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La Marque vs Port Neches Groves Broadcasted Here On SETXSPORTS/5PM

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If Hemmings was blowing by everyone and you guys were hitting and doing all this great offensive stuff, then please explain the fact that you only scored once the entire scrimmage and that was on a 15 yard pass.

He only got the ball like 5 times. i guess coaches saw that was working so it was time to try other things.. it is nice to win scimmages but it doesnt mean alot win u lose.. i mean heck look at the Cults.. they are 1-9 in the past 10 preseason games..

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I never said he blew by anyone, although he did outrun a few people on his longest run, and also BLEW by the secondary for his 22 YARD TD reception. I said he was delivering some blows,  no one knocked him back, the pile went forward we he hit it. Also, our defense was hitting and Jasper did not score with our entire first unit on the field. Watch the youtube video and you will see on the first TD pass our second string DB's were in. No excuses just facts. Also, Johnson burned them for about a 50 yard catch that would have went for a td had he not stumbled over his own feet. Again, watch the video.

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I never said he blew by anyone, although he did outrun a few people on his longest run, and also BLEW by the secondary for his 22 YARD TD reception. I said he was delivering some blows,  no one knocked him back, the pile went forward we he hit it. Also, our defense was hitting and Jasper did not score with our entire first unit on the field. Watch the youtube video and you will see on the first TD pass our second string DB's were in. No excuses just facts. Also, Johnson burned them for about a 50 yard catch that would have went for a td had he not stumbled over his own feet. Again, watch the video.

You look at the video it shows exactly what I said that your QB is good and you guys didn't have any success on offense until late in the scrimmage.  And if we are talking about should of, then Jasper should of had three more TD on fumble returns that clearly would of went for scores if the Refs didnt blow them dead after the players took off in the other direction.

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No I don't hate Mid County.  I have no reason to.  I went to a scrimmage and then posted the my oppinion of what I saw.  There were some good things about the Indians and there were some bad things, Im just willing to post both. 

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Honestly I feel like if someone (not everyone) is not from PN-G or Nederland they have a negative attitude towards them. Maybe I am wrong. But it makes me laugh how all these other fans love to get in the middle of MC school discussions that do not even involve their school. Also, not only do they get involved, they seem to be passionate about it. I could care less about arguing with a LCM fan about their scrimmage with Willis or telling a PAM fan I think their team will get their butts handed to them versus this team or that. It just goes to show either there is a hatred there or they are jealous. Patitan, sfa85, and a few others are prime examples. They are entitled to their opinion, but it gets humorous (really it pisses me off) reading their hatred. So, in closing, that is why it is easy to assume a poster with no affiliation to either school being discussed seems to be a "hater" when they come here throwing around allegations of cheating and making smart elleck comments about the players.

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After our scrimmage against Memorial, if we looked like trash, I wouldnt mind hearing it.  I'm very unbiased.  Because chances are if you saw it, I saw it.  I wouldnt' get offended.  Just like I said, it's a scrimmage.  A game to get you prepared ultimatley for district.  I dont' think that a non MC fan would get offended if you gave your 2 cents or opinion.  I wish that more posters would just call it like they see it and quit being homers.

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5:00 steven.

After our scrimmage against Memorial, if we looked like trash, I wouldnt mind hearing it.  I'm very unbiased.  Because chances are if you saw it, I saw it.  I wouldnt' get offended.  Just like I said, it's a scrimmage.  A game to get you prepared ultimatley for district.  I dont' think that a non MC fan would get offended if you gave your 2 cents or opinion.  I wish that more posters would just call it like they see it and quit being homers. 

I agree. I do not mind a little critiquing, just not the bashing. Now, if I came over to your thread and said your team sucks and they are a joke and I hope you get killed every game just because then you might think differently of me. the guy from West Brook did not do that, but a lot of people have so it is easy to assume some people just don't like you.

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I wouldn't like it, but I will respect their opinion.  If Titan don't like MC teams, that's his opinion, as everyone is entitled to one.  I actually find it fun on the message boards when someone is dogging my team out.  It just makes it that much nicer when your team pulls off that upset or beats that 'state ranked' team.

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lol ive played my fair shair of football and yes i do know what chop blocking is and yes i know its "illegal".. but i saw maybe our guys do it twice.. and the guys from jasper did it just as much... and who cares if we did not win a scrimmage.. jasper beat nederland last yr in scrimmage play and then u saw how jaspers season turned out.. not trying to stir up mud..  La Marque respects PNG and Nederland no matter what u guys say.. we may not win this game but i know those boys from La Marque will have respect for our players at the end of the game.. after all they wouldnt get to play in Relient if it where not for our fan support  ;D.

Not that it matters that much, scalpem, but Nederland won the game scrimmage last season vs. Jasper by 3 TD's. I just wanted to correct that because I was there.

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You are right Jake, Nederland pretty much manhandled Jasper in that scrimmage last year. I remember that because the week before, Silsbee scrimmaged Nederland and out scored the Bulldogs 1-0. I started wondering how good Jasper would be after that scrimmage with Nederland, I find out as the season went on, not too good.

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Yup. I remember both games. I remember thinking after that scrimmage that Silsbee would have a good season. Nederland was without a few players in that one due to Babe Ruth baseball, including starting QB Moshier. But, Silsbee was a solid team and I left that game very worried about the Dogs and it turned out we BARELY made the playoffs. The next week we played what I thought was a pretty good Jasper team and beat them by 3 scores, but they were down last year. I did not know that at the time.

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hey Aik  yeah im a player  number 72 in the real game...because everybody is switching positions  like clint burnett is now wearing number 80 and im wearing 72 becuase i moved to the line on D and O....but we werent wearing our real game jerseys last saturday  we just threw on a number similar to our real number  everybody still has there same number  you will see maybe this satruday  if not then against LM  but i gotta go to practice ill talk with yall later  gotta get better to work for our pride back  peace out

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Ok, patitan. I guess I should be a PAM fan since I live about 1 mile from where the new high school is going up. If that is what being a fan is based on then how are you a PA fan? I am just curious how many teams can you have? I have seen you write "your" coogs, "your" titans....you cheer on the ozen's, central's and anyone else playing the mid-county schools. That is fine, you have the right to do as you choose. How about giving out some useful info on "your" multitude of schools instead of talking crap on MC? You should try contributing to the board instead of instigating trouble.

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Not that it matters that much, scalpem, but Nederland won the game scrimmage last season vs. Jasper by 3 TD's. I just wanted to correct that because I was there.

My mistake

One lil question though patitan..

Say PNG keeps the game within 10-14 points next friday, will u please give the players the credit they deserve..

Because you and i both know that will be an accoplishment in its self..

Also is LM young this year? im curious to know how many returning starts they have from last year..

Because if they are young it may make the game a lil more interesting.. I assume have a ton of returnings being that they are ranked #1 in state but lol PNG was ranked high in 2000 after our state appearance and we didne even make the playoffs that year..

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