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Posts posted by Knoddy1

  1. I'm not sure where you're coming from with the 50 years of deteriorating uniforms, but its bogus not even close to any truth so why would you even say something like that?   PNG passed their bond before the market crashed (don't believe it look it up) Port Arthur just passed theirs and While BISD got theirs voted in all of it didn't exactly benefit the kids. I imagine if Nederland had the tax base Beaumont, PNG, and Port Arthur has with their refineries it may have had a better chance of passing but in the middle of the recession it would still have been a tough sell. One last thing and I'm going to let this subject go, how can someone from Beaumont be so opinionated on how the folks in Nederland vote on our affairs when you guys voted in that star studded school board that just got erased?

  2. 'word on the street' is a phrase... A saying... I figured that everyone would know that its no particular street...

    Put it this way... A lot of rumor derives from some sort of truth... Evidently, the old heads know something since they're always shooting down a bond that would directly benifit the kids and the community.

    I understand the street thing, understand that was sarcasm from my end, and since I am an old head and already gave you a heads up on the bond we voted down a few years back, what are the others that we're always shooting down, and as far as benefitting our kids, our little town does a great job with what we have to work with.  After all a new building never taught a student. and for the rumur thing and some sort of truth, you really should raise your standards and only settle for the truth, not some sort of.

  3. It just seems to me that the real reason Titan fans want to have this game against Nederland is not necessarily to prepare and make their team better but to put Nederland and it's fans in their place. ;)

    Nederland is in our place and I think that bothers a bunch of these guys, and contrary to what you're hearing on the street Soulja (what street is that) the first bond election that was defeated a few years back because we were in the midst of a horrible recession (remember that)  we passed a smaller one last year and we're making the most of it, every dollar accounted for. As for playing TJ, Lincoln, SFA (YellowBeeagles) it won't happen this year or next cause the schedules are already made. Now if BG is right we'll all be in same district in 2016. In the meantime I know you're all a disgrunttled bunch, relax go catch a bulldog game it'd be good for you.

  4. Gov. Perry has asked the administration for drones to use on our Texas border and didn't even get an answer just got ignored. I wonder why we can use drones and other means to protect the borders of other countries but we can't use them here. How do you feel about that Big Girl?

  5. Back to the cost of imprisonment vs death penalty,  My son is a Capt at the Stiles Unit and you just would'nt believe how many cases of Aids, Cancer, etc their are in the prisons, and their treatment is paid for by (TAX PAYERS)  HOOPs you will have to show me some actual documentation showing it cost more to put someone down than to keep em locked up for 40 years.  I personally think you had a BS moment on that one.

  6. Both parties were different at that time (Kennedy) only the differences were not nearly as extreme as it is today. I was too young to vote for LBJ although he was my commander in chief while in the Navy, my first vote for President was for Richard Nixon, I did'nt really dislike Hubert Humphrey but the ideology of give away programs was taking root and that just was'nt what my daddy had taught me. I think Jimmy Carter gave the Dem's a real pansy image and I think it has pretty much stuck with them all these years. (guess you can tell I did'nt like Carter).

  7. My season kind of starts within the next couple of weeks with the release of Dave Campbells Football Magazine, then about the end of June or 1st of July I get my letter from Nederland High School showing the dates for purchasing my reserved seats. That happens in late July and about a week and a half later 2 a days. The routine is the same every year and it's great
  8. I don't think Lincoln ever thought that our country would become a wellfare state where millions of Americans and others that are not Americans would sit around waiting for someone else to feed them cloth them raise their kids and just about anything else you can think of that comes from give away programs. Todays Democrats use this as their number one tool to get guarenteed votes just so they can keep their happy butts in office. Maybe some of the democrats should think about what John Kennedy said "What not your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country." A democrat really did say that Big Girl, that's not a fabricated story from Fox.
  9. I don't always agree with every commentary on Fox but a lot are very insightful and some of the topics you hear on Fox do not even get air time on the CNN's or NBC's and the reason for that is they do not want to report anything that would reflect badly on the Obama administration.


    A lot who oppose the President do so because he is part black, because I refuse to believe that people think the things reported on fox news, Hannity etc are true. My sister, who is a teacher, had a 5th grade student tell her that he watched Fox news the night before and he didnt believe the things being said were true. You guys can call me a racist or type a race card alert. The term race card was coined by a racist who wanted to make minorities feel guilty about pointing out racism.

    I'm assuming 5th grade students are our new barometers for what is true or false on news channels? Tell me this Big Girl did you see Prsident Obama make his world tour and apollogize to every one that hates us? I did'nt have to get it from Fox, CNN or andy other network, I saw him and heard him do it for myself, and I think most folks out their form their own educated opinions from what they know rather than just what a network reports. I will say this I did vote for Obama for his second term, and every since I have been kicking myself. (what was I thinking)
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