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Posts posted by Knoddy1

  1. The dogs always have a couple of new wrinkles when the playoffs start, Monte needs to keep it mixed up though, We really need the defense to show up BIG, I think all four games are good matchups, of course I pull for my dogs first and I hope the best for the rest of 22 5A

  2. Bobby August was the worst coach that Ned ever had, and during his time at Ned Steve DeRouen did go to PN G. After August was shown the door and Neumann came in Steve came and became his OC...Both Neumann and DeRouen worked at TJ for Thompson...Neumann on the Defensive side and Steve on Offense

  3. Hey guys I work for the the federal dept of transportation, and we got cut just like the CDC did, first we got some pay freezes to minor ones, but I feel fortunate to be employed and none of my co-workers lost their jobs either. As for our mission, well we are still getting the same job done, mainly because we cut out some of the fat (best word I could think of). I read the link above from the CDC crying about their cuts, you would have thought that they were cut 95% of their budget instead of 5%.
  4. Great game from both teams, I feel very fortunate to get the victory, I think coach faircloth is a good coach, I wouldn't be so quick to start badmouthing him, getting a good coach is pretty hard I know because Ned went through a lot before Coach Neumann came here. I think once the playoffs begin I think both our teams and Central have a chance to make some noise.  I know one thing this is the best $5.00 value (ticket) you can get anywhere

  5. I think our stadium is just fine lots of history there, I like PNG's stadium too, it is really nice and I really like our winning record there. As for PNG and Ned fans....they are on equal ground as far as I am concerned....I've seen Ned fans leave early when things went south for us, and I have seen PNG do the same thing, its just in the last 20 years in head to head contests we've seen you do a little more of it.

  6. I just want to bring one aspect of House Bill 72 that has been discussed by folks like us every since the law started in 1984. The idea was to get kids who are in anything extraculicuar to make passing grades or he or she can't participate. The basic concept is good, but it is not 100% perfect.There are many instances where a student has elected to take advanced courses (Caluclus..etc) and he or she ends up failing for the six weeks...they are ineligable. So are we saying to the kid take a watered down course like how to balance you check book, at least you won't fail. I just brought this up in reference to hitman's making the kids being accountable for their actions.
  7. Injunforever the streak is great but that is secondary to having an opportunity to win district and for sure making the playoffs. I do believe you can have a district crown this year with one loss. If Sage or Barton can't play this Friday it will have absolutely nothing to do with depriving PNG from breaking our streak.  If Central takes us down they get the Glory, PNG would then get have the honor of us beginning of the new streak,

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