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Posts posted by mat

  1. Nikespeed has most of his facts right. Except that the cop was hit at one point. It was a punch to the jaw while Langley had him by the throat.  Any of you that have ever seen a fight will forgive him if he didn't quite catch that.  Unless you are juveniles yourselves the ones that are taunting him about being liberal, uneducated, and biased need to take a step back.  He's just a kid.  He watched something that was extremely traumatic.  I challenge all of you once the truth comes out to compare his story to the statement the Sheriff's department put out.  It is natural for you to doubt his version, because it is so different from what has been reported.  But since none of you have any of the facts, it might behoove you not to belittle him in the meantime.  That is unless you will be the first to apologize to him later if his version turns out to be at the very least an honest accounting of what he saw vs. a bald faced lie.  I have no idea though if this will be the last version of the story put out.  It's not big enough for the press to continue to follow I would guess, and regardless of the details of who did what when, the kid will probably get some kind of punishment and the majority of the people on this thread will then just accept that as proof that the initial version of the events were as they happened-despite what really did.

    Good post

  2. Whether it's correct or fair, schools/education is competitive. When every bordering district has approved bond elections the result is you end up with the worst facilities in the intire area for many years to come. Not a desired label. Some call it keeping up with the Jones but reality is its keeping up with the times. The comparable condition of a district's facilities can be a determining factor in attracting quality teachers, students, business and future home development. I hope Nederland decides they can afford to pass the bond.

  3. I don't agree that we ever need a bond this large.  So inflation or not is irrelevant. 

    Rusted, I'm disappointed in you.  Agreeing with someone who clearly doesn't have a clue with what he's talking about is rather silly.  And above that, it hurts your argument.

    You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

    Yep. dawgnut is right. If someone wanted to go through it all, legal could ask SETXsports for smitty's IP address. Or any of our IP addresses for that matter if they thought we were libeling someone for instance. Just because you post anonymously, does not mean you are totally anonymous.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Aw, Smitty. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Did you not read the link? Since you poted what you did, I guess you didn't even bother to skim the article. And you are the informed one?  :D :D :D

    I was agreeing that what dawgnut said IS correct -- if someone wants to find out who you are, who I am, etc... they can. But of course you didn't read the link and just spouted off without anything to back up what you say.

    You never did get back to me on the rise of prices due to inflation several pages ago. I take then that you agree a bond will cost more for the taxpayers when the economy picks back up. And yet you still think they should wait...


    This is the hidden content, please

      :D :D :D

  4. Thanks for finally clearing up your status. You should have done it long ago.

    It seems to me your biggest opposition is the tax increase and as I and others have stated, that is a legitimate stance. JMO

    No one, as you claim, has ever said that life can not go on with out a bond. They only claim that it is needed.

  5. Come on guys/gals, you haven't figured it out yet?  Geez!  ???

    So smitty, what district do you live in?

    He won't answer


    You've challenged many on this board and their motives and credability but you refuse to answer the one single question directed at you.

    It appears that you are just having fun with this and its sad that you continue to try to break down Nederland's educational progress when you don't even have a dog in the hunt.

  6. I don't have much against the Yankees but I hate to see any team buy there way to a championship. Kinda takes the game out of it.

    How are they buying their way to a championship? They might have bought some players lately but it hasn't worked LOL. Even I know that. If they were buying championships they would only have a loss or two this season and not be 6-6 and just gotten beat 22-4.

    Can't argue with that. If they ever win another championship (lol) it won't be as impressive from a "money's no object" team. I'm not a big Marlin fan either but I am very impressed with their success so far and with a minimal payroll.

  7. MAT - A Bears fan? 

    Let me educate you, my friend, in the definition of biased and unbiased.  If you have first hand experience and no ties to the district as an employee or a member of the bond committee then this is an unbiased opinion.  This is good.  Those that I direct the term at is those that are on the committee and employees of the district.  Therefore this is a biased opinion. What side do you think they are going to fall on on this debate?    Nothing wrong with that, but, non-the-less, it should be understood.  And I don't know who is or who isn't in one or both of these biased categories.  But regurgitating the constant talking points and kool-aid, one might, just might, be able to make an educated guess.  Clear?!   ???  ???   Good!   ;D  ;D

    Good.  Then your opinion is unbiased, the way it aught to be.  But the people I'm talking about know who they are.  I'm more interested in an unbiased opinion.  We'll all debate the issue and see which side prevails.  Again, good job. 

    All I can tell you is I'm not.  Whether you believe that or not is up to you. 

    You continue to discredit those with first hand experience with a "bias" label. Your "unbiased" definition appears to be an opinion of those that may be the least knowledgeable.

    I respectfully ask; who much time and effort have you personally spent really access the need of the district?

    Agenda? Whats wrong with an agenda to improve school facilities, reduce utilities, improve technology, etc... and yes, improve athletic facilities.

    I also ask; are you a Nederland tax payer? Just wondering and on disrespect intended.

    Not clear.

    In your attempt to educate you failed to explain the other side of the coin. Biased can be someone that does not want their taxes to go up no matter what the need or benefit and tries to discredit those who may have some involved insight. (By the way, I totally understand and respect the statement that someone doesn't want or can't afford a tax increase but not at the experience of discrediting others)

    So who needs the education?

    By not answering the question about being a Nederland tax payer I will assume your not and you really just enjoy a good debate.  ;D ;D


    Also a fan of other area schools

    Also a fan of educational improvent  :)

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