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Everything posted by tvc184

  1. Some comments deserve not to have a 🤣or 😳 required…. 😎
  2. Judgmental? He was probably there for a parent-teacher conference (maybe the only time the teacher was available) and brought his kids to get their side of the issues.
  3. Dershowitz is a liberal Democrat and I listen to some of his podcasts on youtube. He doesn’t even hide his beliefs but then discusses what he believes the law says and means. It was maybe a couple of months ago when he was discussing a Second Amendment case in front of the Supreme Court or being considered by them for review. His statement was that had he been a Founding Father, he would have voted against the Second Amendment however he believed that as it was passed and intended to mean, it was clear that the amendment was meant to allow individuals to right to possess weapons and carry them. That was just an example, where he might not like the law or a particular part of the Constitution, but will state his belief that, even though he does not like it, it is what it was intended to be. I don’t think that Dershowitz would ever vote for Trump but he knows a scam when he sees it.
  4. You can vote for either, neither, another, no one, write in or whatever, with no justification required. Unlike boycotting a store, not using a product, etc., on January 6, 2025 a new president will be officially and he/she will have a D or an R next to the name. You can opt out of taking part in the process. You can’t opt out of the results.
  5. It’s called the free enterprise system.
  6. That was in case the discussion got sidetracked into the police not making a felony arrest, which in most likelihood, this was only a misdemeanor. I did not mean to sidetracked the conversation…. 😎
  7. Sfroll to the 30 second mark to see the ship impact with the bridge.
  8. How fast can tragedy happen? They are very lucky there are not more dead. I am assuming that the missing unfortunately will not be found alive. [Hidden Content]
  9. I doubt that anyone (or not very many) would disagree with that sentiment. It would be jail however and not prison…. unless it was an 8th grader.
  10. You betcha……. I start out with any of these stories (kind of like what I did when I was working) by assuming that it is false or taken out of context. If it is something that interests me, I “might” dig further.
  11. CB’s response to a common analogy: ”That’s like comparing apples and oranges” CB: Well, it’s not a good analogy. Oranges are a citrus fruit and apples or not so their texture is nothing alike. Many people like eating an apple peel, but virtually no one eats an orange peel as they’re bitter and nasty although some people might use the zest for flavoring. What is really telling is that apple seeds are dark whereas orange seeds are virtually white. Furthermore, apples can be red, green, yellow, and maybe other colors but oranges are orange, hence the name of the color.
  12. In the for what it’s worth department…. Klein makes a point of the adult assaulting a 16 year old child. In this particular situation, the 16 year old is considered an adult. Certainly a person who assaults another should have charges filed on him in the victim wishes to ask for charges. It would not be an assault on a child however and the same as an adult assaulting an adult. Carry on….
  13. Wrong!! Location doesn’t matter. Take Mid and South County for example. In the last 5 years, PA has averaged 14.5 murders per 100,000 people. The 3 Mid-County cities with almost the same population as PA (56k-pa v. 50k-mc) has 2.5 murders per 100,000 people. Adjusted for the slight population difference, it is 2.75. So cities literally across the street from PA have the same murder rate of about 3 per 100k people in MC to about 15 in PA. Oh wait…….
  14. Obviously, you are entitled to your opinion on teacher salaries. They are essentially contract/salaried workers. They ask for a fee to educate children. That fee is not dependent on hours or days. Let’s say you contract a cabinet builder to refurbish your kitchen. He gives you a price, tells you that he will be finished in 10 days and you accept it for $20,000. The contractor finishes in only 7 days. Do you pay him only $14,000 or 70% if the agreed on price because he was able to complete the job in less time?
  15. Well, we have you here to educate us! 🙄
  16. The long arm of the law…..
  17. And I never suggested otherwise. I was commenting on “everyone else”. For some jobs, a 4 day week is just what the doctor ordered.
  18. The case is not over however. This was not a final ruling but a temporary refusal to halt (injunction) Texas as the case moves forward.
  19. For what it’s worth, I worked a 4 day week for 20 years. It made a lot more sense in my job with 24 hours of hourly and mandatory coverage however as there benefits to the public and very little to no detriment or extremely little. Unlike schools, no one had to schedule their time around my job.
  20. Since they are salaried and not hourly, sure.
  21. Beaumont is on fire. I was at my (retired from) department tonight and we were hearing about it a few hours ago. As far as I knew at the time, none seemed to be connected. Certainly information can change.
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