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Everything posted by Raider88

  1. I had to listen to it all week from the all most State Champs. Keep it up Ozen. Coach Rison needs a win this week.
  2. My brother is tellig me Ltown looks better tonight than they have ALL year!! The defense is UNREAL!!
  3. Don't worry guys I just got the scoop BORAM will be there, but this one will not. Some people have to work. ;D
  4. Central will win!! Not that I am from Missouri but the Raiders will have to SHOW-ME!! ???
  5. Congrats Vidor!! Actually I was worried after I seen the second half of the Central game but was in Denial. Good Luck to the Pirates the rest of the season. Good job Scotty Utterback #73 of the Vidor Pirates!! Plays Center and defense. Lumberton better get to work and figure out the issues or we will be sitting at home at the end of the year. This district is STACKED and next week is not going to be any easier.
  6. W-OS Newton PNG (back in the old days, pre 80's) South Park West Brook (in the 80's)
  7. Whats bad is all these Vidor groupees thinking their team is defending District champs or better yet undefeated in 2008. You just got beat by Central and continue to talk smack. You beat 2 small catholic schools with a combined record of 2-4!! Yeah you put up alot of yards but neither wins was a blow out. Don't plan on getting all those rushing yards against the Raiders d-fense. It is not going to happen!! :
  8. Yeah Vidor Pirate is a Kid himself. He'll shutup after tomorrow night.
  9. Some of you guys are rediculous!! ??? Your not even worth a response.
  10. At least we finally got some props. It only took 40yrs.. Look guys wether you like it or not a PROGRAM is being built here in L-Town!!! It is about time for us L-town fans to start getting pumped about H S Football!! Everyone else in this area has had their glory time.
  11. Well after leaving the L-Town game tonight I headed over to Vidor to catch the second half. When I got there it was 21-7 Central and Vidors Defense was looking tough. Shutting down Central. Then Vidor came back with a couple of scores and dang near tied it up. Both Vidor and Central looked good, and from what I seen I thought Vidor was the better team. Not sure how Central jumped out to the lead. Vidor looks very one demensional though. I think L-Town has a solid run defense which should be able to hold Vidor,but I will say Vidor will FIGHT till the very end. I think Lumberton will win in overtime. Lumberton by 1 over Vidor
  12. Can we get a OFFICIAL week 2 schedule thread with only moderators being allowed to post. I see where some are posting game changing dates but I would like something a little more official (would hate to show up at the stadium and there be no one there.
  13. That blows!! I was looking forward to the outcome of this game.
  14. Some of you need a different hobby and give up on High School Football!! This year is NOT 2007 nor any other previous year, so you can throw all of that out the window. LCM- Automaticall DQ'ed from the top 4. They need a NEW coach the one they have has already proved he is SCARED!! OZEN- I seen Ozen plan WB and was not impressed. So they are eliminated from the top 4. LIVINGSTON- Is a mediocre team and will be competing for one of the bottom 4 spots. Now for the final 5 teams! VIDOR- is still a young team and really have not played a quality team yet. What you have to watch out for in Vidor is their coach is a GREAT motivator and this alone could carry them into the playoffs. BEWARE of this team, they could turn some heads. Will battle for a top 4 spot NEDERLAND- Another team with a GREAT coach. They also have a seasoned QB and one of the BEST WR in the state. They are questionable on defense. Will battle for a top 4 spot. LUMBERTON- Is looking good so far other than the turnovers. This could come up to bite them. They too have a GREAT coaching staff and are doing a fine job putting the talent together to create a winning tradition. They will continue to be winners for years to come. Good offense and defense! Will compete for a finish anywhere in the top 3. PNG- Has some talent but their squeaking by Barbers Hill and Crosby have me leery about a District Championship. They should be good enough to finish top 3 though. CENTRAL - I was impressed with the way they played WB. They have a VERY good shot at winning the District Champion. Look for this team to finish in the top 2. Good luck to all teams in '08. I hope ALL the teams can keep me on the edge of my seat this season.
  15. Lumberton BIG!! 28-7 L-town and the only reason the score is not higher is because Coach Credeur has class and I do not think he would run the score up.
  16. Ozensfinest you do not have a clue?? Save yourself the embarassment and Quit posting!!
  17. Congrats Cody!! Keep up tha same work ethic and attitude you had at Lumberton and you will continue to be successful, on the field and off.
  18. Congrats Cody!! I know your parents are Very proud!! Good luck in your future career. Will Cody be playing baseball there too?
  19. Iwonsee, that was funny, YOU not break the rules!! HAHAHAH Oh wait nevermind we're not on the track here ;D
  20. Well actually Silsbee did play Lamarque in the Dome, I was there. They lost. The next week Dayton lost to Lamarque. I think both teams should have beaten Lamarque. This was the same year I think that Nederland blew a HUGE lead to Bay City. Another thing is Lumberton played Silsbee just a couple of years ago in Sailsbee and BLEW them out, the year before they played in L-Town and Lumberton won. Remember there are 10 years in a decade!!
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