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Everything posted by Kountzer

  1. There are white guys around all back in them woods. Not a lot but I've seen a few. working, living, some raising bi racial babies. Nobody cares, far as I can tell.
  2. If he didn't have anything in his hands that he stole then he wasn't running, he was jogging. If he was evading the killers why jog in the middle of the street? I'd head for the bushes.
  3. They got video of other people prowling around in that construction sight. They just didn't get chased down and shot.
  4. A 25 year old black male should not jog along Williams rd. between 287 & 96 in Lumberton. Not safe. Call it southern survival 101, common sense (they're both the same).
  5. I can relate to young black males. I was one myself. Within the context of discussions about Ahmaud Arbery things have been said. How black young males are so aggressive. And the black community are a bunch of hypocrites. How we need to get the moat out of our eyes. H..there is more than enough hypoccracy to go around. When those young aggressive black males are making buckets or running touchdowns, or making tackles the anonymous sports junkies hypocrites have nothing to say. But when I take up for young black males, by posting words of warning, all of a sudden I hate white people. I get slapped with some chicken bleep stereo type so that I can be moved out of the way.
  6. true. More so for young black males IMO.
  7. I plan to visit the Sda church in Warren, Tx one of these days. Same for the church in Orange, another in Pt Acres. I seldom visit sunday worship churches black or white.
  8. I'm just being truthful. Whites are cool. Many of them anyway.
  9. Driving on the roadway pavement is common sense too. It drive off of it too many times that is no coincidence.
  10. That wasn't no sermon, just a chit chat. If you don't like it don't read it. If it happens and it is the truth then my discussing it is not wrong. Many a day and night I walked down the side of hwy 327 and had cars come off the road and pick up gravel with their. tires. I was 8 or 9 but I had sense enough to walk way wide. Southern survival 101.
  11. After all the histrionics, and all the history and revisionist history, all the YouTube videos and Friday night football games, all the race hating & race baiting is this: We're all gonna die, after that the judgment. And, there are two deaths. It is in the Bible. The first death can come anytime, any where. It could be from sickness, a car wreck or executed by some person that Satan has been preparing, and God allows to do the deed. If you die unprepared in the first death you will certainly die again in the second death. The second death is final. That's it. If you die the first death but you were spiritually prepared you only die once. There is an old saying born once die twice. That is not good. The better way is to go is live twice and die once. God is going to execute the 2nd death Himself. There is no return from the 2nd death. That is it. Also the notion that you go to hell and burn forever and ever is a lie and a doctrine of demons.
  12. Arbery was seen in yet another video, this one back in February. In this one he was yet again inside that construction sight. Southern survival 101, do not jog in white neighborhoods. Also, do not steal or trespass. They may kill you.
  13. You got all these stories. I don't believe you. I think you are insane.
  14. The owner of the construction sight said nothing was taken and no crime was committed other that misdemeanor trespassing. The police had not been called about prior problems, not at the construction sight or anywhere else. It would of added more weight to their claims of prior burglaries if they had called the police, but there was no record of them doing so. The guy should not have trespassed. He should of known better than to jog through a white neighborhood. I guess he figured since they cheered for him white he played football for the local high school team that it was alright. Wrong.
  15. If I were so inclined I could sit around and document every evil crime Whites and others commit on a regular basis. That stuff passes through the media on a daily basis. I could go back to time when I was 13 and this young black guy, a track star was walking home from a track meet holding hand with his white girl friend. White guys passed by and hit him in the head with a big cinder block. They were caught and got probation. They guy hit in the head was a vegetable for the rest of his.
  16. Aubery tried to out maneuver the two trying vigilantes trying to apprehend him by passing by on the right side of the truck, which was in the middle of the road. But the son with the shotgun blocked him. So he came back to the left and pass by that way. That does not sound aggressive to me on the part of the jogger. He is just trying to go about his way. When he was blocked on the left side he was caught in a no win situation. He had two armed white men, who are obviously hunting him down. They are trying to apprehend him. Maybe their motives are for good. Maybe they are not. Contrary to cardinal whatever says not all southern white men are good, balanced citizens. A whole lot of murder and mayhem has been perpetrated against black people in the South. Lynchings, bombings, rapes, castrations just about every heinous act you can think of. Much of it is recorded in history. A lot of it has been covered over. So he comes around on the left side he has a decision to make. Does he surrender to these armed men? Who knows what their intentions are? They are not dressed like law enforcement because they are not law enforcement. He knows he has not done anything worthy of having guns drawn on him. For all he knows he is fighting for his life. So he decides to fight. If those two clowns had not tried to take the law into their on hands vigilante style none of that would have happened.
  17. And I don't think I'm wrong about the black community as a whole believing EVERYTHING is about race. Nobody has come up with ONE SINGLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that would point towards this shooting in Georgia being race related, other than the fact that the shooter and deceased were of different races. NOTHING. Yet that's the headline and belief held everywhere. Call it what you want but if the roles were reversed and a black ex police officer and his son chased down a white jogger because he trepassed on a construction sight. Then tried to stop him twice. Got ahead of him, stopped in the middle of the street, the son jumps out with a shot gun, and they tried to execute a citizens arrest. And the guy ends up shot and killed, they would of been in jail in less than 24 hours, if they even made it to jail. They would be in a cell waiting a trial and and at least life in prison, if not the death penalty. Now if you want to say I blame everything on race go ahead. That's your cockeyed opinion and you are entitled to it.
  18. He didn't commit any crimes worthy of being murdered.
  19. They tried to stop him 2 or 3 times before that. You keep forgetting that. If some psycho redneck vigilantes tried to stop me 3 times then roadblock me with a shotgun I'd fight too. Maybe they have good intentions maybe not. Many times folks have been taken out in the woods and disappeared. It has happened all over the South.
  20. He didn't steal anything from the construction. At most that was a misdemeanor, not worth the punishment of being blasted with a shotgun and a .357.
  21. A doctor released me from quarantine, in the sense that I am not positive and even wrote me a back to work letter. Thank you father God.
  22. I am tired of being quarantined. it could be worse so I try not to complain. It could be worse.
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