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Everything posted by BigEnosBurdette

  1. Simple answer is we're talking about amateur sports, not the NCAA, NFL, MLB or any other billion-dollar sports corporation. Talking about high school sports where most playing days are over in 4 years.
  2. EVERY school in Texas that has not won a championship in 7 years should fire their coach and if they don't win in 7 more years... fire that coach too? Right??
  3. 7 years..... Does that apply any and all schools?
  4. I see people talking about it on facebook but I have not tried listening. I'm sure someone give updates.
  5. I think Vidor has a facebook radio station that broadcast games
  6. I doubt you know how to use the world wide web well enough, so I took the liberty of downloading you an application. Would like for me to email the app or print it out? I can also get you a new box of crayons to write with NOT EAT!
  7. You knew crosby faithful would be on here after Aledo's loss. Guess bench press season is over, time to post again 😂
  8. In the books as 29-12 🤷‍♂️
  9. Before offering my 2 cent idea/solution, I want to see how the rest of Vidors season unfolds. I want to see if the emotion is there (on the field and sideline), do the players seem engaged for 4 qtrs., are plays called differently, is defense rallying when put in a tough predicament, can the offense keep turnovers, penalties to a minimum, can in-game adjustments be made by the coaching staff, etc.
  10. Love reading the post that point out problems, but have zero solutions. Well one solution, getting a new coach cause that will solve everything 🤦🏼‍♂️ New coach…. Straight to Jerry’s world.
  11. Good time for you to back to school and get that teaching certificate. I’m sure Mathew’s would welcome your expertise.
  12. If Jason Street would not have gotten hurt, he probably would still be coaching.
  13. LOL... took a drink of water at the wrong time... spit water everywhere
  14. Seemed like the squirrels were always running around looking for nuts instead of the endzone.
  15. Dunebuggys had a few good years then the wheels fell off 😆
  16. IF he coached at WO-S then he should have NO problem answering the question that has been asked a few times.
  17. People are laughing at you, not with you. Still waiting on your coaching record?!?
  18. This should be a fun thread, bleacher coaches are out early 😁
  19. Hitting the gym after work... coming for 14.2 title!
  20. '22 does not look like '21... why?... beats me. My answer is ONLY speculation... different personnel, not wanting to show your entire hand in nondistrict. BUT if I was a betting man, I'd put my money on this years personnel has a different skill set than last years so plays/play calling will look different.
  21. Heat, conserve energy, non district game with zero implications on district standings.
  22. You the saw the temp on the field, a couple kids throwing up.... doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the heat effected Vidor.
  23. Say it LOUDER for the wanna be, never will be coaches in the back!
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