty well. 
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[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="856673" timestamp="1285426595"]
54-0 is tough.  It could have been worse.  What Dayton fans should remember is that the broncos have a 1 - 3 record and there are still a lot of areas that need to be improved on.

Now trucked, was the big mouth with nothing to back it up statement directed at your buddies bh89 and bhfan or Dayton posters.  I would say that Dayton posters had their smack backed up pretty well. 

I knew what was coming. Dayton's 0-3 and BH's 1-2 were miles apart. It was not directed at Dayton. Goodluck the rest of the way!

On another note, I think it will be hard for you to pick up Amanda or any other chicks for that matter with your choice of make-up. ;D
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