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Everything posted by revfaulk

  1. i always watch ch 6 because they at least give mention to girls sports. but the reality is that there are just far more people interested in boys sports than in girls sports. just attendence factors make that clear. don't get me wrong, i was a high school coach for girls sports for several years. i love checking up on the local girls teams, but the bulk of the people are more interested in the boys scores.... that's life i guess. that's why i am so thankful for a great message board like this one.... the last 2 years have been great for me. i have been able to keep up with everything going on.
  2. hey warfan, there is a real big difference even from 3a to most a lot of the teams in 4a. i do understand what you are saying. if you don't have girls that can make a good solid attack, or you can't teach them.... whatever the case is..... the next best thing is to just get them to try and push/ throw the ball in a good spot, and that gets ugly quick!
  3. highsky... the rule changes are designed to help speed up the action of the game. sorry about that, not to hurry and end the game. if it's done right it makes the action in the game move much faster. so those are some of the reasons for the changes. and it will probably continue to change..... all sports change, they used to not wear face masks in football.... anyway, it seems like there were 2 things that bothered you, one was the rule changes, and the second was the officials. the first is easy to cover.... i mean it might not be the answer you are looking for, but we just have to learn to live with the changes.... the officials is a different story. anybody can complain about the officials, so my suggestion is to become one. if the refs are so bad, and you know the right answers, then you are cheating the girls by not becoming an official and causing them to play with these refs who don't know the rules. if you want me to i will get you the number of the ladies who organize this chapter. just let me know. okay i just looked over what i wrote..... it might sound sarcastic or rude..... if it does please forgive me. that's not my intention.
  4. volleyball is changing as time goes on. some of the new rules ...rally scoring, libero etc. have been brought in to keep america up with the international community. high school volleyball is the last place that finally changed to rally scoring. the allowing double contacts on the first ball over, and trying to loosen up on some of the calling (honestly, i haven't seen high schools loosen up much, they are just inconsistent) is to help speed the game up. let's be honest volleyball is not really a spectator sport. many fans don't have any idea what calls are being made by the officials. some of the rules are to help keep the game moving at a little faster pace. it's not a matter of liking it or hating it, but adapting to it. as far as officials in our area.... i have seen many officials from the houston chapter...... we are blessed here with at most of our refs at least knowing the rules! i love this sport. i play it and coach it still. it has changed a lot over the last 10 years, but i hope it will catch on more and more so there will be more people involved and not discouraged because they are finding it easier to understand......maybe, who knows. maybe even having boys playing in high school.... that's a crazy though, huh!!!!!!!
  5. bleed.... that might be your best post ever! thanks for saying what the world was thinking!
  6. lettem yell!!! i agree. i have coached and played in "hostile" (i use that word loosely) but i loved every second of it! but i really loved it when i was at home and there was a noisey crowd cheering for us! oh well. maybe there was something going on at the png game that we don't know about. who knows.... i hope it never happens again. i love the noise!
  7. i talked with some officials tonight..... still can't find my rule book.... anyway, they told me if a group gets too rowdy they can get the administrator on duty to come and "calm" them down. volleyball is handled in a totally different way than basketball. one official told me he got finished with a match early and went to the png lcm game. the official apparently had to "quiet" the student section. i have never seen it before and i have seen a lot of volleyball matches. i kind of like the fact that people are coming to the games and their noise adds to the excitement.
  8. each district has certain guidelines or rules that the home team must follow. for example most districts don't allow any noise makers. most don't allow any kind of signs. also in most districts they can't stand on the floor. that one is really designed just to keep everybody in the stands....obviously! volleyball officials are the most "powerful" officials in high school sports. if in their opinion someone is being "unsportsmanlike" they can have them removed or can tell them stop what they are doing. i will look up the rules tomorrow and see how the rule book breaks it down.
  9. that's a shame things are that way. the athletes might not be at the same level they were over the last couple of years, but they are still outstanding athletes. i am sure if they had less off court stuff happening they would be more of a threat on the court.
  10. i have watched HF play over the last several years. they used to have superior athletes with this attitude that they knew they were going to win. you could never count them out. i don't think they have the same level of athletes. believe me that is not downing the current team, but where they are now is kind of foreign to them i am sure. anyway we will see how the year pans out for them. i wish them the best.
  11. what no more short talk!? oh well i guess it's back to volleyball talk. is there ra team in district that is going to push them to 5 games this year? (they might have already gone 5 games with a district opponent, but i am not aware of it. i haven't been able to keep up with them much this year.)
  12. yeah, i am going to have to agree with coacher.... wos is going to get pounded.
  13. just a question. i saw both liberty and west hardin last year....i wouldn't have thought wh would have beaten liberty. is liberty down a little bit or is west hardin just that much better?
  14. good call horns....whoever wins the district i am sure it will be one of those three. can't wait to see.
  15. i am putting my money on BC taking 1st place this year. HJ did get a new coach who is extremely good. i am interested to see what will happen there.
  16. well, i guess we should try to get coach bryant fired for giving the series away!!!!!! OH WAIT, that's right they were only one game from going to the state tournament..... when people are looking for excuses they always blame the coach. by the way coach bryant doesn't get to hear the game, or see it in the stands.... it's a lot different when you are in the middle of it. good job coach, you have done another great job with this team. good luck next year.
  17. west hardin's coach is as good as they come. there are took many parents that don't let their children grow up and handle their own problems from what i hear. by problems i don't means something serious, just things at school or with their playing time ..... so that can cause more problems on a team than anything. anyway that coach is very good. if i am not mistaken she took them to the playoffs every year she has been there.... maybe not the first year.. can't remember. didn't they go undefeated in district last year????
  18. i agree, i wouldn't expect for them to do near as well as they have been. i'm sure they will cycle back up again in a few years though.
  19. it's really hard to turn down the money he would be offered.... i wonder if he waited and played college ball one more year, gamed some weight - more muscle- and developed more if he could ask for more money next year????? just a thought. but i must be real hard to turn down several million dollars, i haven't had to deal with that internal struggle just yet.
  20. hey split... i hate to say it, but i agree with you. it's a shame the way a town, and a school system can be ran in the manner you are saying, but that is what happens from time to time. i will say the board made a good... very good, choice when they hired tarver. who knows maybe they will be able to pull another rabbit out of their hat again.
  21. yeah, that really stinks, but she was set and it was ann awesome pick. she had a little lean on her for sure though. just because someone doesn't see the pick it isn't the person setting the screen's fault.
  22. i agree with one of those statements. you can have a great coached team one year and the next year a new coach can show up and not have a successful season. case in point - after rosita wilson(sp?) left BC they had long playoff runs. Coach Little came and they went 2 or 3 rounds deep. he left and graduated 2 or 3 seniors, the next year with a different coach they didn't even make the playoffs, they didn't even look like a team that had ever been in the playoffs. even with a great system and great players, they still have to be coached.
  23. briggs runs the alternative campus for png and makes almost as much as what the head coaching job pays at bc, and at 3:30pm he goes home. i don't think he is going anywhere.
  24. i played for tarver and worked for him too. he is a great man. bridge city didn't know how good they had it while he was there. he doesn't have a real loud personality, some mistake that for not caring, or arrogance or whatever. he is a good man and honestly i know that he wasn't treated very well while he was there. i am glad he is moving on. best of luck to him and his family.
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