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Woods: 'I've done some pretty bad things'

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The guy is not perfect, nor are any of the other 6.4 billion people on this planet.  What happens on the course/field/court should have absolutely nothing to do with an athlete's personal life.  Woods will still be the most dominant athlete in any sport in this generation.  I wouldn't so much as forgive him, but he still is the world's greatest athlete, and nobody can deny that.  I can guarantee you if this happened to a local golfer, everybody would have completely different views on the guy then Woods.  A lot of people want to see the top fail, only to make themselves feel that much better.
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I don't have to like anybody who screws around on their wife.....Tiger Woods included. I don't even have to like him if he doesn't. Being the best athlete in the world doesn't mean I have to overlook his behavior off the course (who he really is).
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  • 3 weeks later...
Whats funny is that anyone cares that he had an affair/s.  If this were your favorite football player no one would care.  There are murderers, wife beaters, drug dealers/users in pro football but it is still the most popular sport.  Does anyone else see this double standard?  Or do we want the Ryder Cup to be made up of the Bengals, Ravens, Browns, well there's at least one on almost every team.  I'd take an entire team of wife cheaters than killers, but i guess thats just me.
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What tiger has done is beyond terrible. I think he knows that. If he goes and does the same, then he gets written off in my opinion. There have been lots of people throughout history that have made terrible decisions even as a lifestyle that have turned their life around and are revered (sp?) as examples of how to live your life. I'm not say Tiger will or won't do this, but I certainly hope he does, if for no one else's sake but his family.

On a lighter note... I can only imagine what the guy can do playing with a clear conscience. I know when I'm not carrying guilt, my life is much easier.
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What's so amazing is the double standard I see here.  Tiger is bad and horrible because he cheated on his wife. I dont approve of cheating, but let's look at who is still seen as "great":  Kennedy, a womanizer, Clinton, got impeached due to his lying about his affair.  Both are still seen by many as two of the greatest presidents ever.  Come on and smell what you are all cooking. Smells like a load of "you know what" to me.  Tiger is an entertainer and not a leader.  Rely on someone else to lead the world and raise your kids. Maybe those who are upset at Tiger because they think he is a role model are really upset that they might have to talk to their kids about what's good and moral and not leave it up to the the old "boob tube" and the idiots that are on it
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I'm an equal opportunity disliker.

Kennedy, last great Democratic president. I didn't like the fact that he fooled around with Marilyn Monroe, but I was just a kid at the time. Look what happened to her for her involvement (that's a long discussion for later). No matter how great he was, see what you remember about him?

Clinton lied to Congress and should have had the book thrown at him. Monica Lewinsky seduced him and set him up. Why else would any woman not wash a blouse for months? These facts still don't excuse Clinton.

Tiger Woods didn't just have a tryst or one night stand. He was sleeping with everything around, risking disease and possibly bringing that stuff home to his wife (if they were still intimate) and even his kids (I still think aids is spread through saliva). No one has said anything about not allowing him to continue to play golf.

You can take all the punks you mentioned in the NFL and kick them out of the league. I wouldn't miss any of them.

The only thing I ask anyone to do, who may think what Tiger did is ''not so bad''.....think how they would feel if their spouse did it to them. i bet that would be some serious stuff then!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Who cares if its "just a one night stand"  Its still cheating.  Thats the double standard there.  If you cheat once you are still a cheater.  Come on.  We all know at least one guy that sleeps around on his wife.  Do you never speak to them again or say that they are the worst person in the world.  No.  People just care and make a big deal about it because its Tiger.  If it was the 135th ranked guy on the tour it would make the crawl, maybe. 
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Wow, that's all you got from my post? I broke yours down and answered everything to the best of my ability. You tried comparing Tiger to JFK, and I showed you that, no matter how ''great'' JFK was as president, the thing you remember most is his affair with Marilyn Monroe. So, I guess your reasoning is that, if JFK did it, why not Tiger? Man, where does that stop?

No one has said that a one night stand isn't cheating. I was trying to show that Tiger didn't have a ''moment of weakness'', which can be for given and corrected, he was bedding everything in sight...porn stars, whores, waitresses, call girls, you name it.....and paying high dollar for it too. When did paying for sex become legal? If I try to pick up a street walker for money, and she happens to be a cop, I go to jail for solicitation. These women have openly admitted that Tiger payed them for sex, and nothing happens to him. Why....because he's Tiger Woods? I guess I don't place my athletes, or anyone else, above the law.

Of course it's more of a media selling point because it's Tiger, but that doesn't make me more forgiving just because it is him. I have to work with a man who brags about cheating on his wife. It makes me sick.
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[quote name="baddog" post="794648" timestamp="1272216568"]
Wow, that's all you got from my post? I broke yours down and answered everything to the best of my ability. You tried comparing Tiger to JFK, and I showed you that, no matter how ''great'' JFK was as president, the thing you remember most is his affair with Marilyn Monroe. So, I guess your reasoning is that, if JFK did it, why not Tiger? Man, where does that stop?

No one has said that a one night stand isn't cheating. I was trying to show that Tiger didn't have a ''moment of weakness'', which can be for given and corrected, he was bedding everything in sight...porn stars, whores, waitresses, call girls, you name it.....and paying high dollar for it too. When did paying for sex become legal? If I try to pick up a street walker for money, and she happens to be a cop, I go to jail for solicitation. These women have openly admitted that Tiger payed them for sex, and nothing happens to him. Why....because he's Tiger Woods? I guess I don't place my athletes, or anyone else, above the law.

Of course it's more of a media selling point because it's Tiger, but that doesn't make me more forgiving just because it is him. I have to work with a man who brags about cheating on his wife. It makes me sick.

Here here!!!!

Very good post, baddog.
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i agree.  very good post baddog.  I didnt know about the reports that he paid for sex from these women.  Now that i know, my thoughts have changed.  Thanks for the info.  Im glad that you taught me something instead of slamming it down me.  I just dont like the thought that we need to have athletes as role models for our kids.  Parents should be the best role models.  I acted right growing up because i didnt want to disappoint my dad.  I respect him that much.  I do agree that they should be a little more careful about what they do because of the scrutiny they are under.
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The public image that Tiger "tried" to display hisself with his sponsors was totally smashed by his actions.  None of this has anything to do with his golf game.
His confession of poor behavior on the golf course and his pledge to improve, that was BOGUS!
He displayed poor manners at the Masters and his bad mouth and temper will be something that Tiger really needs to work on.
I have heard several people on sports talk radio that say he did NOTHING wrong.
That he was doing what most famous athletes do.
[b]I sure wouldn't want those men influencing my son.[/b]
And you wonder why almost 70% of African Americans are born out of wedlock.
Unfortunately many African American males, and many males of all skin color,
find nothing wrong with what Tiger did.
When you get married and have kids, your most important job is being a husband and a father.
Tiger has miserably failed at both of these.
I hope he can turn things around, but I doubt it.
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to Baddog.  That is not the only thing i remember about Kennedy.  Matter of fact i wasn't alive then.  I was simply using it as an example.  Kennedy did many great things as president, but also had personal woes.  MLK was a great man that lead many needed changes in our country.  It doesn't mean that he was perfect with respect to his personal life.  I agree that it is deplorable that Tiger cheated the way he did.  there is nothing more sacred than the bond of marriage.  anyone that doesn't think so does not take their vows seriously.  I guess these people ar a product of the disposable generations.  Don't like her, get rid of her and get another.  Or keep her and just dont get caught, oops  he did, so now hes sorry.  Hes sorry all right.  Sorry he got caught. 
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