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Everything posted by LIBERTY82

  1. Where did Coach Taylor go?
  3. This. That whole "your kid should go to school where you live" non-sense is for the birds. Put your child in a position to win, in and out of the classroom. The end.
  4. I gave him that name back in 2020, when he was a 7th grader in Hardin. Great kid! He will do big things for AP.
  5. Kountze bats were on fire in the first. Started hot and never looked back.
  6. Who you got? Kountze has been on a roll lately, but if Hardin wants post-season action, they have to pull off the upset. Hardin won in the first round 6-5. A Kountze win and they secure the 2nd seed. If Hardin wins, they'll have a chance with a play-in game as 2 or 3 teams will end district play tied for the 4th seed.
  7. they started 4-3 and two of those were extra inning outcomes that could have had them 2-5 so starting HOT is not a depiction of what they are. they are historically a .500 baseball team that misses out of the playoffs by a game or two, nearly every year.
  8. And as far as 3/4 seed, your guys guess is as good as mine. I have no idea how to predict this district anymore, in any sport. Orangefield is head and shoulders above the rest, but Kountze found a spark midway through district and has been on a roll. Warren? They weren't even in the discussion a few weeks ago and now they have a shot at "play-in" game Hardin still has a shot, with a win vs Ktz.
  9. I never knew of Hardin starting off "hot" and then having a melt down? Historically, this team either limps into the playoffs and more times than not, does not make post season at all. Hardin has 3 district championships in baseball, in their school history. When I go back and look, I cant find a season where they started hot and finished cold, or "out of the race".
  10. Orangefield 12-1 vs Anahuac Kountze 8-5 vs Hardin Anahuac 7-6 vs Orangefield Buna 7-6 vs Kirbyville Hardin 6-7 vs Kountze Kirbyville 6-7 vs Buna. Warren 6-7 vs East Chambers East Chambers 0-13 vs Warren 5 teams competing for the last two spots. O-field and Kountze have secured a playoff spot.
  11. Meh' - more like a Crosby version of growth.
  12. all kind of hinges on tonights contest between hardin/buna and warren/anahuac that will pretty much set up next week in my opinion.
  13. The winner of Buna/Hardin tonight pretty much sows up the 4 seed, with a possibility of 3 seed, depending on what Anahuac does with Warren tonight. There could likely be a 3 way "play-in" game as well depending on how things go the last game. Either way, the Buna/Hardin game tonight will be a huge factor in seeding.
  14. Orangefield 11-1 Kountze 8-4 Anahuac 7-5 Buna 6-6 Hardin 6-6 Kirbyville 5-7 Warren 5-7 EC 0-12 Does this look accurate?
  15. Not confirmed but from my understanding, Liberty ISD is set to hire, Kedrick Harrison, who graduated from Coldspring, in 2012. I also don't know if this hire comes with the AD tag, or HFC? Possibly somebody more in the know could confirm.
  16. Guess who's back, back again? Brady's back, in AP again. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back....... Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  17. Well, I was rather confident this was a done deal, but I have since heard that there is a short-list of 3 candidates and nobody appears to be a lock, just yet. Next board meeting is tomorrow April 16.
  18. Interesting. May have been onto something here a few weeks ago. Still like Hardin to get in as well, with Buna, AP and Kirbyville fighting for that last spot.
  19. Hardin vs Anahuac game postponed due to inclement weather.
  20. Yes, UIL is good with Kountze being trashy. Breithaupt probably said, ok JOUB but no more, tell everyone I slapped you on the wrist. As stated by my son n law " He grabbed me and pulled me down so i couldn't continue running to second base, so I pushed him off of me". You can see in the video, as he's running into him deliberately, he makes an effort to pull him down with him to the ground. The end result is this, kids were punished, hardin lost a game they shouldn't have because the JV played for them and now they find themselves having to win 3 of the next 5 games in order to ensure a playoff spot. Not saying its impossible, but all could have been prevented if Kountze would have just played the game of baseball without getting ignorant.
  21. You saw the video did you not? Where in your wildest imagination did you gather that Hardin started a fight? This is the problem with you people from Kountze; as it must be something in the water that damages brain cells. Your first baseman was holding the Hardin kid and would not let him go, so the Hardin kid pushed him off of him, then here comes your second baseman trying to jump him. But, you know, spread lies and believe what you want to believe because thats the Kountze way.
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