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Posts posted by Knoddy1

  1. Buddy you are exactly right about Larry having to deal with extra baggage (all kinds of stuff) There have been some really good (very good Players') kicked off his teams for various reasons(the long time Nederland fans know why and the who's) Early on he established his authority and hammered home the importance of discipline, keeping your grades up, strong moral values, and has surrounded himself with very good coaches, some are ex-players of his. In my opinion Larry could take his show anywhere and be successful. Broken homes do not discriminate among families. A good coach, and I think Coach Suggs is a good one can bring communities together thru football. and that kid from the broken home...sometimes he's your best student athlete.

  2. Well up until 2001 all the schools in Texas prayed before the Games, this movement started on the east coast and was contested by an Athiest, and it spread until we have a Supreme Court telling us we've been wrong for over 200 years. Proud we don't have to worry about schools influencing our religion 100 years from now it's happening now and its not the schools doing it. One last thing and I promise to shut up, It seems to me that if the Supreme Court says we can't pray in a extraculicular activity,where every student who participates is purely voluntary, and we (spectators) have to buy tickets to watch is wrong.
  3. This is a winless argument, but just want to say my little opinion. First I truly tip my hat the folks in Vidor and Lumberton and any others who have the guts to stand up to a decision handed down by the Supreme Court. Of course if a school violates these rulings then the Feds can withhold Federal Funding to that school....But what would happen if all our Moms Dads, and Kids got on the Internet and all agreed to start Praying on Friday nights.???I think the Supreme Court would have to crawfish a little cause I don't think they would shut the entire Educational System down.....I think would be a mini revolution.

  4. Bronco Pride hit it on the head, take away the dropped passes, clean up at least half the penalties and we have a good chance to win the game. The guys on defense still have to tackle better. Passes were thrown to 7 or 8 different guys....most teams don't do that.....Good thing all the arm chair QB's are just that otherwise the Dogs would really be in trouble. We've only had two games, and we played against 2 really good teams, you guys need to back off the knee jerk reacting...just let Neumann do his thing.
  5. Soulja, just one question I want you to answer...how would you feel if your football team took the field to be funny and entertaining, but did'nt put much emphasis into winning?  would you tell me our football team is in the business of being entertaining? What stands in front of your band is a competition, a challenge, just like basketball, volleyball, everything that uses a scoreboard, if you're not after the most points, why even go. And Big Ford if you're reading this I'm not Lance, but he was in the band and he also played football.(Nederland style on both counts. That would make me his Pop.

  6. On the contrary Soulja if your football team produced the same results in comparison to PN-G, Ned, Lumberton, etc you would want the coaches head (you know it) At the end of the day it is competition, you either face the challenge or you don't. And I am not discreditting the band kids, I said they could do better, why even go to UIL competition if you don't care about getting excellent results? You do think your football team should......there is NO difference, you can't just run off and compete where you think you can do better, you have to face the challenge that is facing you right now  (the UIL).  I agree with a lot of your comments Soulja, but if your Jags (football) were showing the same results in our district (UIL) would you be looking to see how well you could do in Pop Warner? Of course you would'nt, the fact is the band directors,coaches, debate team teachers, etc should not settle for anything less than being the best...and if they are not, then work harder.

  7. I think the other competition Central went to was held in Lousianna, and they did well, but the UIL is the highest standard for evaluating the quality of a marching band and if competing elsewhere where the bar is not so high is a cop out. If you are'nt doing as well as some of the other bands in this area then you need to work harder to get better.

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